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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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@twwtoolong I hope we both get our BFP s in a few days . We can be baby buddies hahaha im 13 dpo too so same due date ??!?!?

Well tue bleeding is almost gone now , just very light pink CM but still bfn. I’ll test tomorrow morning again and I’ll let you know

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6 years ago

@ Penny1366 - Keep us updated if you choose to test again.

AFM - I'm starting to think I'm out as well. My temperature dropped today and I expect it will drop tomorrow. I still don't expect AF to show until Friday or Saturday. If it drops again tomorrow morning I'm not going to waste a test. I'm bummed as this cycle I felt like we got the timing right. Will probably continue to do BBT and OPKs next cycle just to see how similar my cycles are. I'm getting lots of snow today so at least there is that to make me happy!

6 years ago

Ladies who were curious about Preseed...

We just received the results of the testing done from my miscarriage - Trisomy 13.

This is a matter of opinion, but I will not be using it again. I can't help but think the Preseed helped a bad sperm get to the egg that normally wouldn't have made it.

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

Thankyou for the info Ruby stay strong xxx

AFM- Got doctors tomorrow ttc on hold atm as i have some health issues that need addressing. Doc thinks i May be b12 deficiant with underlying cause. Not preventing pregnancy however trying not to symptom spot ect good luck ladies wish u all the Best. Xxx

6 years ago

@Ruby0709 Thank you for the info and I am so sorry to hear! We already used it this cycle and I am just waiting to test now so we will see if it even helped us conceive! If it does I hope it doesn't end in miscarriage but I think I would be worried about that either way since it is so common I wish you better luck next time you try! xoxo

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6 years ago

Hi Ladies,
Still no AF or signs of her coming yet.

Ruby - thank you for your input, it's truthfully why we held off trying it. I am still debating whether to try it during the holidays as we are not cycle monitoring and I won't be taking any meds, so feel like I want to do something to give us a better chance, but I don't take the decision lightly.

Pearl - that sounds promising! Are you testing tomm?

Flamingo - maybe implantation dip?

May test again in the morning, or might just wait and see, will keep you posted!

6 years ago

@ruby0709 thanks for the info, i never thought of it that way. we used conceive plus this cycle but just a bit of it. hubby didn't like it. i couldn't find preseed here.

@Flamingogirl oh gosh it's 38 degrees ( 100.4 Fahrenheit ) today and we are boiling here :(
@twwtoolong i'm on the same boat.

AFM well there's no sign of AF except for on and off mild cramping ( i PMS so bad normally ) , the Pink CM is almost gone. and i just did a test this morning and got negative on both cheapie ones and FRER. So i'm really confused , but i feel more pregnant than not pregnant if you know what i mean. just waiting for the second line to show up. do you think i need togo to doctor? and why? why do you guys go to the doctor when you are not sure that you're pregnant or not.

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6 years ago

@twwtoolong - One could hope it's an implantation dip! I doubt it though. I also don't feel pregnant which is the same feeling I've had during the last two cycles while ttc at about this time. Not that I would know what pregnant feels like, since I've never been pregnant. It's just this guy feeling I keep getting. We'll see what the next three days bring. Maybe I'll test tomorrow morning just for fun.

@ Penny - I'd wait a few more days and take another test. If you are still confused give your doc a call and see what they say about coming in. I've never been in your situation so I'm not sure what I'd do.

@ Ruby - Thank you for the update. I hope it has brought you some closure and that you can look forward to your rainbow baby.

@ MidnightMystery - I hope your dr. appointment goes well!

AFM - I've had a persistent dull headache since I woke up this morning. Maybe it's just the weather? Hoping for more BFP's out of this group!!! I think we have two so far if memory serves right?

6 years ago

Hi ladies - So I'm in the running for August 2018 but very nervous and worried.. My LMP was Oct 29. Not exactly sure when I ovulated but got a faint positive on Nov 30th. I got my HCG tested the same day and it was only 16. I went out of town, so I wasn't able to retest until Monday 12/4 and it went up to 115. 12/6- was 334... 12/8 was 1275. Yesterday, 12/11, I received a transvaginal ultrasound.. According to my last period I was 6wks 1 day. They were only able to see sac and yolk, no heartbeat. I have another ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday to see if the heartbeat is detectable. The Dr. Didn't sound concerned at this point, but I am very scared and stressed. I had a misscarige Dec 2016, I can't fathom another

6 years ago

Hi ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. Just thought I would check in. Day 2 of official holidays but on CD3. I have since shut off my alarm and haven't temped since. I keep wanting to but with holidays, sleep trumps over lol. Since we are in the discussion of Pre-Seed, I came across a comment about miscariages. I won't edit the comment but as is. I agree with what she said:

"i ladies...I'm from a diff. Birth board but saw this and decided to post...they found a link between preseed and miscarriage ONLY because the thinning of the mucus makes it easier for genetically weaker sperm to get through and fertilize the egg. Unassisted reproduction is survival of the fittest basically and the stronger sperm usually survive but when u do things to assist its possible for weaker sperm to fertilize first. If it makes you feel better, if a miscarriage occurs it is still due to an abnormality not the actual preseed. Hope this helps a little. Good luck ladies :)"

How I'm reading this in my opinion is that the weaker sperm who faught its way to the egg and used its last bit of energy to penetrate it. The not so good sperm will have a long time to recover plus dealing with the abnormalities just becomes too much. To me it makes sense. I've been using it for a few cycles now so hope that isn't the issue. Also, I have yet to see the great sperm race

@twwtoolong. I'm rooting for you. Hope AF stays away for you.

@Penny1366. How many dpo's are you and when is AF due? Could be too early to test. Not sure if you temp or not but that is another good indicator if it drops past your cover line. I hope the temp dip is implantation and that you will get your rise the next day.

@Twinkle16. I hope they find the heartbeat at the next visit.

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6 years ago

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