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Any ladies try chinese herbs to get pregnant?!

i have been TTC for just under a year. We have tried everything. I was on Clomid for 4 months, ovulated and had great hormone levels, just never got pregnant.
I am thinking of trying the more natural route of herbs and yoga. Just wondering if any of you have tried it and had any success?!

5 Replies • 10 years ago



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Just an updateâ?¦ My second month on the chinese herbs I conceived and am now 4 1/2 weeks pregnant.

If you are struggling and nothing seems to work, think about the TCM route :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Wow! Congratulations!! Which herbs did you use, or do you think it was the yoga? We have been trying for over two and a half years to conceive our third child. No problems prior. DH has great sperm levels and I ovulate regularly. We tried Clomid for three months and I definitely ovulated, but again, no BFP. I am at the end of this road, but as we approach summer, I would like to try something natural as a last ditch effort. I'd love to hear what you used. Thanks and Congratulations!!

10 years ago

I honestly think it was the herbs, i actually didn't do yoga, but i did do acupuncture which i also believe really helped. I do not know exact herbs I was on because you have to go sit and meet with the acupuncturist/herbalist and they will speak with you and decide based on your own personal needs what herbs are best for you and then they can make a blend. Well worth it in my opinion!! I was also nervous about miscarriage just because of it taking so long to get pregnant and my sister just had one, so she gave me an herb to help with that too. I am now 6 1/2 weeks and everything is going wonderfully (minus horrible morning sickness! which actually she also said acupuncture can help with).
Hope that helps :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Thanks so much for replying! Very helpful information. Congratulations again and wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!!

10 years ago

Thank you for that update, I started acupuncture during my TWW in April and Chinese Herbs as well. I am currently in my TWW again, but my temp dropped this morning, sore breasts that I always get with AF but this time they seem to itch alot and AF should be here either today or Friday (Im not really sure but I know by Friday for sure). I am praying that it stays away and acupuncture and herbs work for me too! Congratulations!

10 years ago

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