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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hey Dragonfly - I totally agree, sleep trumps temping! When it comes to pre-seed, I think it can definitely help some women conceive but it's nice to have all the information before using it!

Good luck Twinkle! Hopefully they just got the dating off a little and that little one just needs a bit more time before you can hear their heartbeat! My best friend, who's due any moment now (her due date was this weekend), her initial due date (6 wk US) was two weeks later than what they gave her at her 12 week ultrasound, so fingers crossed!

AFM -still no AF this morning, though I thought for sure it had but nothing when I wiped. Still no AF cramps (I usually get a little warning with cramps). I didn't bother to test this morning, didn't feel like staring at a test, willing a line to be there and obsessing over it! lol Now, if I can just make it to my blood test tomorrow morning, at least I will have answers for sure!

6 years ago

@ twwtoolong I am not testing until next week so it feels like eternity! lol. Does it take a few days for you to get the blood test results back or do you hear back pretty fast? FX for you!!!

I hope we start seeing some more BFP's in this group also. Too many BFN's We need some happy news for the holidays!

AFM I feel absolutely nothing lol. no symptoms or signs. I guessed my O day based on my cm and I am pretty sure I am 8 dpo. I am going to go through this weekend without testing. I have a busy week and weekend ahead so that should help me! It feels good to not symptom spot right now but at the same time I wish we had more surefire signs that it might have worked because having no signs or symptoms is so stressful!

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6 years ago

@ Twinkle16 - Congratulations on the BFP and I hope very very much that you get to hear that heart beat next week. Will they check your HCG levels again too? From the little I know about the HCG doubling time it looks like yours are right on track. Sending you and the little one lots of love!!

@ Dragongly23 - Good to hear from you (I was missing you!). I'm sorry about AF and I think not temping and just relaxing during this next holiday cycle of yours is a great idea. Are you still going to use OPKs? I'll check in on you over in the September group. For me, it would be late for an implantation dip but everyone is different!

@twwtoolong - I'm right there with you. No AF symptoms and no overwhelming pregnancy symptoms. I hope you get to the blood draw tomorrow!

AFM - Temp went up just a tad today but not enough to make me feel like I should take a pregnancy test just yet. I'm going to see what it does tomorrow and keep waiting. I've done a little bit of research and some people have a slow BBT decline towards their period and some people have a sudden drop. I'm still above the coverline that Fertility Friend gives me so that gives me some hope. DH is starting to get impatient and keeps asking when we will know! He uses the names we have picked out and keeps asking if they are in there! Makes me smile :).

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13 that is so cute! I wish my DH would get excited like that. He is just such a realist and doesn't get excited about things until it is actually happening and after so many months of BFN's he just doesn't think much of it even if I am talking about it. Kind of a bummer to not have someone to get excited with! I know he will be completely different once we get that BFP though!

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6 years ago

@ Pearl_325 - It's super cute of him to get excited about it! Keeps my spirits up even if I don't feel pregnant yet. You are right and your DH will come around when you get that BFP. It's probably a defense mechanism on his part so he doesn't feel the let down when you get a BFN. This is our first cycle really paying attention to things so I think that is why my DH is so excited. I don't want to let him down but I also know he will be more then happy to keep on trying next cycle ! You know because of all the BDing!

6 years ago

Hello ladies! I hope everyone is doing well and I hope we all start seeing lots of BFPs! Fingers crossed! Here are my symptoms since my last check in:

8 DPO - brown tinged CM in the morning. That evening I had a strong Metallica taste in my mouth and wave of nausea. Breasts still sore.

9 DPO - woke up and had pink spotting mixed with CM. Put on a panty liner. Thought for sure AF was coming early. Spotting went away and it was only when I wiped in the AM. Nothing last night.

10 DPO (today) - no spotting. Breasts still sore. I took a HPT since I am 10 DPO. BFN. I know it's still early so I am not losing hope yet. AF is due Friday and I know of what I experienced with the spotting was implantation bleeding then it will take a few days after to test positive.

I hope all of us get BFPs for Christmas!!

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13 haha all that BDing definitely helps keep them into it!

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6 years ago

@twwtoolong. I agree about Pre-seed as it does help some women get pregnant. I will start temping after my cycle is over. Think I am getting enough sleep as I am getting headaches from too much sleep.

@FlamingoGirl13. That's cute about how your husband talks to you. It definately puts a smile on your face. I hope to not see you over in September so praying for sticky vibes.

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6 years ago

pearl - I will have the results tomorrow afternoon (they call between 11-1pm).

Jodilyn - that looks promising! Fingers crossed!

Pearl / Flamingo - got to love sweet DH moments! My DH leaves today and I told him that our blood test is tomm and asked if he would want me to tell him right away or wait. He said to call and then proceeded to enact how he would happy he would react to the news, it was super cute!

AFM - I put in a tampon, just for coverage while at work and there was no sign of AF on the applicator - only 20 more hours, not that I am counting! lol

6 years ago

@ twwtoolong - Gotta love the DH's excitement! So you got your blood drawn today and the results come back tomorrow? Crossing my fingers for you!

@Jodilyn - looks promising! keep us updated on any tests you take.

Lots of us are testing the end of this week/this weekend! I might sound like a broken record but I'm going to keep saying that I am hoping for more BFPs for all of us!!

to all!!

6 years ago

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