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June 2015 Babies!

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Starting this now for anyone who is out for a May baby, as I am.

Post here if you're try for a June baby.

(I'll still troll the other forums, but I thought I'd make this one in advance)

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

853 Replies • 9 years ago



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Calvingirl, I think that is the problem. I had a tilted uterus but my doctor said it corrected itself during my pregnancy with DD. Maybe the pregnancy with DS tilted it again???
Oh well, appointment with her in the 24th should answer most of my questions, although I hope she'll be able to confirm a pregnancy by then!

Macarla, sorry the witch showed her ugly face. this month is going to be yours.

Ababy, blogs are a great way to spread the word on what you went through and help others facing the same situation. I write my own little blog to spread the word on depression, and the one entry was regarding my PPD I went through with DS. If you ladies are interested in reading a little more about me, my whole life story is out there for all to read. ;) (Although I am not sharing this TTC Journey because I don't want my family to know yet.)
Read my Never Good Enough series and if you want stick around for the rest.

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9 years ago

Lolo, My timing this month might not have been good either as FF changed my O date as well. I would either be 9dpo today or 6dpo. I believe it is 6dpo. We dtd the day of ovulation, but didn't have the opportunity up to 5 days before. Not sure if the timing will be right. I woke up this morning with a slight headache (which is an AF symptom for me), sore boobs, back pain, and some cramping. The progesterone is probably the cause of most of it. Just hoping for all of us that we get our BFPs!

9 years ago

Hello ladies! I'm at 9 dpo....been having uti or feels like symptoms : / Dunno if that suppose to be a earliest pregnancy symptom, too...but baby dust to all :)

9 years ago

Koulog- you never know it only takes one donation
For some:) you aren't out yet.
Welcome deeben:) good luck!

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

Thank you....

9 years ago

I Am 1 day past ovulation period came this month September 23rd but I am still in the run for a June baby expected due date says June 22nd so my fingers are crossed big time still haven't been able to be on here as much as I want to be school and work as well as family planning and it's complicated glad to see all the new faces Well names Lol ...I also od cycle day 9 kind of early but I have a 31 day cycle now consecutively For 4 mos now

9 years ago

WOW girls!!! I don't even know where to start! First of all to the new girls!! WELCOME! Also, welcome back to xoxo and Ababy!

amo: I am feeling like I need a bunch of chocolate and some lifetime movies! But, glad to start a new cycle!

I have read everything, I promise.. But,, my brain won't let me remember all of it to respond to everyone. I will be able to pick up from here.

YAY & GL for the ones that have o'd and got some good lovin's!

Sorry to those who the witch got.. She got me, too!

AFM: CD2!! AF finally came last night and I am so happy that it did! It hasn't been too bad so far. If I were to conceive this cycle, my EDD would be July 7th. That is the day before my DD bday. How in the world could my cycle have gotten so screwed up that it would make it the day before her bday? Just my luck.. I am still going to try though. I want this too bad.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Holly860: I will be starting to test on Sunday I think. I was in an irritable mood a couple days ago. this is our month!

Ababy2love: Hi sweetie...missed seeing you on here. Thanks I sure hope this is my month! I think you should do what your heart tells you to do. Blogs/Forums are great because others gets to join in and it doesn't just help you but it helps others too.

macarla: I am so sorry the arrived. I cry almost every time she arrives. Then that evening I take a nice hot bubble bath and have a glass of wine or beer with a shot of either Tequila or makes me feel a tad better. Then I try to focus on my next steps. Hang in there sweetie!

Lozzaa: Welcome and I think we all start off a bit crazy. Then you start to learn more about your body and things start to level out a bit. I don't think the craziness really truly goes away...But you get more focused. Hope this is your month!

Cryslynn86: Is your doctor Male or Female? My FS is Male and he sorta drives me crazy DH says it's because he bases everything off numbers and facts...not really feelings. Try not to take it personally. I think it's because everyone's body is different and they go through and feel things differently too. So you could say you had bad back pain but even those who aren't TTC or PG have back pain. Same thing with nausea. Hang in there! Hopefully your blood work comes back positive!

mom2bx3: Thanks for sharing that link...I will definitely check it out.

koulog: It's nice to know that I am not the only one FF does that too. It's so annoying I wish I had gotten a positive on my OPK then the sites would have at least, well, hopefully, stuck with one date and time, instead of changing Guess we will both know for sure next week. I have a 3 day weekend coming up so hopefully it will make the time go by faster...

DeeBen2014: Welcome and I don't think the UTI or feels like it symptom would be on the symptoms page if it wasn't a possible early PG symptom... that is a good sign for you. It feels weird calling it a good sign when that symptom is so uncomfortable.

xoxocouture: Well, at least you are keeping busy during this time!

Bumpin4Baby: YAY so glad arrived!!! Wow, that feels weird to cheer you on for that...LOL! I wouldn't worry about the EDD that much. Everyone is always telling me that unless your baby is late and you induce on your due date chances are you won't have it on that date. Maybe you'll be early and your baby will still be a June baby. Either way, I wouldn't stop TTC either. you get lucky this month!!!

AFM: I am not nearly as tired as I have been in the mornings but I ache. And OMG my low back is really bothering me. It's even going into the sides of my legs. Going to see the Chiropractor tomorrow. Really wish I was seeing him today. I had DH rub some stuff in my back, I think it's called Aspercream. It helped a bit last night...wish I thought to ask him to rub it in this morning. I asked him to massage my low back and glutes while he was rubbing it in. I was a Massage Therapist for awhile and when I was in school we learned that most of your back pain can be tight muscles in the Glutes (butt) or your legs. Well, I nearly jumped off the bed when he first started working on my Not sure if Aspercream's safe to use during the TTC process or when you become PG. But I figure if you can, in theory, still drink right now hopefully that is still considered safe until I check with the doctor. Maybe I will stop using it for now. Since I am seeing the Chiro tomorrow.

Last night I also woke up in the middle of the night with this nasty acid reflux, thought I was going to be sick. Thankfully I wasn't. But it took me awhile to get back to sleep.

I sure hope these are good signs. FX'd!!!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Ugh! Had my u/s today and had two really good sized follicles (13 and 14mm) in my left ovary and two very small ones (6mm) in the right. The left tube was the one that looked blocked in the HSG so this cycle looks like a bust. Now, it is possible that my tube isn't blocked, but was just in spasm when they did the HSG causing it to appear blocked. It's also possible that the egg could get picked up by the right fallopian tube. However, I'm not holding out a lot of hope for a June baby. The doctor and I decided to withhold the Ovidrel and save it for next cycle when I'll probably ovulate from the right side. I'm just going to do the OPKs and do the regular timed intercourse that I usually do. The doctor said that was a good idea, just in case one of the scenarios above actually happens. I can save a little money by saving my Ovidrel and progesterone for the more likely scenario of waiting for next cycle.

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9 years ago

spartiechic: Awww I'm sorry it's a bust this month but like you said, you never know. Hopefully it works for you still! I think you have a good plan

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

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