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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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WhileImwaiting, I'm going to make a doc appointment for next week to confirm my BFP and go from there!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Snow White: I have gained 6 lbs to this month!!! I have not ate anymore or less so I liked to have freaked out. Going to doctor in the morning. Still hoping for you to get a BFP.
As far as the cervix, it does turn a bluish purple when you first get pregnant but then it goes back to Google I'm a nurse.
Ladies I think it's bedtime. This precious bean has mommies tummy a little upset tonight.

9 years ago

Has anyone ever felt a specific sharp pain and think "that may have been implantation" does it work that way? I was just walking around my living room and felt like I just walked into a knife to the uterus.. and then it was gone like 2 seconds later.. I may have thought more into this than what I should have.. I have had mild cramps all day thinking AF was going to come early. I am 8-9 DPO and AF is due in 4 days...

9 years ago

callmequirky: LOL! Of course I don't take it as confrontational it is your opinion. And I definitely agree with you to a point. And this is the classic point of how people differ in their ways of raising kids.

Regarding the TV time. I have read the AAP and many other links regarding this and so far, except for the AAP, it's only recommended and many sites have entered pros and cons to it. I do agree with you...however, it is impossible in this day and age to restrict TV or any media device all together. I don't agree with using the TV as a I wouldn't plan to watch it 24/7. My kid will end up in a day care anyhow, both of us work, so as far as I know they don't have TV's there. If your entire family is watching a Disney movie and your infant is only 3 months old...sorry I am having a hard time understanding why it is a problem when they can't see 10 inches in front of their face until they are about 5+ months old. And even then they still don't see everything until they are closer to 8 months. I was several feet away and so was my mom when she had the baby in her lap. I have no intention of having my baby be one of those kids glued to the it is extremely unrealistic that a kid is not going to be around a TV for the first 2 years of their lives.

As for the food thing. I completely agree with you on the fixing your own baby food. But she isn't even planning that. My fear is she is going to turn into my cousin and breastfeed until the kid is 3 years old! All I keep hearing is "Mommy Mommy I'm hungry" and seeing her whip out her boob while he is standing there. I completely agree with breastfeeding the first year but also incorporating baby food in there as he gets to a certain age. I am all about organic and home made food. I had already decided that whenever it comes time for me. But I don't agree with only breastfeeding until the baby is old enough to eat solid foods. Something about that just seems off to me...she gives me the impression that she is just lazy. Still hoping that she changes her mind in a couple months. I feel like a baby should learn to digest soft food and get comfortable eating mushy foods then ease into solids. But again this is my opinion.

Baby led weaning: I do think that is a great idea as well.

I don't get pissed at her...I let her do what she is going to do. I will never tell her I think she is an idiot and to stop following everything you read on the internet evens drives my brother crazy. She was one of those types that if she read that you could sit in a hot tub while pregnant she did it. She wasn't a very responsible pregnant woman at all. I think this whole thing just stems from me not liking her that much and not trusting her judgement. But I will never tell her so. I liked her a lot before she got pregnant then she got pregnant and turned into a not so very nice person to be around. I hate that my brother is stuck with her now and hopefully she lightens up just in general and maybe she will become likable. I'm just glad I don't have to live with Sorry if this makes me sound like a terrible person. But that is why it's called venting.

I do agree that things have definitely changed for the better since our parents were having belts and car seats for sure. But there are other things that I know were better off when we were kids as opposed to now. Sadly I can't really think of an example at the moment.

Just know I do agree with you on a lot of points and maybe I didn't post it correctly before...I was fighting a terrible headache while I was venting. Now that my headache is gone...I can't sleep. Typical.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

WhileImWaiting: There are a few of us near your CD. I typically wait until I am at 10 DPO but I am going to the Renaissance Faire this weekend on my 9 DPO and if there is even the slightest inkling of a line that will determine on how careful I need to be. However my friend on another forum who is PG says I should be fine to have a couple drinks this early on just make sure I drink lots of water and make sure I don't get

mrsschm16: Hope your BFP tomorrow morning is stronger than the ones today!

MaggieLA: Sadly I don't recall having anything like that type of pain, I have never seen a BFP. That being said, hopefully that is a good sign for you.

OK ladies, I suppose I should go up and try to go to sleep.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Lolo: Oh yeah. The TV thing I'm actually lax enough on that I'm streaming Dexter throughout the day. What a bloody, gory mess. :) Granted, if she were actually watching and not playing with her blocks or something I wouldn't do that, but she could give a crap less. The only part about the show she likes is the Cuban music or the intro music. Ha ha. Note: I'm playing with her during these times too. It usually takes me rewinding the episode on netflix at least 3 times to get through 1 show unless she's napping. :)

I also think a balance of nutrition is mandatory. I totally believe in bf, formula, or a mix of both until a year, but adding in the big people food around 6 months. Even earlier if the baby is the right size and mentally ready. I certainly hope the desire to avoid food isn't because of laziness, but only because she's waiting until that 6 month mark. If my baby girl is still breastfeeding at 3-years-old it will only be for comfort, rather than necessity. I'm thinking that's sippy cup age for me personally though. Tonight for dinner she had salmon, oysters, and steamed broccoli with us for craps's sake. She loves almost all food, except leafy veggies, because it's a weird texture. :)

Yeah, sorry if I sounded douchy. Didn't mean to. Since I became a mom I've come across SO much controversy. BF, versus formula, versus bf + formula; vax versus anti-vax; homemade food versus baby food from the store; baby wearing versus strollers/carts; moby-style baby wearing versus ergos and baby bjorns... It's insane how moms can judge one another when they're all doing their best. Obviously I've just been immersed in that culture for nearly a year now and need to stop giving a crap. Ha ha. I know I'm doing my best. :)

Oh! As for things that are worse than when we were growing up. I totally have one. The lady who was recently arrested for allowing her 8-year-old child to walk to, and play at, a park that was a half mile away kills me. Holy crap! The park near our house is 1/2 mile away. We live in an incredible town, nothing would happen. That said, a woman was arrested in her own town for neglect, because she let a kid go play. He had a cell phone. Are you kidding me?! At 8 I was allowed to ride my bike to friend's places a little under a mile away. I just had to call when I got there. Mom knew it would take about 15 minutes. The woods across the street from our house was an awesome playground. We would go out there for a whole day, with motorcycles even! Ugh. I do not understand how that is neglect. Pisses me off.

9 years ago

Hi girls. I can't sleep so I'm reading through the posts. No sign of AF. No
More cramps. Except the occasional one which is in my groin around where your leg attaches to your hip. In that crevasse. Which I had last time I was pregnant. Which is weird. The groin pain is on the right. The ovary pain was on the left (gone now). The tingly sensation is right In the middle. Sometimes in the left.

I'm pretty sure I'm out tho. :(

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Snow!!!!! Take a test!!! I'm dying with anticipation over here!! Please? :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

So, this how I told dh! I went to the dollar store and bought white tank tops for my daughter and I. I wrote on them in permanent marker. Mine said, "Mom of 2" and my daughter's said, "Big Sister est 2015". My daughter has this little stuffed dog that sings "Baby" by Justin Bieber. We hid under the blanket in our bed and I had my daughter to yell for him to come find us. When he came in the room he of course new we were there and he started tickling us. When that was over I cued my daughter to press the dog so it would sing and we threw the blanket off of us and said, "you like our new shirts?" He was so excited!! Of course, I haven't said anything to my daughter about a baby. She is 4 and can't read. I don't want her to tell everyone since we are keeping it quiet until I have a doc appointment! Just thought I'd share some joy! :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

That is so sweet Bumpin! So happy for you! How long have you been TTC this little one?

9 years ago

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