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July 2015 Babies!

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I am out for June so why not create July board.

Good luck girls :)


Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

1008 Replies • 9 years ago



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lolo - to drive to the one in Ontario isn't too bad it's only 9 hours or so depending on traffic and border wait times, but to get to the one in Alberta would be 3-5 days, driving at least 8 hours/day. It would be an interesting road trip but not one that I would like to do while heavily pregnant. I hope you warm up a bit soon. I want to say feel better but I think if you had to choose between being pregnant and feeling bad and not being pregnant and feeling better you'd choose pregnancy.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

hentzthename: !! So excited for you!! Join us at CMP! :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Congratulations lolo!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you!! :)  :)

wow, girls, this is so exciting! It's great to have such a huge support group to share our journey. So grateful to have found this thread :)

Nikki, I know what you mean, I'm dying to test too but I'll do my best to stick to the original plan, so Monday (maybe Sunday?) it'll be for me! :)

Anotherbaby, FX for tomorrow!! Let's hope bumpin's right about this being the lucky thread! 

AFM nothing new to report, been having extra cm (sorry if TMI) and feeling a bit nauseous, but it could be the progesterone. Boobs feeling a bit sore but not too much. Don't know what to think! Anyway, not long now till Monday!

9 years ago

AnotherBaby2Love - Thanks! I'm trying to not get my hopes up so I will try to last a few more day! Thanks for the warm welcome :)


9 years ago

Thanks ladies.

I knew flu like symptoms were possible early pg symptoms but, I have been fighting a fever of just under 102. Which makes me nervous. Along with a headache. I can deal with that and the the achiness and nausea but didn't think the fever was going to be this bad. Ugh. Hope that part goes away soon. FX'd! That the test is darker tomorrow. I took another tonight and sadly it was negative.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Where is the CMP @bumpin

9 years ago

I have continued to have red spotting, only when I wipe and not every single time I go to the bathroom. I took a First Response, Clear Blue Easy and First Signal test and all came back with faint positives within the time frame. I am going to test again tomorrow with FMU. I am praying that this red spotting isn't anything to worry about. If my test is darker tomorrow, I am going to call my Dr.

9 years ago

Update:so i had my laproscopy procedure done tuesday i am glad that it is over they found out i had veins causing pain and irregular bleeds as well as my right tube was blocked now that i aware of why it has been so hard makes everything a little more easy to deal with my husband has been supportive the whole way and i just know he is going to be a great first time dad i want to thank all you lovely ladies for the words if encouragment as well as support we will continue to try to concieve up until january fingers crossed for my july 2015 baby im sure if ovulation did occur this month my one tube made it hard for pregnancy to follow through i am no longer experincing any discharge and spotting is cleared i will still take a test if af doesnt show even with the break through i experienced at cd 15

9 years ago

Sorry for long story...

13 DPO ....ok so here it goes.... (Friday) Day before light very light flow started I noticed when checking cervix I noticed brownish/red blood on finger and then when wiped also. Never made it to pantiliner (I wear one everyday). Sat- (think cycle day 1) Light brownish mucous with red blood mixed in when put tampon in and it wasn't soaked. Very light flow and only spotting at time of brownish to red blood. After BM peed red color with one small clot. Sun- woke up with half of a pad with blood on it so I thought for sure AF. During course of the day when checking cervix it seems more opened than yesterday (have had 4 vaginal births before). Cervix med-high and squishy soft some parts of cervix and softish on the opening and around it. Cervix check with red blood on middle finger after and blood when wiping. Very Very light flow and only spotting in afternoon on pad (like 6 little spots over course of 5 hours). Nighttime now and Pad is one and has been for 3 hours and not a drop of anything on it yet tonight. So confused. Never had a period like this before. Usually heavier on second day or even first. I tested on what I think was days 9,10,13 DPO and BFN (not sure exact ovulation). Have had symptons but wondering if its been in my mind the last 2 weeks or so?

Ok Woke up today Monday with totally nothing on pad (would be day 3 or day 4 if you count day I checked cervix and only saw blood brown but never on underwear). I then went FMU and had pinkish red mixed in with 2 small clot like things. I then had BM immediately after and was soft and gross.... when I wiped pinkish red was on TP. Then washed my hands did a cervix check and up high squishy soft and almost couldn't reach opening but when I beared down I felt it and can't tell if open or closed but doesn't seem open much if open? again have had 4 vaginal deliveries in past 6 years. So, put a tampon in just incase, went to store came home and took out after about 3 hours and just a little blood on tip of tampon with some brownish discharge. A liner would have been fine but but a put a Tampon in because wasn't sure. I now have a pad on to see what rest of day will bring. Pad Stayed totally clean.

This is so so so unusual for me. I tested about 4 days back I think and it was BFN. Wondering if I should test or wait... So confused?????

Tuesday 18 dpo woke up nothing on pad. FMU tested negative on FRER. Wiped again and little brown mucous on toliet paper but nothing on pad throughout am. Showered did cervix check and med-high squishy soft and closed it seems. Few hours after shower had tiny bit of blood and brown mucous when wipe nothing on pad. I feel like my body is playing tricks on me.
19 dpo (I think) tiny pinkish brown when wipe 3x throughout whole day. called nurse and took pee and blood. no results yet. HPT negative again. cervix med-high soft spongy and closed.

9 years ago

@lolo - Positive!!!!!!! Congrats! Hoping for a darker line tomorrow!

AFM - I'm in a funk. I tested tonight at 9 DPO and BFN. I have always gotten a positive by 10 DPO morning, so I'm early feeling out this month and I'm BUMMED. UGH. I'm just tired of all this.

Any tips for next month? What if I do some crazy diet or something? Gluten free? I use Conceive plus and take my vitamins, my DH has a good sperm count and we have LOTS of sex around ovulation. I'm up for suggestions!!!


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

9 years ago

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