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Emotional breakdown. Need advice.

Hey everyone,
I know many of us are in the same boat TTC, and I could use some support and or guidance. I am 33 and TTC my 1st. My career made me delay TTC. Hubby and I married last year, and I have decided to stop progressing my career and focus on TTC. Hubby and I have been together for 10 years and got pregnant twice (once 8 years ago, and once 4 years ago.) both ended in miscarriage, which at the time felt like a blessing, due to a rigorous work/travel schedule and both were accidents due to failed bc and morning after pill. Now we are married and ready, and of course can't get pregnant. I'm sure our age is making it harder, but the emotional toll has me bed ridden! Is anyone else feeling this depressed? How do you ladies deal? I just got a BFN today on our 4th month TTC, and I feel like I'm on the brink of an emotional breakdown. How are you ladies dealing with the BFNs? I think I'm going to just stop testing, it's too depressing!!

1 Answer • 7 years ago



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1 - 1 of 1 Answers

Deep breaths. I'm 38 and we tried (hard) on and off for 16 months with one miscarriage in there. I was driving myself crazy and getting depressed. I was testing like a maniac from 9dpo on. And there came a point where I just couldn't take it anymore and I stopped testing. I let myself off the hook mentally and emotionally and that next month I got a BFP - 8 months after our miscarriage. And I didn't test until the night before my period. And so many women will tell you the same thing. I honestly think the stress has a negative effect.

7 years ago

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