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chances off pregnancy?

basically i feel like im going craaazy been ttc for about 4month now, id say i was fairly healthy... im not a massive drinker, on average once a month, im officially 6dpo, ive had odd back twinge nothing major, im feeling quite a bit pain in left side off breast, and slightly in other breast not as bad..i dont want to come obsessed, but two lines this month would mean the world to me, im 17, but i dont need or want lectured/patriniced.. im worried if how long ive been ttc isn't looking positive? seems so 'easy' for everyone around me to conceive.. i trall the internet.. oh, forgot to mention odd cramps also nothing major.. please someone answer my question, and good luck to everyone eles out their ttc -babydust xo

8 Answers • 11 years ago



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1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Age aside... my husband have been trying to conceive for 2 years and still going. 4 months is not a long time... it can take a while for sure. If you are concerned about fertility I would recommend going to your ob/gyn and talking to them. They can do ultrasounds to check your uterus and ovaries to make sure there are no abnormalities. It will happen when it is time.

Good Luck.

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11 years ago

I agree with what Christi said. It takes time. 4 months is really not that long. Everyone is different.

11 years ago

thankyou, i just thought for my age.. that my chances off conceiving should be very high.. and wondering what it could be thats making af arrive, without it likely for someone my age to have a 'problem' i admit im starting to get obsessive and maybe even imagining symptoms.. its torcher hoping this months the month, thanks for answering

- babydust xo

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey Kay,
Well let me start off saying every female is different. I found out I was pregnant the first time the day my menstrual cycle was due all my friends were telling me to test but I felt it would have been to soon. I ended up testing the day my cycle was suppose to come and what do you know all my symptoms were all adding up. I had cramps before my cycle which isn't normal for me so I suggest you wait to test until your cycle date. Again woman are different you could see 2 lines anywhere from 11DPO forward good luck hunn.

11 years ago

6dpo is to early to really even try to determine if you are pregnant. The egg doesn't even implant til anywhere between 6-12 dpo with the most common being 9 dpo. It can feel like symptoms already due to progestrone (sore breast/nipple) and also if you are wanting it bad enough your brain can make you feel symtoms. Believe me I have been trying for over a year now and I know how it feels. It can be hard to see what seems like everyone around you getting pregnant.

11 years ago

thanks everyone for answering, and yes! i totally agree, i know ive had imagionary symtoms off some sort in the past as af arrived.. trying to relax and take your mind off it all is so much easier said than done.. and i seem to use that fraise alot, its very true as im sure you will all understand.. when you want something so bad its all you can think about maybe my symtoms are my head playing tricks on me.. maybe their not, i do hope this month it the month for me, and you all also if ttc.. im not planning on giving up, but i am starting to lose hope and get flustrated.. and if i have a 'symtom' it flustrated me also because i start tralling the internet and read into everything! i feel like im running in cirlcles and its not going to happen:/ i mean why isn't it.. what could i be doing so wrong? i admitt im becoming rather stressed now and thats a main cause.. but i wasnt at first, and it didn't happen then m only becoming this way, as its starting to really take longer.. babydustx

11 years ago • Post starter

1. prenatal vitamins 2-3 helps to concieve and give you the vitamins you need.
2. the O and how to plan out when you should be trying. there are differant methods. every other day the week of fertility. or every 2 days. But before trying he needs to wait at least 3 days before trying of the week of fertility to higher his sperm count.
3. You should not worry or stress that lowers your chances. Its said you have to be physically, mentally and spirtially ready.
4. Your age may affect you due to if your body has irregular or regular cycle. Your younge and body is un dedecided. Im 20 and mine still is. my cylce range from 29-32 days so my o is not on same day of month.
5. you can check your cervix you can google to learn more about that.
6. opk tests help but are not the best bc if you have been on bc for any amount of time... BC DOES AFFECT FERTILITY. Its not common but id does. so it can give you a false positive on a opk.
7. Seek doctor after 2years of trying..

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11 years ago

Do not be discourage as getting pregnant is a very long journey. When ttcing it can take any where from 6 months to a year. Numerous factors playing into conceiving a child such as weight, age, health history, etc...

11 years ago

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