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I just feel a little defeated

DB and me have had a bit of a fall out. I'm so upset, crying my eyes out like a baby in our room.
He said I probably wasn't even pregnant and this is just my period.
I'm so upset, how can that many tests be positive if it's just a period?
He said it will happen when it's supposed to happen and that I need to stop thinking about it and stop stressing. It won't happen on it own.. We tried that. It's been over a year and he refuses to be seen by a doctor or even let me be seen because he thinks it will just happen when it's supposed to.
That's what makes it worse.
I got upset and he just walks out :( he tells me I need to stop going on these forums and stuff and do it the old fashioned way, he told me to stop spending money on stuff for ttc and buying opk's..
I've tried that :( it didn't work :(
Luckily he has agreed on using preseed for one month and has said he is fine with me using opk's and fertilitea for this month because I already brought it but after that he said he wants to just go back to trying naturally :( I'm just fed up. Will it ever happen for me? I'm going to go to my doctor for me anyway, even if he doesn't want to I'm going to go and get checked. It's not fair to keep feeling like this :(

2 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Comments

Guys have a hard time understanding how personally we take this TTC thing. It's our bodies job to get pregnant and stay pregnant, so when it doesn't happen month after month, or when we get that BFP then lose the baby it does something to us mentally. And guys struggle to grasp that. You had too many positives on different tests for this to have been in your head. But he is right, stressing out isn't doing you any good and you will get pregnant when it is meant to happen. I know that doesn't help much though, and not stressing out is hard since we take getting pregnant so personally. As for the forums, would he rather you dumped all this on him every day? I think you going to see your doctor is a good idea, just to make sure there isn't something easily corrected that is making this more difficult. Oh Gabby HUGS!

9 years ago

It took aaaages for me to convince dh to have a spermiogram. He almost couldn't believe it when the results came back high abnormal morphology. He changed his tune instantly, taking the supplements, not giving me grief about my research etc. It took the gynae saying he wasn't going to do ANYTHING more for me until SA results were in. I just told dh that I've been prodded and probed more than an alien abductee, and he has to do this for me, no choice.

9 years ago

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