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You might be a TTC lady IF ....

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So, I thought we could all use a little laugh at ourselves right about now.

This post is going to run a-la-the Jeff Foxworthy Redneck jokes, "You might be a redneck if ..." but instead, this is where we can come to find out "You might be a TTC lady IF ...."

Feel free to add your own "if's" afterward and lets have some fun!! :)

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

You can form a sentence that makes no sense to any of your friends and family, i.e. "Hoping AF doesn't come since we BD'ed when the OPK was positive and I am now at 12 DPO."

You might be a TTC lady IF ........

to you, the phrase "sticky bean" has absolutely nothing to do with cooking.

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271 Replies • 13 years ago



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you often calculate how much money you could have saved on birth control pills over the years. : /

13 years ago

If the beep, beep, beep of your BBT thermometer gives you a rush because you are hoping for a pre-O dip, implantation dip, post-O spike, or triphasic spike!

If you feel your boobs throughout the day to see if they are tender.

If you can't wait to go home after work to take your top off and look at your boobs in the mirror to see if your veins look more pronounced.

and one of my all time favorites:

If you have a hidden "pee cup" in your desk drawer and have to find creative ways to make it to the bathroom without anyone noticing it & the POAS you have with you.


13 years ago feel naked if you pee without a stick in hand. walk around the house singing "I'm ovulating. I'm ovulating. Let's make a baby. I'm ovulating." (DH caught me doing this and I was a little embarrassed. :) ) check your symptoms and charts more than you check your email.

~Ayrian User Image User Image

13 years ago

...when instead of saying "goodbye" at the end of a phone call or email, you say "Baby Dust and Sticky Vibes!"

~Ayrian User Image User Image

13 years ago

...when you pee on a tampon instead of inserting it.

~Ayrian User Image User Image

13 years ago

You know its AF but u still convince yourself its implantation bleeding.

Ihr later and ur tampoon is full and u google how heavy implantation bleeding should be.

8hrs later and u finally accept that its AF. THEN u google if its possible to have AF while pregnant!!!!!

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13 years ago

if you have already names picked out for your baby..
if you have some big clothes stored away for when the baby bump starts to show!!! lol!! GUILTY!!!

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13 years ago

... if you've ever snuck in a quickie in the five minutes before family shows up because you got a positive OPK and you know it's the only time you'll have alone all day.

13 years ago

if you have a certain pillow you use just for tilting your hips up after bding :)

13 years ago

... if you want to strangle the next person with multiple children and no fertility issues who tells you `Just relax and stop trying... then it will happen!``

Me 33 DH 36, TTC Almost 4 Years Sept-Nov 2010 IUI #1-3: BFN June-July 2011 IUI #4-5: clomid, progesterone: BFN Aug-Sept 2011: IUI #6-7: clomid, progesterone, Gonal-F: BFN October 2011: IUI #8: 0.5 per cent chance of conception. Moving to DS. November 2011: IUI 9, 20 million with DS, 2 eggs, BFN. March 2012: IUI 10, 15 million with DS, clomid, 1 egg, BFN April 2012: IUI 11, 13 million with DS, clomid, Femara, Bravelle, Estrace, trigger shot of HCG, 2 eggs, heart full of hope

13 years ago

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