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Weird gassy feeling 4 weeks pregnant

Hi all i will be 4 weeks tomorrow ( day my af is due) and have a heavy gassy feeling in uterus so scared af will show.. I've had positive frer tests and ic and positive digital test saying 1-2 weeks ... So why can I not relax? I'm terrified of losing this baby as so happy to be pregnant and scared it will be taken away . Advice plz

7 Answers • 9 years ago



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1 - 7 of 7 Answers

There's nothing that you can do except take each day as it comes and each week. I have a 7yr old daughter and never thought anything of miscarrages until I've had 4 in the last 12mths and 3 D&C surgeries. Unfortunilty they are common and it's our bodies way of ex spelling a pregnacey where something is wrong. It's all in Gods hands. If I can give you hope after everything I've been through I'm now 11weeks preg.
Every pregnacey is different and some woman never experience a miscarrage.
You have to stay busy and stop thinking about it. You've got a long way to go and you'll drive yourself crazy..
Ask your doctor if you can have weekly HCG beta draws to ease your anxiety. Best of luck and relax.

9 years ago

To put your mind at rest you could get a load of cheap test and dilute water/urine 50/50 to check hcg rising, and then do 75/25 water, urine

9 years ago


You need to find a way to reduce your stress level. I know it is scary but there is really no sense in worrying too much. If the pregnancy is viable (meaning there are no huge chromosomal defects) then it will progress healthy. I recommend finding something to distract yourself so you stop obsessing.

9 years ago

Like I often say, do as I say not as I do, lol. I too had bubbly gassy feeling early in my pregnancies. I know it is hard but you will get through this. I had a healthy pregnancy followed by back to back miscarriages. My first pregnancy was a surprise so I really didn't know how I should feel so I didn't worry too much. I had awful strong cramping throughout my first trimester which I now know can be very normal and it was. My second pregnancy I had a latish faint bfp (16dpo) and felt nothing, no breast changes no morning sickness, nothing, I felt fit and healthy but I could shake an 'empty' feeling. I had an overwhelming feeling that although my hcg was doubling well that I 'couldn't feel a baby'. Sure enough I insisted on a scan at 7 weeks and the sac was empty! I was made two wait another two weeks before being booked for a d&c to be sure but it was a blighted ovum. I fell pregnant on my first attempt following and felt different again. Cont...

9 years ago

Cont... This time I felt achy, fevers and unwell. I just knew in my heart the pregnancy would end early. I started bleeding. A scan showed two gestational sacs and no evidence of miscarriage so i was told it was normal bleeding because of the extra 'implantation' but four hours later I started flooding and a scan two hours after that confirmed my uterus was empty. I found out I was having twins and lost them the same day. The very next ovulation two weeks later I fell pregnant again! In my heart I knew everything would be ok and it was, I had a robust baby girl. You obviously want this baby very much and want the best for your bub. Should the worst happen like said by stickybean 1976 earlier it is because your body recognises it is what is best for your bub. It is possible even to have three miscarriages and all is normal reproductively because its natures way and for you to then have a healthy bub. I'm nearly done rambling and I do have a point to all this lol! Cont...

9 years ago

Cont... My point is unless you feel that something is actually wrong like the gut instinct I had or there are significant signs to indicate this, hcg not doubling, bleeding, severe pain etc, try to accept that what will be will be. The outcome either a healthy progressing pregnancy or an early loss is what is best and possible for this baby. As long as you are taking care of yourself that is all that you can do and the outcome is absolutely out of your hands.

I'm so sorry for subjecting you to my over the top answer its just that I can really relate to your fear and this is my way of genuinely trying to take some pressure off you. Lol. I could have left my answer at this last bit with out boring you with my life history!

9 years ago

Tank you maggic for that answer I have tried to calm down and really need to stop testing! X thanks so much

9 years ago • Post starter

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