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Pelvic pain-Endometriosis cancer?

Hi everybody hope you all are doing good out there?Sadly i got bad news for my self after trying for so long or my second baby i got diagnosed with Endometrioses and others here is what my doc diagnosed me with "patient request we have seen the above patient in our clinic for chronic and progressive pelvic pain.Her pain began several years ago following a cesarean section in germany
we suspect pelvic endometriosis chronic pelvic inflammatory diases,possible neoplasm
we advise referral to a tertiary care medical center for evaulation and surgery"

Now my questin is any of you have ben diagnoes with this kind of stuff?Im so scared that i might have to let go of my overiens and my uterus i cry i think everyday,he hasnt done any Ultrasound yet he just diagnoed me with this since i walked in to his office and told him about the bad pain im having when im on my period and when i have sex with my hubby i know he has to do ultrasound before he can diagnose me with something i also live on a Island called Guam he said i have to go to the Phillipines and get my surgery done over there since they are professionel and doing a great job,but now im so scared when i go there and the doc lets me know "look maam theres nothing we can do then take out everything" my dreams and world will go down on me :( is there any treatment i can get done for this i mean there got to be something to fix this back untill i have an other baby any of you have this problem please let me know. thank you and god bless

0 Replies • 10 years ago



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