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Needing some positivity

In short:

* 13th month of TTC #2 (daughter of 3)
* DH has low sex drive and only wants to try till his 45th birthday, which will be in march 2013
* overweight (but ovulatory cycles each time)
* 2 chemical pregnancies
* turning 41 in 3 weeks

I'm 11/12 DPO today. This morning my temp dropped and I'n experiencing AF cramps since yesterday evening. So I know I'm out. I'm just waiting to for AF to arrive in a couple of days.

Going to make an appointment with a fertility clinic. i now they won't give me medication or treatment, because of my weight, but I'm hoping the'll perform the basic bloodtests, to see if my hormones are in check.

Fot the first time I feel s�³ down, so sad. I really fear we'll never receive a sibbling for our little girl.

I just really need some positivity from women who are in the same boat as me. So I can build up the courage to attack these last 6 months I have left to TTC.

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1 Reply • 11 years ago



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1 - 1 of 1 Replies

i'm not in the same boat but my i ask some questions or at least give u food for thought if u dont want to answer them (which is fine!)

when u say overweight, are you talking obese or just a bit over the recommended weight for your height? the reason i ask this is because weight can affect your hormones, so blood test might not be accurate to show if you have a fertility issue or just losing weight would help (i say just! like its that easy right!!) but have u tried to get basic blood tests from your normal doctor? might be cheaper than going to a clinic?

has your DH had a sperm test? just because u have conceived once doesnt mean there might not be an issue now or you just got lucky that one time! could be linked to hs low sex drive? maybe, i dont really know, just thinking... maybe dietary changes to improve his sex drive might improve his sperm too... there are male fertility things you can do if he is willing to try.

if 6 months is your time frame, maybe take 2 months off right away and address lifestyle issues, diet etc. that can help you lose weight (assuming you dont have a medical condition that is contributing) and improve fertility for both u and DH through eating choices et. there is load of information on the internet to assist with that, but could b as simple as fertility vitamins for both of you and a healthy diet. (I dont want to assume you dont already have a healthy diet but i kow for me, my weight gain is too much food not enough exercise!)

in those two months you dont have to prevent, but maybe just stop trying so hard and enjoy being with him etc (NOTE, i am not suggesting to relax and it will happen!!! i like to kill anyuone who says that!!!). who knows, a better diet rich in zinc foods might help both the sex drive and fertilities and on the 3rd month in your timeframe, hop aboard on the right dates and you might be in with a good chance!!

but the most important thing is not to give up! I believe positivity can go a long way and negativity just brings you down so what is the point.

spend lots of time with your daughter like a "friendly" reminder to your uterus of what it is capable of!!

spend lots of time with the DH so he doesnt feel like a sperm bank and only good for one thing (my DH recently admitted he felt like that at times. i reminded him that at the same time i felt like a broken oven so we are in it together!!)

and remember to be good to yourself! if it hasnt worked one month, allow yourself to grieve, to be sad, to be angry, but then build yourself back up rady for the next charge! Look back on the prevous cycle and think "what can I improve, what can I change fo rthe better, what can I add into my routine" and do little things to remind yourself that no matter what, you are a good person (personally i remind myself of that by buying handbags! I have quite a collection now!!)

good luck to you xx

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

11 years ago

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