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Any Military TTC Families?

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A bit about me:
DH and I were TTC for 5 yrs before we got our 1st ever with our son; John will be 2 this September. DH went back on active duty in the US Army in January 2014, and we started TTC again then (DS was only 4 mo when we started TTC, since it took so long with him.) I have PCOS and DH has low sperm volume but the count, morphology, and motility were good. TTC one mo on Metformin alone, 6 mo on Clomid (increasing doses from 50 mg to 100 mg), 1 mo on Soy Isoflavones, then 1 mo (last cycle before DH left) I had an HSG and took Femara. Had a CP in May and July 2014, but nothing else. In September our TTC train came to a screeching halt for obvious reasons (kinda hard to make a baby with Daddy over 3,000 miles away!) Well.... DH is coming home in THREE DAYS!!! My next cycle is supposed to start on 10 June, and I've already got a 6 month prescription for Femara, my OPKs, my HPTs, and I've dusted off my thermometer to chart my BBT. I think I'm going to wait a cycle before delving into the BBT insanity though. Praying hard for a quick and a

Are there any other military TTC-ers out there who can relate and/or anyone who's DH has to go away on business for extended periods of time??


133 Replies • 9 years ago



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Lol, just the bfp, Linda. I have my aging ultrasound on Wednesday but first I get to tell my in-laws on Saturday. They'll be thrilled but I'm dreading telling my brother... He and his wife have been TTC for almost six years and are in the middle of their second IVF. I know they'll be happy for us, especially since they're my son's godparents and likely this baby's too, but I know it'll break their hearts too and that hurts me... Just gotta spit it out. Let them know so they can work thru it on their own... Hopefully it'll take for them this time and we'll be expecting two or more babies next year. I'd much rather find out first so they can 'steal my thunder' rather than the other way around.

Congratulations on the car, Linda! My BIL has a Dart in electric blue, it's pretty sharp. Apparently my DH was researching my levels at work and, if I'm earlier than once believed in my pregnancy, he realized high numbers could mean multiples. He's flipping out now how we'd fit three car seats in our little Milan... Lol.

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8 years ago

WOW Amanda! Congratulations!!! I guess you didn't need to go to the specialists after all!!!

2frsty, a new car is exciting!

8 years ago

Thank you! I think the threat of the specialist was enough to let my eggs know I was getting real serious. Lol!

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8 years ago

Ugh, I'm so excited for you to have your dating scan! Tell DH not to flip out too much. Like I said, my levels were crazy high with John (over 22,000 at only 5 weeks) and he was a Singleton from the start. The Dr called and they're putting me on progesterone starting the day after O. Bring it on!


8 years ago • Post starter

Only four and a half more days! I'm guessing they'll tell me I'm seven weeks as of Wednesday when I see them. My numbers were average for 21 and 23dpo when I had my tests and believe my ovulation date was the 9th and, since they add on two weeks, it'll be seven weeks and, like, a day on Wednesday. But just a guess. I'll ask if he thinks the progesterone helped. When do you expect O, Linda??

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8 years ago

Judging by the last few cycles I've charted, I should be O-ing sometime between this coming Thursday and Saturday. I got my Advanced Digital OPK sticks in the mail today. I ordered the ones for the Clearblue Fertility Monitor since you can't get refills for the OPK, and I was a little skeptical but had read that the refills for the monitor work in the OPK. So I took a stab at it, and sure enough, they work just fine! I used one tonight and it showed "Low Fertility" which is right for CD 8 today. So I'll just pee on one once a day until CD 11 and then starting on CD 12 I'll go to twice a day. We shall see....


8 years ago • Post starter

I hope you've already started BDing, we need to get you in a family way. Lol! Tell your hubby it's time to get to it! Everyday, plus the progesterone, should get it done. Haha!

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8 years ago

Any new updates, sweetie? You've been awfully quiet.

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8 years ago

I'm so sorry I've been so absent lately! It's like ever since we got back from leave my life has gone from busy to insane! I've been running with my hair on fire nonstop! And I hate running around like that! I've been faxing stuff to banks, getting insurance set up for the new vehicles, showing Mom how to pay her bills online, etc. Things are finally starting to settle down, so hopefully I can keep in better contact.

Updates - Yep! I've got one! I decided to forgo the OPK dip strips this month; after staring at those tiny little lines on the OPKs last cycle and then staring at more of them with the chemical I had. It was making me crazy. So I went with the Clearblue Advanced Digital OPK instead. I O'd last cycle on CD 12 so I started testing on CD 8 and (no surprise) got a blank circle for "low fertility" on CD 8 & 9. Starting yesterday on CD 10 I started getting a flashing smiley face for "high fertility" and then at about 6:00 tonight I got a solid smiley for "peak fertility!" So I should O tomorrow! I've been charting my BBT this cycle (not doing a very good job of it, with John getting up in the middle of the night) so I should be able to confirm O for sure this cycle. Once I'm for sure that I've O'd I will start the progesterone. It's got me a little worried; last cycle I cramped like a bitch during O, and this cycle I've not had more than a tiny twinge here and there on both sides. I'm just hoping that the lack of O cramps doesn't mean that I'm not going to have a strong O this month. Last month may have been a chemical, but it does prove that pregnancy is possible!

How's everything with you ladies?! Amanda, I am on pins and needles for your scan tomorrow! I can't wait to see that precious little bean!!


8 years ago • Post starter

So I'm not 100% sure exactly WHAT my body is doing right now! My Advanced Digital OPK has gone from Low Fertility to High Fertility, then to Peak Fertility, then back to Low Fertility, and now it's back to a flashing smiley for High Fertility! I'm pretty sure I O'd yesterday or last night, but didn't get much of temp rise this morning. I decided to wait til tomorrow night to start the Progesterone suppositories just to be safe; I've read that if you mess up and take them before you O that you can actually stop yourself from O-ing at all! One more day isn't going to kill me to wait. DH and I have been every day for the last 4 days! Oh, and one of the girls I met on here when I got pregnant with my son just found out that she's expecting baby #3! Babies all around!! I could use some of that my way!


8 years ago • Post starter

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