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Lets get a BFP in January! Open to anyone!

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I have been TTC since March of 2012. I am hoping to get a BFP in January. Anyone who wants positive chat daily please join. I am just looking to chat my way through another month. And hope to meet new people who are doing the same. We need each other in this tough time.

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75 Replies • 11 years ago



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71 - 75 of 75 Replies

Eryn: Having the same symptoms I have every month and my temp dropped more. Pretty sure I am out this month. Charted today's temp over at FF and it said it is not sure I ovulated this month. My temps are all over cause I do not sleep well. Almost 1AM and I am wide awake again. I have had so much insomnia this month. Hoping that is why it thinks I am out and did not ovulate over not ovulating again. I will know Thursday one way or another I hope.

How many days PO are you?

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

11 years ago

Well, here I've been over in the TTC forum, unbeknownst to this long term one was here!
I think I qualify.
Try to start this dead thread back up!

Was hoping for a BFP this month.
I've been regular for about a year.
Regular periods, o pains, cm, etc.
after a small break, we decided to try again.

So why must my body pick THIS month to go wonky again?
Suspected O on the 18th, but with no symptoms, was hard to say.
I'm now 5 days late. So think I Od quite later than suspected.
Maybe even as late as the 28th, since that's about the only time I felt much in my uterus.

So my tww is turning into a month long wait at this point.
It could take 10 more days for AF to show if I'm not pg.

I'm calling the doctor on Monday. Get on clomid or something see what she says.
I do have a blocked tube and PCOS.
Possibly other things who knows.

So thought I'd introduce myself on the LTTTC!
Hope there are still some ladies around for good conversation & a bit of support?

TTC #1: 6 years. Non-preventative: 13 years.

11 years ago

Hey there smashedpumpkin. I ended up with a bfn this cycle, but after some strange midcycle bleeding, dh and i stopped bd and it turns out i was very off from my o date. We are approaching the year mark of ttc, but i dont think im quite ready tostart clomid. I am trying bbt, preseed, softcups and opk this cycle. I have reason to beli3ve dh's sperm is not quite up to par, but am not going to stress it yet

Im sorry your body is going all wonky! Just when i thought my cycles were regulating, i got a longer cycle this time around.

Anyway, i see you have been ttc much longer than i have, but i am always willing to lend an ear for any venting etc! Good luck to you and im sending lots of baby dust your way!

(Sorry about the poor grammar, typing on a tablet sucks...)

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11 years ago

Thank you so much for the kind words :)

Let me know how preseed & the cup is!

I bought one of those soft cups to try, but having PCOS I bleed way too much for them to be of any use. So I don't know where it is now to try for TTC!! Lol

I saw preseed at cvs, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy it.
Going to see what the doctor says. We can't afford IVF, so I just hope that we can figure out something before I go nuts!
I think AF is coming, so a double fx for us both this cycle

TTC #1: 6 years. Non-preventative: 13 years.

11 years ago

Sorry I didn't reply sooner; you may have moved on to a different discussion. We ended up buying Conceive Plus, since it was less expensive and appeared to be the exact same thing as Preseed. I'm not in my fertile period yet, but we used it once already and it was very nice! Not sticky like some other lubes.

We are having a difficult time right now. Our marriage is still strong, but DH ihas decided to start a brand new school/career path and it made me angry. He is 30, and can't keep changing his mind, quitting jobs, quitting school. So I'm not sure yet if we will keep ttc.

We also cannot afford IVF, and I am hesitant to start clomid or other drugs. I have a strong feeling that our issue is DH sperm, and don't know if my taking clomid would help at all. Plus, going to the doctor about our fertility issues is like having to face facts that we cannot get pregnant on our own. I'm not ready to hear that. :(

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11 years ago

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