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please help!

Hello ladies :)
I was wondering if you all could prob put my mind to ease or keep me busy with your stories. I have a couple of questions...

So my AF came May 6 til the 11.
I did the "deed" 11,13,14,15 and 16.

According to my tracker I was suppose to ovulate on Friday the 16. I really couldn't check my CM due to having unprotected sex and yeah it being kinda a mess (so sorry tmi!).

On Friday I noticed really faint cramps on my left side. I bought a OPK test (not 100% sure if I ovulated Friday) and took it Saturday and it's been negative ever since. Since Saturday my CM is creamy and white. I also started to temp today and it came out to be 97.9, and since I just started I really don't have much to compare to.

My symptoms are only cramps on the left side that I still have til today, creamy CM, and my breast are getting bigger. My AF is suppose to come around the 29th. I've been having trouble sleeping but I'm so tired during the day (possibly because of my lack of sleep) I haven't had much of an appetite either.

Have any of you had CM like this after you ovulated or became pregnant (if you have kids already) ... Is my temp low even if I did ovulate? I'm sorry for the all the questions ... I had a surprise pregnancy that's ended up as a mc three years ago and wasn't ttc so I've never done any of this. Any stories or feedback would be very appreciated! Sorry for the long post!

6 Replies • 10 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Replies

I usually get lotiony cm after O... it may change to ewcm some throughout my luteal phase.... Unfortunately pms and pregnancy symptoms and you may have to wait closer to af to test...


10 years ago

its just weird I've never had these cramps on my left side??? is that normal?

10 years ago • Post starter

Sorry was gonna say preggo symptoms and pms are nearly the same... but if you have a short cycle, then it is very possible you Od that Friday.... if nothing this time, youll just have to start testing with opks about cd 7 or 8... if u started the 6th and af due the 29th that is only a 24 day cycle so I would assume you would ovulate early...


10 years ago

yeah i have a pretty short cycle. this is so frustrating!! THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY.

10 years ago • Post starter

Since I started ttc every cycle has been different i have had what i thoughtwere pregnancy syptoms every month lol.... it may be a pregnancy symptom for you or it may just be a new pms symptom you've never had! But I dunno, this whole ttc thing drives me crazee sometimes! Lol


10 years ago

YES!!! I'm going absolutely nuts! :( lol

10 years ago • Post starter

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