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July 2015 Babies!

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I am out for June so why not create July board.

Good luck girls :)


Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

1008 Replies • 9 years ago



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IB shouldn't be very much. It should only be light spotting, although it does differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. If it is indeed IB then it will be 2-4 days before a test can pick up the HCG. Google IB. It will help you in knowing what to expect.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Sorry for the long post but I need to vent about my weekend.

Hope you had a great Halloween Weekend! I for one still feel Friday, we had my parents, parent in-laws, my sister and her husband as well as my 2 stepkids over at our house. It's weird I was really excited and had dinner planned and pretty much ready but wow my mood changed when everyone got there. I got cranky and just simply moody. I think I hid it pretty well. But it was just so noisy and just, I don't know, annoying. Maybe it's because I was being good by not drinking and everybody else was drinking/getting drunk and I was watching my mom practically splash red wine everywhere. Thankfully, not on anything that could stain. But still. I mean I am glad they had a good time but ugh. Then I got to constantly hear both sets of parents talking about the vacation they are going on this week...I am glad they are getting the chance to go but I think I am annoyed because DH & I were originally supposed to go with but since we weren't sure where we were going to end up at this time of year by the time we started to think we could make it they already booked their flights for right after DH goes back to work. So then there wasn't a point.

After I did all the cooking on Friday and played hostess as well as handed out candy to the few kids we had...we had soo much more last year but sadly it was freezing here and snowing off and on all day and night we now have so much more candy left But Saturday DH did all the cooking which was so sweet. But for brunch or more like lunch, we had scrambled eggs with sausage and veggies and cheese. And I don't know why because I love cheese, but but wow I found it repulsing during the meal. Never felt that way before and could only eat a couple bites. We had some left overs of that and I could eat a couple bites the next morning and I was fine. And yet later that night DH made a 9 cheese lasagna and I ate it with no problems.

Sunday we went over to my parents house for a lunch gathering with the family before they left for their trip. It was alright. Got some baby time in with my nephew...he is getting so big. His mom still isn't feeding him baby food which I find so strange. She's still breast feeding, which is good and sometimes gives him solids to gnaw on but still won't go through the effort of feeding him baby food...even homemade. I know everyone raises their kids differently and I just keep my mouth shut on it all but something just seems off about that. But he still seems healthy so I don't know.

Sadly 4 of my family members all came down with something over night...they all think it was the brats they had for lunch...maybe, but everybody else had it too and we are fine. DH had 4 and he is who knows. Just glad I didn't get about confusion for this month if I

Today I just feel funny. Doubt it's the same as what my other family members came down with. Hoping these are just early possible symptoms... Went out to lunch and got one of my favorites, BBQ pulled pork, and either they changed the recipe or my taste is off. I also feel smothered, shortness of breath and slightly nauseous today.

My nerves have been heightened a bit too. I work for my dad and he just told me that I need to cut my hours this month and possibly next month. We sadly don't have enough money coming in right now and it's slow right now. Not the best time of year to have this come up but I do understand. Just sucks that here we are TTC and now this. Thankfully we can still make it work but still...not the best time. Oh well.

I made my reply to long so my replies to you all from comments over the weekend and today are coming up...

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

michelley1001: So happy for you! I can't believe you have to wait a whole month...but it sounds like the norm. Hope you have a smooth month!

Cryslynn86: I am sorry for the BFN's. I know how you feel though. I have never seen a BFP, well, except right after my trigger Hang in there!

AnotherBaby2Love: YAY! For Ovulation! Hope you caught that eggie!

TTClate30's: This bitter cold weather and snow is insane for this time of year. Thankfully it wasn't a sticking snow for us but it was enough to keep most of the trick or treaters home. Last year we had so many kids to where I almost ran out of candy. This year I have so much candy left over it's crazy! LOL!

xCautiousOptimistx: I am just curious but what do you look for when testing with a LH test? Would it be the same with a HPT? Meaning a faint line? I had a HCG shot done and someone suggested to use the LH tests since the HPT's have been consistently negative since the day after the HCG shot. So last Wed (if I recall correctly) I took another LH digital test to see if it was out of my system yet and I took an HPT and there was a faint line on the LH and BFN on the HPT. So I assumed the shot was still in my system and I took another yesterday...same thing. I am having a hard time believing that the HCG shot is still in my system...but I have read it can take up to 14 days. I am praying it's a good sign but I never know what I am looking for when I use an LH test after I have my surge.

vaevaemama: I am due at the end of the week and feel like I am desperately holding on. I think I might start testing tomorrow.

aceron33: Sadly 8 DPO is way to early to be testing. I have only known one person in these forums to show a +HPT and they may have been off a day or 2. You and I seem to be on the same DPO. I think I plan to start testing tomorrow or Wednesday.

Mistique: The earliest some people see a very faint positive is on 10 DPO, but not every body. I know more people seeing positives closer to 12/13 DPO. I pray this is our month!

WhileImWaiting: this month!

hentzthename: You might've experienced some implantation bleeding and if that's the case...lucky you! Not everybody experiences that. It takes about 4 days after implantation to see a +HPT.

TeamSuperBaby: Sounds like you might O soon! Good that you are getting your on.

awebste: It's still a bit early to tell but since you had a +OPK and with the jump in temp it does look good to me. Also the CM looks good and wow! I wouldn't worry about not getting BD'ing in would say you definitely covered your basis.

Bumpin4Baby: Yay! Glad you are seeing a new doctor and hopefully this one is of more help.

xoxocouture: If you are 5 DPO and possibly having IB I would test at 9/10 DPO.

OK ladies! Well, I hope I didn't miss anyone. So many people in this forum right now.
Congrats to those of you with BFP's
Good luck to those testing and
So sorry to those who got AF and seeing BFN's!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

lolo: Hey girl! If it makes you feel any better, I have been overly irritated too at the smallest things. Night before last, I got pissed at DH bc I thought he was putting too much of his own weight on me while BD. I was not a happy camper, I kept thinking that he was going to hurt the baby and couldn't get into it. Even the sound of him eating has been driving me bonkers!! I think this is your month! :) I can't wait for you to test!

I think I will like this place better. They have already told me that if I have any complications or if an appointment becomes available before mine, that I could get in. So much more reassuring. Plus the hospital is practically brand new and it is beautiful. :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Bumpin4Baby: Oh I sure hope this is it for me.... Now at least I can say that the symptoms could be real since I am at 9 DPO.

That is great news about the new hospital. I pray it is much better. The hospital I go to is new to me...and looks really nice on the inside so it might be pretty new to the area, I haven't looked that up. Started going there once we started TTC and I love it. It's got a whole wing dedicated to Women's Health, Pregnancy and Birthing. And they specialize in High Risk pregnancies. Which also made me feel better going there. The doctors and staff are wonderful and friendly and just makes it easy to go there. Now except for the surgery I have never had to go to the I can honestly say I don't know what they are like in that area, but if they are anything like the doctors I have been too I am not worried. I do hope that the new hospital you are going to is better for you. When it's a new hospital they tend to go above and beyond to get more and more patients so hopefully with that you will be treated so much better.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

9DPO, held off taking a test today. When I was at work, after I wiped there was a red streak of blood. Not really any cramping. Last few days I've had sore boobs and today I've had a headache all day. Since the blood was red, it is probably AF. :(

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Vaevaemama - Don't lose hope yet! I didn't get a BFP with my last pregnancy until 16 DPO. FXd you get that BFP in the next few days!!

Aletheok - Try not to stress over your temps. I know it's easier said than done. My last cycle I lost so much sleep stressing over every part of temping. This cycle I'm doing my best to not....I need my sleep. Lol

Aceron33 - It's still early. FXd you get that BFP in a few days!! That streak could be IB. Don't lose hope!

Mistique - Don't give up! You're not out yet.

WhileImWaiting - GL testing Thursday!! I'm planning on testing then too unless I cave before.

Hentzthename - Could be IB. If it were me, I would test in a couple of days. I had IB with my last DS and tested 2 days later and got a BFP. GL!!

TeamSuperBaby - FXd this IS your month!!

Awebste - I think your chart looks great!! I think you're still ok even with missing Saturday.

Bumpin4Baby - The 17th will be here before you know it. I'll be praying the U/S goes perfectly with a perfect little bean. :) I'm glad that you are happy with the new doctor and hospital. That will hopefully reduce a lot of the stress and worry. My ob is wonderful and has always put my mind at ease. I think she carries the bulk of the worry instead of me.

Lolo - I'm sorry you had such an exhausting weekend hosting the family! Hopefully, the symptoms are all pregnancy symptoms. FXd this is YOUR month!!

AFM - I'm getting antsy and am hoping I can wait until Thursday to test. I have been feeling nauseous and had a sore throat today. I'm sure it's from exhaustion but a girl can hope, right? DH went to the $ store today and bought me 7 tests and a FRER from Wal-mart. He said, "Do you know how embarrasing it is to buy 7 tests?" LOL I told him most probably buy more than that. :)


User Image AND to you ALL!!

9 years ago

thanks ladies! another temp climb again this morning - hoping that it stays high! haha ya i think we def covered our basis as well!! :)

2 dpo - tww is the WORST! lol

9 years ago

Awebste- I'm with u girl! I'm 5 DPO and trying not to symptom spot. It's so hard but I hope we get a BFP at the end of this!! Fx for us!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I've mostly been haunting the August board but I figured since I'm on the cusp I should check back in here.

Wow there have been a lot of BFPs. That's so awesome!

& and extra wishes to everyone who's still testing. I hope to see a bunch more BFPs in the coming weeks.

AFM - I'm around my O date now. my CB Digital OPK gave me the solid smiley yesterday but my temp still hasn't really spiked so I'm anticipating that it will tomorrow. Luckily DH has been up for a bunch of BDing.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

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