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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thank you! Glad I found this site! The doc that did my reversal said to let him know after 6mths if I havent conceived. Im hoping that wont have to happen! Im not sure if I ovulated last month. I usually get the pains from it around cd 13-15. So today I bought more ovulation tests. Im def going to be more calm about it. I cant keep stressing.

Thats a lot of supplements. Im only taking prenatals and will be calling to make an appt for acupuncture :-)

Has anyone here had a tubal reversal?

10 years ago

Hi everyone! I've been holding out coming over here since DH and I were taking a break from TTC in Nov.-early Dec. I actually don't have a clue when AF is going to show. I took a hpt today and got a BFN, which was pretty much expected. I didn't temp last cycle and FF has dates based on my last period. I have a prescription for prometrium (progesterone) that I'm going to start tonight. If AF doesn't show before I'm done with my prescription, I may be headed over to the October board before everyone else. If AF does show, my EDD would be 9/27. I'm temped to chart again this cycle, but I'm afraid to get crazy again. I'm sure I've said it more than once, but if I do decide to chart, I'm going to only temp from the last day of AF to O.

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10 years ago

Hey ladies,
where is everyone? The forum seems has been a little quiet for the past couple of days.

Welcome to the new ladies and good luck on your TTC journey [good_luck]

Blushing: its good to see you are sticking around for a little. I feel like this forum isnt the same without you.

gds3angls: those are promising symptoms [bounce]

Kotikd: your procedure is tmrw. how do you feel?

Kizzy: (hugs) thinking and praying for you. Take all the time you need to feel healthy again. When you are ready to start again we ll here. [hug]

achrichton: how are you doing lady?

while: Happy BD marathon! Go catch that egg [good_luck]

To everyone i forgot [sticky_vibes] [baby_dust]

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10 years ago

Wishing everyone a great month! Where are you all in your cycles? I'm waiting to O in a few days.

It's freezing outside here so it's a perfect time to stay inside in the warmth and get into the mood to catch that egg!

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10 years ago

Hi! Im cycle day 6. Af ended yesterday.

Luck to all of us ttc this month!!

10 years ago

I'm CD3 today. Just waiting for AF to stop.

GL and baby dust!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

9dpo and no symptoms other than flatulence, increased appetite, and acne. Had a few pulling/pinching pains on my right side last night.

Not really worried about BFP right now. Got some devastating news last night. My oldest son (age 15) just recently got to know his biological dad and half sister and half brother. We received the news that my oldest son's half sister was diagnosed with leukemia yesterday and was rushed to St. Jude's in Memphis during the night. She is only 10 years old. Please say a prayer for Helen and her family. My son traveled to Memphis to be with them during this difficult time.

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

So sorry to hear that. I will add her to my prayers.

10 years ago

Hello ladies!

*gds3angls* I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending lots of prayers to Memphis.

*Acrichton* So excited to hear about your next appointment. I'm sending well wishes your way.

*While* I hope you catch your eggy this month and it's a sticky bean. Then you won't need any testing done :-) Congrats on your Masters dear!

*Pbc* So happy to hear your HSG went well. Good luck!

*Kot* Thinking of you dear. Hope all is well.

*Cristi* Haven't heard from you lately. Hope everything is well hun.

Sorry if I missed any one. I'm at work and trying to catch up while it's quiet.

AFM: CD11. I got a call from my doctor's results on my 3 month follow-up pap to see if my cervical cancer is gone. She said hopefully the results will be in tomorrow. She did have my results from my bloodwork though....Everything is normal but my progesterone. She said it is low. So she talked to my doc and he wants me to start an all natural progesterone cream from CD 12 to CD28. She said that if this doesn't help me get pregnant in the next 3 cycles then I'll come in for more testing. Yay! Making progress finally! After almost 2 years's about time :-)

I was wondering if anyone is using progesterone cream or has in the past and what is the best natural cream to use?


10 years ago

Carebear: Yeah I know it is a lot of supplements, but I wanted to help my body any way I could.
I also make sure that the supplements I am taking are from natural sources (especially that follate is in fact follate and not folic acid).
Of course I came to this set of supplements with the help of herbalists and a naturopathic doctor.
Sorry IDK anything about tubal reversal, I would assume it would the body a while to get back to normal.

Blushing: Hi, miss you here. I am in the same boat with you, have no idea what is going on this cycle.
I was wondering, how will you know for sure that you ovulated if you don't temp in the luteal phase? Sometimes it can look like we ovulate but at the last moment ovulation is delayed and then you might ovulate a week later, one of the ways to confirm is to temp after ovulation and confirm consistent higher temps.

NYchick: Lol, I was also wondering where everyone was, maybe like me they woke up exhusted this morning :)
Yeah the colposcopy is tomorrow, I am nervous, couldn't sleep well, still spotting, I just pray period will not start until after the procedure, it sounds horrible enough without the bleeding.
How are you?

gds: This is horrible news, I will pray for Helen!

fiverson: Praying your results tomorrow are all good. IDK anything about progesterone cream, but interested too. My doctor did not agree to send me for progesterone testing, I will have to wait until the May 2014 fertility specialist appointment to get that tested, which kind of pisses me off, maybe I will try again if I get the green light to continue TTC.
I have spotted for like a week before AF in the last 3 months, I think there is something off with my progesterone :(
Tons of luck to you, and please share if you find a good natural cream.

AFM: waiting for AF, colposcopy is tomorrow, I am nervous, couldn't sleep well, still spotting, I just pray period will not start until after the procedure, it sounds horrible enough without the bleeding.
Other than that, hope to know what is happening tomorrow, really praying for a green light to continue TTC.
Baby dust to all!
How is everyone here, seems really quiet here.

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10 years ago

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