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Breast tenderness comes and goes...

By the end of the day my breasts are killing me but after resting at night and for most of the morning they feel fine.

I have gained 1.75 inches around my bust in the last 10 days, that stays consistent.

I believe I am 10dpo, give or take a day.

has anyone else experienced this?

6 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Answers

I am also 10dpo and am freaking out for the SAME issue. My breast tenderness comes and goes. Last night it was TOTALLY gone and this morning it is back. I already feel better after knowing this is happening to someone else besides me. I am hoping this baby sticks. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!

11 years ago

Thank you! You have made me feel better too! Normally when I have tenderness with PMS it just stays consistent and doesn't get as intense as this has been so we'll see!

11 years ago • Post starter

I am going through the same thing and I was freaking out too. It comes and goes and I am confused by it. I am 11dpo and have a dr. appt tomorrow to check my urine. I took a test yesterday and just moments ago to get a BFN. I know it's still early but I feel like my body is changing. I wish you luck!!

11 years ago

Thanks! Best of luck to you too!

11 years ago • Post starter

Im a whole 3 1/2 weeks pregnant and my telltale sign was being too painful in my bbs to sleep on my tummy. Maybe that helps clarify for you? Baby dust all around.

11 years ago

Forgot to say its better after sleeping

11 years ago

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