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What was your first fertility appointment like?

What happened? Did they start test or blood work? Do you need to bring anything? Specific Questions I should ask?

Our first appointment for infertility is coming up and I want to be prepared/informed on what will happen. I'm really nervous. Dh will also be having his semen analysis interpreted then.

8 Answers • 10 years ago



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1 - 8 of 8 Answers

I'm interested too. I've got my first appointment in mid-Sept. I preemptively asked the nurses if there were any lab tests we could get out of the way before our appointment just to speed things along (because the earliest appointment was two months out). They had hubby go in a cup (about time he had to do something involving a cup!). And set me up with a cycle day 3 blood test. His was for mobility and count and mine was for FSH and Estradiol. I have the results, but no interpretation yet, they were all in the "normal" range, but the normal range was HUGE. After some web searching it seems my Estradiol is a bit high, but I'm not really sure what that means. Estradiol = 74 pg/ml, FSH = 7.0 mIU/mL, anyone know what that means? I think hubby's was normal range too, but again normal range was huge.

10 years ago

Your first appointment is more a meet and greet than anything. With mine, we went to his office and he looked at some labs I already had done, ordered some more and then gave me a prescription and laid out a plan of action. I also got to know his medical assistant REALLY well, lol that helps too. Best of luck to you!!

10 years ago

@ TXkadams - R u a thyroid person? FSH should be between 1 and 2 to conceive. once this comes normal u will conceive. Baby dust to u!!!

10 years ago

Saayaa -- I'm not sure what you mean by fsh should be between 1 and 2. From what I have read that is TOO low of an FSH level and would cause problems. I have read anything from about a 4 - 10 is within normal range. Within that range you have a norm for your age. Like for me, mine is a 7.6. My doctor said it was "slightly elevated for my age". I am 26. From what I have found online my fsh is normal for those that are around the age of 35. Does that make sense? Also, my doctor told me your fsh doesnt ever really go down, but only up over time...

LizHaley -- I have my first fertility appointment with a specialist in November. I am a bit anxious but excited that SOMEONE may be able to help. We have only been trying for 5 months now but with my levels being slightly elevated and early menopause runs in my moms side of the family for 2 generations...could be more. So we don't want to mess around. Let us know how your appointment goes!! :)

10 years ago

Thanks so much for the answers! And thanks gracealone, my appointment is the 23rd of this month. I just got my packet in the mail today. I'm super nervous but ready to get some answers!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Lizhaley! I just had my appt yesterday! We went in to her office and talked A LOT!! We were there for 3 hours. We went over my cycles and medical history, then DH's medical history. We established a plan. Luckily today is CD 1 so I am scheduled for blood work on Monday, an Ultrasound on 9/16 CD11 and DH turned in his SA this morning. We also met with her nurse and the financial coordinator. It was very informative. If you have been charting your cycles I would bring the charts. Also bring along a medication list that has ALL over the counter and prescriptions you take. GL to you!!!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

Thanks laceyk616! That was some good info! I started to work on my packet today that they gave me and they said to expect to be with the doctor for at least an hour. I will be about 2 dpo when I go in. I'll be sure to bring in my charts and medication list. Thank you ! I hope your tests go well!

10 years ago • Post starter

We had our first appointment yesterday. We talked for about an hour, going over medical and family history and test results. Asked about my cycles, but not too much, just general averages. In our case nothing jumped out, he says it is unexplained, which has a slightly higher pregnancy success rate than explained cases. He gave us options and asked what course we wanted to try first. We have to wait until my next period is over (if it happens DPO-10 now) to do the map of my uterus and Fallopian tubes. A couple more blood tests for both of us and gave me an antibiotic for use before future uterus map test.

The basic options are (assuming uterus map is normal):
Clomid or an injection (I forgot the name), both are for getting you to ovulate.
Then we can choose to do sex with the ovulation drugs or IUI. If that doesn't work we can go to ovulation drug and IVF.
He typically recommends starting with the least amount of intervention and then ramping up if necessary, but it's up to us.

10 years ago

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