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How Effective is Maca Root Powder in Boosting Fertility & Desire - and is it Just for Men?

I recently heard from a TTC FB group I am in about the wonderful herbal supplement called MACA ROOT POWDER, which I have found in GNC. I heard great news of how it helps men with ED when the pressure of delivering the goods during the fertile period of a female cycle, esp near/on her OV day, cause TOO MUCH pressure.

I have read that females can also benefit from this supplement, which can cause a boost in mood, feeling good, energy boost, and also sexual desire. I did research on the Net and read many stories like "Maca Root Got Me Pregnant" but those are hard to swallow, esp on the Internet from random strangers.

Has anyone had any success using Maca Root Powder for fertility boost in men? And also how about the female side? And what days would it be best to take the supplement? How long after OV should I continue to take it? Should I stop once I find out I am pregnant (if I am so Blessed)?

I would love 2 hear positive & negative stories about this news that so

Yes Maca Root helped get you pregnant (0 votes)
No Maca Root showed no signs of help getting you pregnant (0 votes)
Still trying - Maca Root seems to really help my spouse/lover get in the mood! (0 votes)
Still trying - Maca Root seems to benefit BOTH me and my spouse/lover! (1 votes)
I haven't tried it yet, but am open to learning more. (2 votes)

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3 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Answers

I took it for a good part of a year. I just keep forgetting to have my husband bring me home some more. He has an organic shop. It tastes terrible which is likely why I conveniently forget. I'm not so sure of the effects as I drink wheat grass daily and fresh juice made of beet leaves, beets, spinach and carrots. I also take spirulina. So it's hard to say what's doing what. At 43, I was pregnant 3x last year but lost all of them. So all that seems to work for getting pg, but hard to fix bad (expired) eggs I guess.

If you get it, you'll have to figure out a way to get it down. I would mix it with my juice but it still was tough. Not sure what's worse - Vegemite (packed full of folic acid) or Maca.

11 years ago

I took gelatinized maca root in november and December. It made me a little crazy with motions and my face broke out. January I got pregnant so I guess it worked! Just make sure you take the correct amount. I took to much,

11 years ago

I'm about to start taking 1500mg per day of Maca root in the capsule form. I've met so many women who swear by it! Hopeful for good results!!

10 years ago

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