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2012 Bring Miracles into Our Lifes

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A new year
A new start
2012 will be the year we Succeed.

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107 Replies • 12 years ago



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well nothing to report I'm abiut a week and a half into this cycle. Had lots of thick white 'unfertile' cm so far. Only BD once so far haha! Been too tired.

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Praying and sending positive thoughts all your way!! Good luck ladies. I haven't stopped thinking about you all!

Me 23 DH 25 TTC #1 since June 2011 5/25/09 - Blighted Ovum 07/10 - D&C 07/13 10/23/10(happy birthday present!) - Uterus over 50% full of blood on 11/17 MC on 12/02 lasted til 01/28 Diagnosed with MTHFR A1298C homozygous 03/07/11 - Believed Chemical MC on 03/21/11 01/05/12 - please be our sticky rainbown baby User Image

12 years ago

apparently in march/april/may time it's 'Eostre' the time of high fertility. I haven fallen pregnant myself once in april and once in march. my sister and cousin both got pegnant in april too so hopefully there's some truth in it :)

best of luck ladies enjoy SPRING!!!

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Aww it's autumn for me, does that still count?

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Hope all is well with everyone!

My little 2012 miracle has showed up! I got a faint BFP this evening, and I plan to test again in the morning with FMU. I'm happy, but cautious given my history.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a sticky, deeply nestled in baby!!

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12 years ago

Destiny_Yay..what a great news!! I'm so glad, eating pineapple core works! Im now cd21, i drink pineapple juice everyday but not eating pinapple core..heehee,

elle_ I hope that's true and works for you..

krunchie29_cold weather still count i think..

mrspw_ thank you very much for warm wishes for us all waiting.. Im hoping your having a great time with your lil precious bean..

Afm, cd21..Eating a lot of sour fruits believing it would help during implantation...Im expecting to have my this 1st round of clomid..

12 years ago

Glad to see everyone is doing well!

Congrats destiny!!

AFM-on cd 7-taking my last dose of soy tonight & starting the bd-ing, hope hubby is ready! I told him this cycle there is going to be no slacking off-gonna be strict with the bding other day until after O. He definitly had no complaints about that! I'm determined to make the soy/epo combo work on the first round!


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12 years ago

Hi Laura..

Welcome to our lil family.. !! Hopng soy/epo combo works for you..
Have FUN bding..

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12 years ago

A bit fed up. I'm 14 days into my cycle and today had to go home from work because of fainting. My doctor is doing blood tests for diabetes and thyroid. He asked if I was pregnant or if I could be "I'VE BEEN HERE LOTS OF TIMES ABOUT THIS I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO CONCIEVE FOR THREE YEARS NOW!" grrrr!!!! to which I was told to "keep trying, it'll happen - you're young" yes 3 years on and they're STILL saying there's nothing worng

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

Destiny~~ Congratulations!

Elle~~ sounds frustratin! hope things get betta

AFM~~ CD 4 AF should be plannin on leaving after the weekend. This cycle has been weird. I am wondering if it because of the low progesterone?


12 years ago

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