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FIRST HPT THIS CYCLE TONIGHT! May 2015 Cycle. May 23, 2015: 10 DPO

Whoo! I'm already 10 DPO. I'm not sure why, but fortunately this TWW has gone flying for me. I've been monitoring my symptoms, but not much expect some mild cramping throughout 7-10 DPO and practically no breakouts, which is wonderful for me since usually the last week of my cycle I get blemishes all over!

I'm going to do my first HPT tonight (I know FMU is always best but I didn't have time) and am keeping my fingers crossed. I know it's early but I've got a good feeling about this! Not mention DH made me my favorite dish (pesto sauce on spinach noodles yum!) so I'm just having a great Sunday. Hoping the HPT doesn't let me down..

Hope all of y'all are doing great!! Shout out to Emily for the tables turning in such a positive light after her doctor's appointment. Cheers to everyone this cycle!

Hey everyone, so I took one after a whooping six hour hold (believe me it was tough) and the result was neg. I thought I saw a bit of a faint line....but it's most likely just my "line-eye". A bit of a disappointment, but it's still early so in two days I'm going to test again. Here's a link:
Thank you all for your support! x

5 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Comments

Awww you're so sweet :) Thanks for the shout out! I've got my fingers crossed for you testing tonight, hope your Sunday gets even better with a nice BFP :)))

9 years ago

Thank you so much! Definitely anxious for tonight (:

9 years ago • Post starter

Eeeeep! I've got everything crossed that you get your BFP. I'm also 10 dpo today. I'm too chicken to test until I see where my temp drop and barely there spotting leads. I'll be checking for updates!!

9 years ago

Still could be early, keep us updated~ I hope you get your bfp!

9 years ago

@amudouthitt Omg our cycles match! Hope you get your BFP too!!! thanks so much (:

@karlou (((; and me to you!!!

@mogchi I'm definitely hoping so! And will dooooo (: thank you!!! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well!!! (:

9 years ago • Post starter

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