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Current (and ongoing) Cycle 104 Days

I've been off for a while now. Mostly because CTP only tracks cycles up to 70 days so it was really just a constant reminder of how screwed up my body really is. So tomorrow is CD 104 for me. No bfp, no spotting, nothing at all but what could be pg or AF symptoms throughout this whole time.

I have called my doctor several times and she is unconcerned about the sudden change in my cycles over the last year. I on the other hand am terrified of the possible implications, especially when I am trying to conceive before I turn 35 and risks begin to skyrocket. I am at my wits end at this point. Plagued with all of the what if's,and just flat out dedepressed.

So tomorrow will mark the onset of my longest cycle ever times two. I will test one last time. And then... When I get that bfn I don't know. I'm lost. I will write again when something happens...hopefully my body will u pause and something will happen.

???? dust to you all and God bless you. I pray that your prayers are answered and your lives are filled with light and love.

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1 Comment • 9 years ago



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I know exactly what you are going through. My cycle was over 400 days long and I only started again because my doc prescribed progestin to induce. She wants me to continue to take it monthly but I don't see how that will help if I am ttc since it doesn't induce ovulation and can be harmful if I become pregnant. Since my insurance doesn't pay for any kind of infertility treatment or appointments I'm kind of stuck right now.

If your doctor is unconcerned even though she knows you are ttc I would seriously look into seeing another doctor. I'm sending you lots of light and support!

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9 years ago

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