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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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4dpo. Feels like it's been a long time since o, but only 4 days!!! I am feeling a little bloated, as per usual at this time of the cycle. Had lots of interesting things happen today which kept me busy.

Hope that spotting stays away now Lizhaley. But definitely an interesting symptom! Just sounds way too early for AF spotting so I am encouraged for you :)

How are you doing Dixieheart?

10 years ago

Hi Ladies things are going much better......sounds like this cycle is very interesting for all of us.....

Shelob I know how it feels you just wish time would fly so that you can start testing and know if the weird symptoms that you feeling is a little baby growing inside you or just hormones.....

Liz have you tested yet? I'm so excited to hear your results. Please keep us updated on how you feel and your test results....

Today I'm feeling very tired again.....back ache is bearable......very bloated feels like I had way to much to eat......

Keep me posted on whats happening with you ladies......sticky vibes.....

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10 years ago

Hi Ladies!
Sorry I haven't been on much lately. Dh is finally on his days off so we have just been trying to enjoy them before he does back to work Saturday. And today we had a tornado! I'm not sure if you ladies get them where you are or if they are called something else there. It was crazy but no damage to our house thankfully!

I know what you mean shelob, it seems like its taking forever to me haha.

Dixieheart, I'm glad you are feeling better. Have you started tested yet?

Yesterday I was out with dh shopping and I was sure I was getting my period. I got a couple little cramps and felt wetness in my underwear. I went to the bathroom and It gave increased cm a whole new meaning lol. There was so much it even went through my shorts, thank god it wasn't af haha. But no more spotting and no cramping really. Every once and a while Ill get a little twinge and Ill be like, does this count as cramping? haha. My backache is much more bearable its only a light little pain now. I usually have pms crapms a week before af shows up and so far I havent gotten those. I tested today and of course there was no line. I know it was too early to test even if i was pregnant. I will keep testing until af shows and hopefully I will get my two lines before then! :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies.........

Wow Liz that crazy.....a glad to hear that you and your DH are okay and yourge house still that's crazy in SA we don't get tornados.....we had one that went threw my home town where I grew up about 22 hears ago......and the about 16 years ago I saw snow for the first time inky snowed for 3 days in my hometown.......last winter we also had snow but for only 1 day and then it rained for 3 days...... no tornadoes here in SA, but snow every winter in other parts of country......that the reason we will have a cold few weeks coming.....

It snowed so much on the mountains to the south of our country, that causes our winters to beter cold........

That's really an interesting symptom you have......if I think back it almost sounds like my cycle last month....crazy wet all the time and then af showed her ugly face on 14dpo......I was surprised last cycle she showed up with no warnings....usually I feel very cranky, with very sensitive bbs and heavy cramping the day before Af......but the last warning.....just came branching in uninvited.........I sure hope it's not the case with you......

Shelob how have you been doing.....have you gone for your test? How you feeling any new things happening?

With me the backache has eased up since yesterday......I'm only 8dpo today and started testing on 7 dpo!!!! I know it's way to early but I could help myself......No surprise with the bfn......on the tests so far.......still having problems with acne breakout.......and since Monday feeling very usual bedtime is between 11 and 12.....but this week 10 is streatching it for me..still feel bloated......and gassy.......feeling very weepy today, I even cried watching the last episode falling skies.......

Good luck ladies and keep me posted on what's happening......

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10 years ago

I love falling skies:] And yeah I understand the cold winters we live about an hour from Canada and its already starting to get cooler here and our fall is still months away. We usually get snow from October through May.

Sorry that you are still feeling bad. Hopefully you will start feeling better soon!And yeah that's a little early to see anything but I am the same way I can't stand the thought of possibly being able to get a bfp and not testing haha.

Today I have felt pretty normal. I would guess that I still have increased cm but nothing outrageous. And a little lite cramping that can go either way. My friend said that my symptoms last week were the exact same she had right before she got her bfp so here's hoping :] AF is still 4 days away. If I don't get a bfp in the next two days I'm pretty sure I'm out. Because that would mean there are only two more days and I think it should show by then. We will try one more cycle then go see a fertility doctor in September. I feel very nervous about it.

How are you doing Shelob? I'm looking forward to hearing your results!

10 years ago • Post starter


I had my blood test this morning but because this one doesn't require me to do anything with the result I can't find out until tomorrow - which is a Saturday! I don't know if they will answer the phones. Anyway it is progesterone so will tell us whether I ovulated (which I am 100% sure I did). I don't know if it will indicate anything else. Find out when I get the results :)

Right, symptoms! I don't really let myself start symptom spotting until 6dop (today) as I know you probably won't have implanted until then - so of course today at 6dpo I have lots of symptoms! This morning I had some sharp stabbing pains in my uterus while I was driving to work. Lasted one minute. I can feel something similar but not as severe now, actually. I have had lots of creamy cm (lots by my standards, not yours Lizhaley!) both yesterday and today. This afternoon I felt so tired and slightly sick after work, but probably just from a busy week. I really want this morning to be implantation and these symptoms from rising HCG but of course that is wishful thinking!! Still fun :)

Scary that you had a tornado Lizhaley! We do get them here and have had some fatal ones in the past couple of years too. I have been a few hundred metres form one when a child. We all huddled in the strongest part of the house for it to go by, ripped up trees and fences in its path. My brother had one go over their building at work, and he saw cars wobbling and almost lifting up. Sadly that one killed a couple of people on a building site. I really don't want to be closer to one.

It is the middle of "winter" here at the moment. The climate is so temperate that I am basking in the beautiful sunshine. Short sleeve day in fact! It can snow in NZ, but never in Auckland where I live (except the few flakes that fell last year and got everyone terribly excited!). Other places I have lived get a few snow places a year. Some people can be snowed in for weeks, but I haven't been there.

I am afraid I will be keeping you two in suspense for a while at the end of this cycle as I don't test until AF is due and not here. I have twice tested a day or two early and it made me really sad to have my hopes dashed and then have to wait for AF anyway. This monitored cycle I would go for a blood test on 17dop if no AF. I would be testing 16dpo if no spotting. I always spot for at least 2-3 days before AF starts. Sometimes for almost a week, which is REALLY annoying! The one time I had no spotting I was pregnant, so I look for that symptom above all others.

Never heard of falling skies. Obviously don't have it here. But, I was very emotional last night. Almost cried watching a movie and then got upset about nothing which annoyed me but made my husband cuddle up to me to comfort me. Ridiculous! I felt almost bipolar as had been on a real high just before it.

10 years ago

Just got my blood test result. My progesterone is "lovely" according to the nurse! She said definite ovulation and that the level is high enough to support pregnancy if it happens :) VERY happy!!! Lets just hope that sperm managed to meet egg...

10 years ago

Hi ladies how's the weekend being so far?

Shelob that's wonderful news.....I'm so excited for you......I'm sure things will work out exactly as planned.......

Liz how are you doing? Any news for us on you test results?

Today I'm 10 dpo still no BFP......I'm starting to feel out of this month......i also had new symptoms the past 2 days, being 9 and 10 dpo......except for still being tired most of the time and going early to bed since 7 dpo, my left bb has been very tender and sensitive.....This is very unusual for me, I only get
sore bbs the day before on on the day of AF......which is still 4 days to other usual AF cramping that I also get the day before or on the day of AF.......I have also noticed pronounced veins across my chest up to my neck and shoulders.....which is also very unusual for me......pronounced veins are something I don't's a nightmare when I needs to draw blood for some reason......

I will keep testing till the 14th and hopefully get my BFP before then......

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10 years ago

10dpo is still early Dixieheart :) I have a good friend who never got posistives on HPTs until 7 weeks! Don't completely lose hope :) The vein symptom sounds promising! I don't know how much of it was wishful thinking, but the night before I got my BFP I really noticed my veins around the top of my thighs and groin area. I had never noticed them looking that dark so it was a hint.

Yesterday was a bit emotional for me as my pregnant sister anounced her pregnancy to the rest of the family. She rang me first to forewarn which was incredibly nice of her. There were some people I hadn't told about our miscarriage because I found it very hard to, and hard to hear people's sympathy after a while too. My sister was fantastic and offered to tell them about my situation to warn them to be careful when talking about these things with me. She did and it war great. A huge relief as I had wanted them to know, but couldn't bring myself to tell them. This now means that I don't have to feel so inferior when they gush about her pregnancy because I will know that they know I was pregnant too. And I am hopeful about this month! Feeling really good about things this morning. There is no reason why I shouldn't get pregnant, and a number of reasons I should :) Might be wishful thinking but it makes me feel good, which is good :)

How are you Lizhaley? 2 days to go in this wait...

10 years ago

Morning ladies.......Had some new symptoms happening since I went to bed last night up to 11 this morning.......

My left bb is still very tender and sore feels like it was worse during the night and this morning....I woke up during the early hours of the morning with my right bb nipple being very itchy......also woke up a lot to drink water and to go to the loo to pee........since 9:30 this morning I felt very dizzy and lightheaded at one stage almost felt li,e I was going to faint......its about an hour or so of feeling dizzy and lightheaded........I also had a very white and creamy cm discharge right after the dizziness started...I'm still very I'm 11dpo tested this morning with no luck as yet.......

I really hope all these symptoms are good ones.........

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10 years ago

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