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12DPO the waiting is painful

Didnt feel anything till 9DPO
Bloating, dull pain and pressure
Acid, bloating, dull pain and pressure, nipples sore Some dizzy spells
Acid, bloating, pressure and heavy stomach boobs are heavier too nipples sore, nausea And Lots of dizzy spells
Lots of bloating and pressure, nipples are really sore, And nauseous it gets better with eating but its hard to eat with feeling so nauseous.
Definitely feeling very different
Ive never been pregnant before .
We quit trying over a year ago after trying for years.
Came back on after feeling this way
It feels like i have a cantaloupe on my stomach where my uterus is and its getting uncomfortable to sit.
Also my lady parts are getting swollen which is definitely odd for me too .
Any thoughts?

16 Replies • 4 years ago



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Have you tested yet?

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4 years ago

No not yet
I will be testing tomorrow morning
Thank you

4 years ago • Post starter

I’ll be looking! Things sound promising

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4 years ago

Thank you so much.
Really hoping for my first BFP but who knows ive been tricked before .

4 years ago • Post starter

Baby dust

4 years ago

this sounds promising. Can't wait to see your bfp

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4 years ago • Edited

Looks negative to me.
Feeling frustrated

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4 years ago • Post starter

That was with my second pee of the morning i had to get up and pee in the middle of the night
Dunno if that makes a difference or not
13DPO AF due today

4 years ago • Post starter

Futfreak- I feel you on the frustration! Yesterday was a rough day for me, but today I’m just eagerly awaiting my period and a new chance. TTC letdowns: The one and only time I ever “eagerly anticipate” my period

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4 years ago

Yeah i hear you.
Just feels so different this time
Ill wait longer . If nothing happens in the next couple days ill spring for a more expensive Test and try
Haha never heard anyone say eagerly awaiting there period.

Good luck girl!

4 years ago • Post starter

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