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Pineapple core smoothie for implantation

For those of you eating pineapple core to help with implantation, here is a recipe I just stumbled upon. As you probably know the important part of the pineapple to eat is the core for the bromelian---I have no problem with this but I know some people find it hard to eat. I thought this was a good idea, you could change up the ingredients as long as you keep the core.

I am eating watermelon right now to help with blood flow and egg quality, and the greatest concentration of the citrulline is in the white part (though there is some in the red part too). I've been eating some of the white part, but it's not easy...I think this idea could be good to eat more of the white part of the watermelon rind too! I've also been drinking reconstituted wheatgrass juice (from powder) which also is not the most fun thing to do, guess I could put that in there too, but I think with the wheatgrass it may be better just to get it down as is and get it over with, rather than ruin what could be a good tasting smoothie with it.
- Jenna, 41, DH 38 TTC since September '06 with MFI. 3 failed unmedicated IUI's with DH sperm, 1 failed IUI with injects with DH sperm, IVF #1 BFN, FET BFP but M/c week 5, IVF#2 BFP m/c week 7, IUI with injects and donor sperm: probable chemical pg. 1 failed unmedicated DS/IUI. Started BCP's 7/30 for IVF #3, ER 9/10, ET 9/15, Beta 9/24 results 9/25. BFP, Twins. Lost 1st twin at 9-10 weeks, lost second twin at 16 weeks 12/17/08. Attempted IUI #4 converted to DS/DH IUI April 09 at my request, BFP and M/c. IVF #4 June 09 BFN. DS-IUI w/injects 7/6/09, BFN. Hysteroscopic myomectomy to remove fibroid 7/29/09.Unmedicated DS-IUI 9/09, BFN. DS-IUI with injects, 10/09, BFP and M/C. DH/DS-IUI with injects and HGH, 10/6, beta 12-20.

FROM > cl-jennagreen

1 Reply • 12 years ago



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I have never ate the core, but my last cycle I ate fresh pineapple first time I have ate it in over a year I got pregnant hee hee so maybe it can be just pineapple in general :)

12 years ago

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