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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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901 - 910 of 1094 Replies | Last Page

KACAAF: I really hope that it is not AF coming and you get you BFP!

ako: I've been thinking I may start temping as well. The only thing is that I already feel obsessive about TTC and that would be one more thing for me to obsess over. I think I may try to read into it and see how hard it is.

Pisces: I had a stabbing pain on 8dpo. I was just walking through the living room and it felt like I just walk right into a knife to the uterus. It bent me over a little bit because it was so unexpected. The next day at 9 dpo my back was hurting so bad I couldn't even pick up my 30lb niece.. It gradually went away. I also experience that stabbing pain last moth and still got a BFN so I'm trying not to think too much about it.

mriphenburg: I am kinda going through the same thing this month. My past 2 cycles have been 26 and 28 days so it's kinda confusing on knowing what to go by.

AFM: 12dpo and AF is supposed to come today, according to last month cycles. However the month before was a 28 day cycle. I woke up this morning cramping and with a little lower back pain. I plan on testing Saturday morning, that is if AF doesn't come today. My bb's feel really heavy, but then again they always do the week of AF. FX for all of us!

9 years ago

I'm feeling slightly more optimistic this cycle. If AF is going to show, she should be here either tomorrow or Sunday, but so far I haven't gotten any of the cramps that I usually get two days before she arrives.

I have had weird twinges/pulling sensation on the left side of my abdomen, though, so that's different. Can't wait to take my temp tomorrow to see if it stays up! If it stays up throughout the weekend, I'm probably going to test on Monday or Tuesday :)

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

I hope your temps stay up Jayne!

9 years ago

Maggie: me too!!!! I temped one month and ggot frustrated.

KAC and Jayne: I really hope you get your BFP!!!

Afm: Bfn today but with everyone's advice I think I may be off on my days...only by one day but with Bumpins story one day makes a huge difference!! Hiping for positives for everyone testing!!!

9 years ago

Hi ladies tapping from my phone. So I can't write much on everyone else but I do want to say welcome back Ababy2love

AFM: Well, this morning DH and I had a spur of the moment BD. I miss those. DH called it a follow already knew it wasn't. So I didn't bother to lay down for 30 minutes. I originally told DH that I was pretty dry...but he said I wasn't. He said there was a creamy looking cm. So maybe it's there because of the BD'ing? It definitely looked like a yellowish khaki creamy color when I wiped. I never had anything like that before. It was kinda gross

I have also been feeling nauseous and last night I had a bad case of diarrhea. Sorry TMI. I also have been getting up the last few nights to pee, I never have to do that. And been gassy.

Well, hopefully these are all good signs.


User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

LoLo... I let my DH think all the time is my "Fertile Time" I want him to want to BD... regardless of the time. I think if I get AF I will just tell him we have to have sex at least every other day for the entire month after AF clears... Then we don't have to worry about the logistics of it and we catch every opportunity. ;)

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9 years ago

Morning ladies!! I am so eager as it is close to test time for some of you and I just can't wait to know! :)

Ababy2love: YAY!!!! I am so glad that you are back. :)

I got really behind on my reading so, instead of making a huge post I just want to wish everyone good luck and of course !! I will be MIA this weekend spending time with Family, but I may pop in just to see if there are any new !

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

So i did and broke down again and tested at lunch. I may be seeing things but i thought i saw the faintest line. Now i am so nervous and excited. Want to go buy six more and try them out. I will try to post a pic

User Image

9 years ago

Oh my goodness mriphrnburg get a pic up!! FX it's a line!

9 years ago


9 years ago

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