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Could be pregnant...or not.

June 4th seems oddly far away now. I didn't think i'd be feeling cramps like AF was about to start on the 16th of June, or that i'd have brown spotting that would later that night become a light bleed.
I would've conceived on the 6th or the 7th, if I am indeed pregnant...
On the 13th and 14th of June, I don't recall having done anything noteworthy having slept through both days, while I was still on the pill! My pack ended on the night of June 14th. I did not resume a new pack after my 'mini-sleep marathon' two days in a row, which is unusual enough to call attention to! My family thought I was ill. I thought "maybe I'm pregnant".
On the 17th of June, in addition to AF type cramps having tapered off into mild cramping, I am without a doubt constipated. I also woke up with a dry mouth like i'd been walking in a desert for days and I had a metallic taste in my mouth and everything tasted horrible including the gummy bears which were the only things I could tolerate eating since I had lost my appetite and actually threw out my breakfast! I continued mildly cramping and had swift bouts of nausea that disappeared as quickly as they came. I felt slightly dizzy once or twice, but I attributed it to low blood sugar.
On the 18th of June, I realized that my nostrils were beginning to pick up every foul smell and it made my stomach churn, but not enough to empty my innards! Oddly enough no one else could smell what I did, the smell of 'syrupy' scrambled eggs! Yes, I know it sounds weird, but they smelled unbelievably sugary and it made we want to puke. The metallic taste in my mouth still reigns supreme, so does the cramping and I'm almost certain that the barely there bleeding has stopped too. I have frequent headaches now which don't last very long. I have no desire to eat. I'm of course still constipated.
On the 19th of June, I felt emotional and very weepy. I actually cried about an ex and was assailed by a flood memories of our time together.
Earlier after smelling good ol' curry with an unusual smell, nausea reared his ugly head and I demanded to be informed what was inside the pot! It turned out that garlic was added to the pot. I ate it and it didn't upset my stomach, but I was still constipated and I found that my appetite was almost non-existent.

Today, the 20th of June, I'm still having headaches, mild cramps, hungry, a fluttery feeling on the right side of my abdomen, a 'pinch' at my right ovary and now my left, a full feeling in my abdomen, itching at the side on my right breast and a tingling sort of 'biting' sensation on my right nipple (it hurts, but it's not prolonged, thank God!). I feel sleepy and this 'fluttery' feeling in is probably gas and my breasts which were getting too big for my bra and ultra-sensitive have already shrunk, but feel full and somewhat heavy and my nipples hurt.

I haven't had a slice of bread in days, my appetite is on vacation it seems. Well, these are all possibly symptoms of withdrawal from the birth control pill, Gynera, which I only started taking at the start of my cycle on the 24th of May and then bled for 2 weeks, the night before I stopped spotting is the night I probably conceived.
I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in March of this year, deliberated whether or not I wanted to be on birth control and then made a life altering decision to do so.

So, I'm not sure if I'm pregnant, and if I am, my boyfriend and I are no longer together. There is a national epidemic with the Zika virus and I've taken other medication for the cold/flu and missed one pill and pretty much fell off the wagon of taking them on time.
I don't know if I'm pregnant or not, i'd want to be happy, deliriously so, but I'm leaving everything in the hands of the Lord God. If it's His will...

Good luck, best wishes to and prayers for all of you ladies who are trying to conceive, hoping for a miracle and those of you who have already received your blessing!xoxo

0 Comments • 8 years ago



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