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Trying for April 2017 Babies

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AF showed her ugly head today right on time, so now I'm waiting for ovulation. Looking for cycle buddies for this month. I had a ton of symptoms and now feel crazy for thinking I could get a BFP on my first month trying. But hopeful for next month, and better timing. We only BD once and I think it may have been after O so I think we will try harder and time better this month. So here's to April Babies!

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218 Replies • 7 years ago



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Congrats Sara!! I'm excited for you!!
And Megan hopefully it's just implantation. Are you feeling crampy also like AF or unlike AF? Sounds like it could be implantation! My fingers are crossed for you!
Thank you so much Overthinker!! Give it a few more days and test again! It's probably just too early. I have a super long luteal phase im guessing that's why I got a bfp so far before AF. AF isn't due for 6 more days. I'm gonna retest in the morning and day after to make sure the line is indeed getting darker! Enjoy the rest of your vaca! Keep us updated!

7 years ago

I'm feeling crampy, but not like the cramps I usually feel before/during AF. I have so many other symptoms that are not typical of AF for me, which is why I'm not 100% sure what it is yet. The spotting is basically gone; it was red for a couple hours on Tuesday, but otherwise has been brown, which is definitely not typical of AF for me! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for now.

7 years ago

YAYYYY!!! Reports of !!!!

Lots of for a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Things are stable for me today. No new symptoms or anything. If anything, I feel more lovey dovey today. That sort of "in love" feeling, so I can handle that.

megan_wynne, have you checked the implantation tool here? I love using that to just get an idea about when things may be happening as it just clues me in a bit more to my body.

Maybe it'll help?

to everyone. Hoping this thread can remain lucky for all of us.

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7 years ago

Thanks ladies means a lot!!
So I went to my Obgyn today there pee test came negative. But I drank a lot of water before going in I was thirsty this morning!
But they took blood so I should hear back later today or tomorrow morning!
I just took two more test to make sure and they were positive right away so that relived me I hope my blood work shows my levels are good. I'm worried :(

7 years ago

Oh Sara, don't worry!!

Your blood work will come back just fine.

Lots of , and I'm sure all is well.

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7 years ago

Thank you I'm trying not too .

7 years ago

Oh no Sara !!!!!! I'm sure it will come back positive, no worries !

7 years ago

Thank you!

7 years ago

Congrats to the bfp on here. That's so exciting.

I'm cd7 today and just starting to fear up for ov. Gonna take an opk when I get up and then this afternoon as well. I'm really hoping this cycle is the one as it would put my due date just a few days after my 31st birthday. Last cycle ended 4 days early and I had the flu right before ov so it was a bit mixed up. I just want a sibling for my little boy.

7 years ago

Good Morning all,

Well, DH's sperm test results came back yesterday afternoon.

Let's just say it took all afternoon and evening for both of us to process them.

For those who aren't familiar, basic sperm testing looks at motility, morphology, and amount of sperm present.

Motility is how sperm move or "swim." Morphology is how they're formed or structured. Then you have a general sperm count.

There's some good and bad news for us.

Good news is that DH has a normal sperm COUNT and normal sperm MOTILITY. Bad news is about the morphology.

DH is a heavy smoker and has been for years -- close to a pack every 24 hours -- and the test showed that MOST of his sperm is abnormally formed which is not good when it comes to penetrating my eggs. In addition, he was in the habit of drinking a few beers a day after work.

You can google what normal vs. abnormal sperm look like, but needless to say, we had a tough conversation last night.

He sort of felt targeted I think, and I think he REALLY was hoping we could get pregnant without him having to make a large lifestyle change.

That's just not the case now.

After a long discussion, and one questionable comment about "oh, it's not fair. I have to give up everything while you don't have to give up anything!" I'm sure you ladies can imagine the look on my face. It read, "Really? Did you just say that? Do you REALLY want to have this conversation?"

The plan now is for him to completely STOP drinking, and to cut his smoking in half with the help of Nicorette (or other measures if needed).

The doctor said he needs to completely stop smoking all together (which I agree) but I know any addiction isn't an overnight thing for the majority of the population.

I'm trying to stay positive and keep telling myself, "I only need ONE GOOD SPERM, just one..." His amounts of good sperm are low, but all I need is one.

Glad I already O'd this month as I know it would be a mood killer to deal with all of that now.

There's a possibility that we will take a break from TTC in August as our due date would be in May of 2017. My in laws will be in Alaska for 2 weeks in May, and I'd rather not be due in May in the event that they would miss the birth.

We'll see.

Still keeping my head up and trying to be positive.

Fingers crossed for everyone this month.

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7 years ago

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