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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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871 - 880 of 1094 Replies | Last Page

Good luck Maggie and Ako! Throwing baby dust your way!!

9 years ago

@akotalk2me: I wait until I get the positive OPK and then watch for the dip in my BBT chart. I usually have very obvious dips, but the discrepancy this month (in my two charts) is the temp after the dip. It's technically below my coverline, but I think it's close enough to count as a full rise since I O'd early this cycle and wasn't temping regularly, during the first half of my cycle, because I didn't expect it so soon.

And I take the OPK test in the morning (usually around 7am).

Oh, and another thing that's been odd is that my scalp has been really dry.

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

I just saw the most entertaining thing.... I'm not quoting it and accidentally deleted the page.... but... It said that HCG levels tend to be higher for women carrying female fetuses. And lower for male... Suggesting that earlier positive testing could be from female fetuses. I think we should keep track of all of the BFPs and if they got them early see if they have girls and the later ones boys.... I'm hoping that means I will still get my BFP and it will be a boy... Not that i know the first thing about boys... come from a family full of girls.

My maternal Grandmother has 9 grandchildren and 5 great grand children... only 2 are boys... I have 5 nieces... 1 full sister... 2 half sisters... and 1 half brother...

That being said DH has 7 little ones... 4 girls .... 3 boys... I want to even everything out... 8 kids... 4 girls... 4 boys... will see!

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9 years ago

Fingers crossed for our April baby <3 Doc appt tomorrow for blood work :-)

BTW How do I make friends on here?? I love this website!

9 years ago

Mriphen: I would believe that! When I got pregnant with my twin girls I got a positive test at 3 weeks and 4 days! Like a few days after implantation!

Jayne: when did you count your ovulation then? I mean after your opk or?

I feel like alot of gals are testing this weekend!!!

9 years ago

Momma Bear- That is so exciting! *Pours heaping bucket if baby dust on head*!

mriphenburg- I have two boys and tested positive almost 3 days before my expected period... i am now either a few days late or one day early and still neg. I will let you know if I am pregnant,

KACAAF- Sounds stressfull!

9 years ago

Rebecca it's very stressful and frustrating. :-(

9 years ago

Wow guys! A lot has been said since I took a break for lunch, LOL. You all have very promising symptoms!! :)

Maggie: Yes, I got sick in McDonalds the day before. We took my daughter to the movies and then went shopping. I started feeling sick, so my DH said we should eat something. As soon as we walked in, I ran to the ladies room! Couldn't hold it no longer. My breasts were very sore and heavy. That night I had a GLOB of khaki colored Cm with a tiny streak of red blood. Woke up with AF like cramps and was sure I was out. Couldn't reach my cervix for like a week. Tested that day at around 10am at 13 DPO and got my BFP then tested 3 more times and BFP! Tested the day before, and it was stark white! I believe I implanted on 9DPO as I was cramping good apon waking. I have a 16 day LP so I thought I wouldn't get results until a little closer to time for AF. Today was supposed to be AF. No signs or cramps anywhere.. :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

When I found out I was pg with my daughter, I had the faintest line ever the day after af was due! Which I didn't know or even think I was pg. Found out at a routine PAP smear. I was shocked bc I was told that I wouldn't be able to have children.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

@akotalk2me: I count ovulation as the day, after the positive OPK, that my temperature takes a nose dive.

The positive OPK just tells you they're you're getting ready to ovulate. You could ovulate anytime within the next 12-36 hours or not ovulate at all. Temping helps to confirm that ovulation actually did occur. That's why I use my temp as the ultimate predictor. I could still be off by a day, but at least it helps to narrow it down a lot!

@mriphenburg: Here's an article about HSG & Gender:

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

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