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Need some good advice from TTC ladies about what I should do

My last period started May 5th. I've been on the pill for 3 years, since I got married. I missed a pill in the middle of my pill pack around the 19th. I know what the odds are of me being pregnant. I started having major symptoms around what I can guess would be 5 - 8dpo that have been increasing in number since. Most common symptoms being a strange kind of heartburn, large full feeling very sensitive breasts and nipples, and ungodly tired. I had to take two 2 hour naps yesterday and was still tired around normal bedtime.

So, af was due on Wednesday, and since I am on the pill I am super regular basically down to the hour. I've taken multiple hpt's at what I guess to be 9, 11, 13, 14, and 15 dpo. (I say guess because since I am not ttc, I've never taken a temp or anything like that)

These symptoms are incredibly unusual for me and even before missed af, I was pretty sure I was pregnant. Each day af doesn't come I feel more and more sure.

Am I going crazy?

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

6 Answers • 14 years ago



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1 - 6 of 6 Answers

What did your HPT's say? We're they positive? It sounds alot like you are pregnant. Have you taken a HPT after AF was due to arrive?

14 years ago

What did your HPT say? Were they positive? It sounds alot to me like you are pregnant. Have you taken an HPT after AF was due?

14 years ago

Yes, all hpt's were bfn's

Kat  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  BabyFruit Ticker  BabyFetus Ticker

14 years ago • Post starter

Well it does sound to me like your pregnant. keep in mind that some people can get positive HPT's days before AF, while others don't get them until 2-3 weeks after missed period.

I used one of the silly O date calculators with your LMP and of course your O date was on the 19th, or right around there. So it's still a possibility. Try testing in another day or two, and keep us updated!

14 years ago

I was on the pill for about 4 years and during that time I missed 1 pill (it fell down the drain). I don't remember where in my cycle it was, but since I had been on it for so long nothing happened except my period came a day early because I missed a day of hormones. I don't remember whether or not we did anything before or after. If your period doesn't come within a day or two of when it normally does you should probably take another test and if it's still negative then maybe the missed pill messed up your cycle for this month.

14 years ago

You may want to go to your Doctor and have a blood test done.
It would give you a definitive answer and you'll know whether you can safely continue to take the pill(your hormones may just be wonky because of the missed pill) or not.
Just remember to use a back-up form of BC now because delaying the next pack due to your late AF may cause you some troubles next cycle and it may take a month or so to sort itself out

14 years ago

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