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First ovulation after baby

Hey ladies! I had a baby boy July 2013 and just had my first cycle post partum. I usually ovulate cd 12-14. Today is cd 20 and im getting a pos opk. I am just curious about returning to a normal cycle. When was your first ovulation after baby?

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15 Replies • 10 years ago



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I had my baby boy in March and my cycle returned right away even though i was pump breastfeeding and we were trying the whole time then to find out in October I missed my period and wasn't ovulating but I stopped breastfeeding and got a smiley face for ovulation Nov. 19th but the lines were light so i think my body was just trying to ovulate but didn't and then I had 5 smileys on Nov. 26th and 27th with all very dark lines underneath. So for me it took 8 months to start ovulating again but I was pump breastfeeding up to 7 months. Now i'm on 8dpo and in this Forever 2WW.


10 years ago

Trupp- thank you so much for your reply. .I finally got a pos opk on cd 20. I used to get a positive on cd 12-15. I am still breastfeeding also and im 44 so I realize time is not on my side. I feel like God has one more baby girl for us so im going to keep charting and doing opks. My baby boy loves nursing and im not ready to give it up yet. Praying for you

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10 years ago • Post starter

Of course! Thank you and you also ... I would say your body will start to go back to normal a year from birth while your breastfeeding though everyone is different I double pumped and bottle breastfed him the whole time so my body reacted a lil differently I guess cause I wasn't expressing it like my son would have I was actually doing it way more and had bags n bags of frozen so I could stop a lil earlier ... Hope we actually ovulated figures crossed!!

10 years ago

Hey Trupp- any news? As for me my cycle started and so far is normal. I'm on cd 10 so let's see how it goes.[baby_dust]

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hello! I also started my cycle which i was suprisingly happy about because I know my body is getting itself back to normal so soon i'll be pregnant hopefully! I can deffinitly tell I'm getting back to normal because this period is the first "real" period after having the baby ...i had them before for about 6 months after but they were very light/brown but now it's heavy and clotty i know tmi sorry I'm on cd 4 so I should be fertile around Christmas woohoo :) should be fertile pretty soon ...are you doing regular opks or do you use the blue digital smiley like me? I would say to start using them today so you don't miss your OV day! Keep me updated!!!

10 years ago

Hey Trupp-pos opk 14 and I'm using Internet cheapness....definitely ovulated earlier this cycle than last....taking prenatals but that's it this far we have been bd-ing the last 3 days and 3days last week....I haven't said anything to DH about this cycle and he hasn't asked so no pressure.....just enjoying life and testing in for u and anyone reading this post I'm not talking about ttc....let me know how your doing. Merry Christmas![cheer] [baby_dust] [bd]

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10 years ago • Post starter

GREAT!! ... i hope it's time!... I haven't started using my opks yet I'm prolly going to start today around lunch time... I hope your actually ovulating and not just a dud. The only thing I know is that specially when breastfeeding your body will try to ovuate and you will get that surge but you won't actually ovulate ugh is so confusing lol... I'm deff just relaxing with this one and if it happens it happens but all i'm doing is using the opks and thats it i'm not going to get all excited and count down my days and start using Pregnancy test soon after i'm just going to wait it out for awhile so i don't get my hopes up again... Good luck to both of us !!!! :)

10 years ago

I will start my obsessive hpt testing in a few days....I have gotten a pos as early as 8 dpo in the past....blessings to you[baby_dust] [h5] [heart]

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10 years ago • Post starter

Oh good luck !!!!!!!! I hope u get the BFP !!! I'm still waiting for my smiley face on my ovulation test : (

10 years ago

I got my smiley face two days ago !!! .... Have u started taking pregnancy tests yet !?

10 years ago

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