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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thank you!! This was only our 2nd month actively trying. Before that we went 2 months not trying but not protecting. I know that's nothing compared to others, but it felt like forever!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Wowza so much has happened! Congratulations to all the BFP's that have happened in the last little while! So happy for all of you! Wishing you all happy and healthy 9 months! :)

I am 5 weeks along and continuing blood work throughout this week to ensure levels are rising accordingly. 2 blood tests down and jumped frm 326 to 671 - so hoping today's results have skyrocketed!

Positive vibes to you Snow - hoping and praying you see your BFP!

MaggieLA - don't recall feeling any type of implantation pain - before my BFP just felt like AF was coming. By 12 dpo was running to the bathroom constantly and boobs were sore. Those were my only real symptoms I believe.

9 years ago

Hi all! I went out of town for a few days and was away from my computer so I'm just now checking in.

WhileImWaiting - Thanks for the response! I'm very hopeful that they can find out what my problem is and can fix it.

smiles8045 - Thanks for the positive vibes!

Lolo1176 - Thanks for the heads up! We're figuring on about $1500-2000 for the HSG, but I know we're going to need it so we're prepared to take the hit. I'm actually feeling pretty hopeful about going to see the RE. It makes me feel like I'm actually doing something.

tjwjtw21 - Thanks for the advice! We don't have a lot of options in our area, but the hospital is really good about payment plans. I'll still look into it, though.

To all those that got their BFPs, and

AFM - Today is CD1 for me. I've already called the doctor and they've made the referral to the RE for me. They're working on scheduling the HSG. Also have an appointment scheduled to recheck the thyroid. Things are moving forward as we come to our 14th cycle.

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9 years ago

3 days until AF!! So tempting not to test early.. 9-10 dpo today no symptoms at all so far today..

9 years ago

I was 4 days early when I got my BFP!! You should give it a go Maggie!

I believe I felt implantation at 9 DPO! I remember posting that I felt out bc I was cramping so bad.

GL to you all!!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Time for another book, LOL!!

nicole2014 - Welcome to our crazy TWW group!

Lolo1176 - I tend to refer to Google searching as asking Professor Google. Sorry if I confused you at all. And hugs, I know how hard it is when you have to watch how someone else raises a child and worry about the child.... And somethings I know were better were simply because things were differnt. We didn't have to worry about what was in our bottles because they were glass, not plastic. And nipples and pacifiers were actual rubber, not some latex chemical blend. Diapers were cotten, not disposable.... And I am not knocking these things, I know we all get along the best we can, just trying to point out some things I think were better "back then". :) And enjoy RenFaire, sounds like a lot of fun.

Snow - TEST WOMAN, TEST!!! POAS, POAS, POAS!!!!! :P And I admit to spending way too much time Googling things, but I take everything I read with a grain of salt, and cross check information with multiple credible sources. FX for you!

mrsschm16 - Congrats on your positives!! FX for tomorrow morning and STICKY VIBES!!

Bumpin4Baby - Congrats again and Sticky Vibes!!! And I love how you told DH, how sweet!

WhileImWaiting - Enjoy your girls weekend and have fun! FX you get your BFP when you come back.

ChickRay - Thanks for the claification on the cervix, I had read that but wasn't sure. Hope your tummy feels better!

MaggieLa - I have had that type of sharp pain, this cycle in fact. Not sure what it was since it is still early for me (happened at 4 DPO). Hopefully it is good news for you. When are your going to test? POAS woman, LOL!

callmequirky- I remember being the same way with my first, everyone seems to be so firmly in one camp or the other they forget we are all just doing the best we can. I think you have a good handle on it all!

awebste - Glad things are going well for you! Keep checking in with us. Sending Sticky Vibes your way!

spartiechic - Prayers for you that you get some answers and your BFP. Good luck with the RE.

AFM, still feeling no real symptoms but pressure in my uterus, and I am a bit gassy. So weird that I never got any of my normal post O symptoms (lower back ache, sore BBs, bloating). FX that these are good signs. If AF doesn't show by Monday than I will test Tuesday morning. 7 days to go.....

9 years ago

Thank you for the congrats, you ladies are so nice. Used another FRER this morning and it's only SLIGHTLY perhaps once my period is actually late (due Thurs.) it'll be darker.

Congrats to all you other ladies with BFPs and thinking of all of you still waiting to find out...:)

Question: Do you usually wait until your period is late to call your doctor to set up appt? This is my first and not really sure what to do now! I know she won't see til 8 weeks-ish but I didn't want to get lectured for jumping the gun and testing a few days early!

9 years ago

I have already made an appointment for Sept 3rd! They told me that they like to wait until you are 8 weeks along before seeing you. I would say go ahead. The earlier the better so they can monitor you!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Bumpin! So awesome! I'm so happy for you! I hope I'm not far behind you!

No AF. So I'm officially a day late. I guess I could have ovulated late but why the random weird pains? Sigh. I guess I can only wait.

I haven't told my bf I'm late yet. I don't want to jinx anything. Haha. I'm trying to make an appointment with my OBGYN to better understand the pain.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Mrs: With DD I called them when I had my bfp on cycle day 27. They scheduled me for an 8 week appointment and literally all that happened was a nurse had me pee in a cup to confirm. Ugh. Doc asked if there was anything going on that felt weird, I said no, so then the real appointments began at 13 weeks. I was so frustrated with that appointment. I took 19 hpts to see the line get darker every day and confirm it was still there. Hahahaha. I already KNEW I was pregnant. Some stinking nurse didn't have to tell me. :) I wanted to hear a heartbeat or something.

9 years ago

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