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Chances of getting pg dis month??!!!

Hi ladies,

I'm TTC for the past 10 months but nothing has happened. we visited fertility specialist last month..She conducted so many tests include blood test to detect hormone level,HSG to detect any blocks in fallopian tube but nothing has been detected except she said that my uterus s some wat small comparatively which is not a major issue..and then gave us so many fertility tablets for us .And this month she gave me 100 mg clomid each a day from CD 3-7 and did ultrasound last week..Got four follicles (first folly - 21mm and the remaining r comparitively small)..She triggered with otrivelle injection some 2 days back and we r BDing..yesterday again did ultrasound and came to know that all 4 got ruptured...We r BDing for the past 3 days starting from the day before ovulation till today.
Im just curious to know will the all 4 follicles will be fertilised??My DH's semen analysis is soo good..If all r fertilised how r the chances of them to grow in my uterus..??Pls clarify..!!

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3 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Answers

Do you know the sizes of the other ones? Usually they need to be about 16mm minimum to contain a mature egg. But they can grow quickly. On Tuesday's u/s, I had one 18 and one 15 and a bunch of smaller ones. On Thursday, both were 21 and the others too small still to mess with. So it's hard to say if the other ones contained mature eggs without knowing the size. Even then, it's not guaranteed.

Also, there's no way to know what will happen now. There's a story of a women who had 6 good follies, did IUI and none took. The next month, same thing and all 6 took. So you just never know. Do you want quadruplets?? :)

11 years ago

100mg clomid,4 follicles (22X17mm,19X16mm,17X14mm,12X15mm) on Day 9 and they triggered one day after,Timing Intercourse,started taking progesterone(300mg)..I dono how about my chances of getting pg dis month..!!Let me know if u have any ideas..

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11 years ago • Post starter

Also my endometrium is 5.7mm...What is the ideal thickness of it to be implanted??


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11 years ago • Post starter

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