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Another Unexpected Turn

Well Thursday was the day. I've been preparing for it for quite some time but nothing could have prepared me for the way things went. To fill you in on where I was in my journey, an HSG showed that I had a blockage in my right tube a little over a year ago. They didn't know what it might be but my best guess was endometriosis because of my painful menstrual cycles and family history with it. I had my diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy Thursday. My pre-op was Tuesday and they did an ultrasound which showed some fluid around my right ovary. The doctor had a talk with me about what that could mean. He told me that I could lose a tube if it wad hydrosalpinx. I wad devastated at first because we have tried so hard to do things the right way and it just didn't seem fair. After I had some time and accepted the possibility, I was ready. The day of my procedure I prayed and I was dealing with everything wonderfully. I woke up from surgery and while still in recovery I felt a second incision and I knew what that meant. I had lost a tube. I got to my room and my mom came in and I could see in her face what she didn't want to say but what I didn't know was that losing that tube wasn't going to be the hardest thing for her to tell me about. When I finally got the nerve to ask her to tell me everything, it didn't seem real. During my surgery, the doctor removed some endometriosis, lanced a cyst and removed one of my tubes but it was for a totally different reason. Apparently, I was born with a condition called unicornate uterus. Its a defect where one half of the uterus just never developed. I only have half a uterus. Because of that my right tube was useless and could pose a serious threat if an egg somehow fertilized there, as it would become an ectopic pregnancy. Thats why I lost my tube. The doctor said that I could still get pregnant and carry a child but we would have to be very cautious and fertility treatments would be more limited because I cannot carry twins or multiples and as we all know that is a risk with most fertility treatments. This had been such a tough pill to swallow but I'm coming around. Its going to make our journey a little more difficult but the important part is its not the end of this road for us, just an unexpected turn. Please pray for us. We're most definitely going to need it.

Baby dust and prayers to everyone! User Image

6 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Comments

Praying for you. Sorry you are having to go through all of this.

9 years ago

Prayers and big hugs xxx

9 years ago

Thanks ladies! I'm still trying to process it all but I'm actually doing okay with it all. It helps that I have family here with me right now. :)

Baby dust to you ladies! I have faith that we will all get our dream come true and because of our struggles to get there, we will never take it for granted! :)

Baby dust and prayers to everyone! User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

While that has to be hard news to hear, it's good they finally discovered the condition. I'm glad that you now know and can move forward. And hopefully have success very soon!

User Image

9 years ago

Prayers! So sorry y'all have to go through this.

9 years ago

Thanks for the support ladies! I am so glad that we finally have an answer for things. It is hard but it is not at all the end of the road for us! :)

Baby dust and prayers to everyone! User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

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