Replies by writergirl04

Replies 31 - 40

I'm in the same boat, although I have only been charting for 3 months so I'm not really sure what my "normal" is! The first month I charted (April) I tested positive on the OPK on day 14, Cycle 2 was day 21 and then this month, according to the OPK, it was most likely around Day 13 (yesterday), but my temps don't support any sign of ovulation. I'm confused.

11 years ago
Reply to Is it normal to ovulate a week earlier than usual?


Thanks AshleyLauren! I took another OPK test today and there was nothing, so IF it is accurate and I am ovulating, I guess it would have happened yesterday?! I can tell nothing from my temps. I added my chart to my page so you should be able to see it now. I'm just very fearful I am not ovulating..and I know if that is the case there are things that can be done, I just hate to keep wasting time and not knowing for sure. I've been checking my CM and I feel like I never get the "clear", like yesterday it was stretchy but still white! (TMI?!) :)

Wishing you lots of luck and that this cycle will be your cycle!!

11 years ago
Reply to First time TTC; going crazy!



Hi Ladies - Decided to jump in the conversation. We were married in September and have been TTC since April. According to the Clearblue Easy Digital test I was peak starting yesterday morning (does anyone else use these?) so we did the BD last night and plan on it tonight as well. I'm feeling frustrated. I know we are early in the TTC journey, but if I hear one more person tell me they are pregnant and "GASP" AFTER THE FIRST TRY!! I'm going to scream or cry. :) Are you ladies charting your temps? Although I have not been 100% at it, I have been doing it for the last 3 months and feel like I get no clear shift which makes me worried I am not ovulating! My doc said if we weren't pregnant by August that we can start running to tests to make sure everything is working, as it should be. :) I'm 32 and my husband is 38 so we are both very ready to start our family. I'm also frustrated because according to the digital tests my "peak" days have been very different in my cycles. The first month it was like day 13 and the second month it wasn't until Day 21 and 22 and then this month it was back to day 12. But my periods have been regular. My thought is if my O day varies, shouldn't AF? Anyone have thoughts on this. And all those people who are like "don't worry about it, just let it happen" are clearly the ones who didn't have to even worry about charting or ovulation kits. Right?! Anyway - nice to see some ladies going through a similar experience. Look forward to going through this journey together!!

11 years ago
Reply to First time TTC; going crazy!


Stopped spotting late yesterday afternoon....and then AF came today. :( way to heavy to be IB. I've never been more confused though, because I only O'd 11 days ago. I don't get it. Wonder if the O test is inaccurate. Grrr. Thankfully I'm having a girls' night tonight, with friends from HS. I will be partaking in some adult beverages. I'm sad.

11 years ago
Reply to TWW starts, now..


You are not alone Morgz_mum! I caved as soon as I walked in the door from work. It was a BFN...which I pretty much expected, since I'm only 10 dpo. Still having the spotting when I wipe, but that's it. No cramps or anything...still hoping it is IB.

11 years ago
Reply to TWW starts, now..


Well, that's what I wondered, but I am very regular, so how could that be if I'm ovulating at different times every month? Then again, since we've only been using the ovulation tests for 2 months, maybe one of the month's timing was a fluke.
After I stopped my bc I didn't have AF for 2 months, but since starting again (March) it has been on track...last month if was a few days later than usual. The biggest thing that makes me wonder is because I had no "period" symptoms and I usually have heavy cramps for a couple days before (especially since coming off my BC).

I have not tested...I might break down and do it tonight if I'm still "spotting". Thank you! :)

p.s I did have a dream last night that I had taken two tests and checked hours later and they were both positive. Hmmmm.

11 years ago
Reply to TWW starts, now..


I am 10 DPO today. Yesterday I noticed a little blood. I figured I was starting my period, since it is due any day. For the last 24 hours it has just been a little when I wipe and no cramps, which I usually have 1-2 days before I start, so I guess there is hope that it is implantation bleeding, but we'll see. I'm confused because according to my Digital Ovulation Test, I ovulated a full week later than I did last month. Not sure if that is normal, but doesn't leave a lot of time between ovulating and starting my period. Feeling frustrated about the differing times for ovulation...and if I am really even ovulating. Grrr.

11 years ago
Reply to TWW starts, now..


Yes! Patience is a virtue...just not one of mine. :) On our second month of trying - I should be ovulating anytime...I am on cycle day 22 so I thought I had missed my window this month, but Ovulation test showed high fertility on Sunday and peak on Monday and Tuesday. We had plans to do the BD last night and I was cleaning up the house...came upstairs and my husband was already in bed and said "where have you been, this baby isn't going to make itself" I do appreciate his enthusiasm. HA.Good luck all!

11 years ago
Reply to TWW starts, now..


Thought I would just say hi since I seem to have a bit in common with a few in this post. Married in September, stopped my BC in December...didn't have AF until March, but have been regular since. Started trying in April...currently in the midst of our May "trying" :) I am 32 and my husband is 38...not looking forward to the 2WW. I know patience is a virtue...just not one of mine.

11 years ago
Reply to Just introducing myself! :)
