Community post


This one is for all of the supportive DHs and SOs

I just had to take time out of my worrying and ranting to honor my husband and the rest of DH/SOs on here who have been super supportive, caring, loving, and understanding (at least to the best of their ability). I know, for my husband at least, that when I see a BFN, or get depressed, or bumming over "pregnancy news" from others; I can be a handful (putting it nicely), but he steps completely outside of himself and instead of getting mad at me, he makes a way to help me feel better. Let me tell you, my hubby is no softy, and he's always had a problem with expressing himself in general, but somehow he finds a way. Even if it's a just a kiss on the head, or a hug, or even just him saying we're gonna have a family, all of that stuff lifts me up. It was sad watching him go through our losses because I had actually saw him completely broken. He did really well in hiding his pain because I was convinced. All the while, he was trying to shoulder my pain while still trying to process the pain in his own chest, it was like he never felt grief before. Seeing him come to that place where he realized he was hurting over the miscarriages and then completely falling apart was something I was just not prepared/expecting to see, and it made me hurt for him and want to get strong for him. That's where my strength began, ironically. Of course, I was still a mess, but I had to draw strength from God for both of our perseverance because I realized that he didn't have anyone to bear his so we were just 2 hurting souls. It was really bad for a minute there. Since then, he's been my ROCK and I Love him sooo much. I try to show him in so many how just how much I appreciate him but they could never amount to how I feel. I pray, selfishly, that we grow old together and get to die together like the couple in The Notebook, lol. I know it's cheesy and lame but I honestly don't care, I love my baby. I feel so emotional typing this because I know what's it's like to have an A-hole for a man, so I can appreciate having this man in my life, and he's all mine!! He is so awesome and he means the world to me. I can't wait til we have our family.
So to all of the DHs and SOs that are going through these trials with us, who've been right there in the trenches with us and still love, care, and have compassion for us, you are truly the best and it doesn't go unnoticed, even when we are going crazy over why our line is so light on our OPK after you just spent 30 minutes rubbing our feet. Or when you just swept and moped the bathroom, but we're yelling about why you moved the thermometer from arms reached. We do appreciate it though. I have seem some women online and in person who have SOs and DHs who are just not supportive at all and it really breaks my heart b/c we all know how hard TTC is in itself. So to have the support that we do have from our partners is a blessing and treasure, and I hope us as women do take that time to appreciate and let him know.

Baby Dust

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