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10 or 11 dpo, BFN this evening, some symptoms I believe! Please read I could use some positive words
Trying for baby number 2! I O'd either the 16th or the 17th I've had lots of watery/creamy CM, gas/bloating tiredness, cold like symptoms stuffy nose, no breast tenderness, and very mild cramps on and off tested this evening and got a BFN with FRER AF is due Friday the 1st! Just getting super discouraged with my first I got my BFP AT 9dpo ????
5 Answers • 8 years ago
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Answers (sorted by informative)
I am in the very same boat! I O'd on the 17 or 18th. So I'm 10 or 11dpo. I have creamy cm, fatigue, sore nipples, frequent urination. I haven't tested yet too nervous lol AF is due Friday. With my 1st baby I tested 1st or 2nd day of missed AF & got a very quick faint +. Fingers crossed for us both lol
8 years ago
Don't fret too much about a BFN - implantation occurs from DPO 6 to DPO 9. so you might not have enough HGC in your system to show properly on the test.
It will suck but wait until the 1st, when aunt flo is supposed to show. you might be getting your self worked up for a BFP later :) :) :)
8 years ago
So I took a cheapie wal mart brand test yesterday at 12 dpo (red dye) it was a BFN for some reason about an hour later I went back and looked at it and there was a faint line! So I took it as an Evap line, I took another today, BFN at first and about an hour later again there was a line! I don't know weather to take it as an Evap or a BFP just not enough HCG yet! What do you ladies think?!
8 years ago • Post starter
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