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June 2015 Babies!

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Starting this now for anyone who is out for a May baby, as I am.

Post here if you're try for a June baby.

(I'll still troll the other forums, but I thought I'd make this one in advance)

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

853 Replies • 9 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

641 - 650 of 853 Replies | Last Page

Hi Ladies,

marcie_pants: I am sorry the got you. for next month.

macarla: Welcome and

koulog: I wish I could test on Sat but we have my step kids staying with us this weekend and I don't want to test when they are there. So, I might test Sunday at least, for sure Monday. Symptoms I have mentioned below.

amourcrea: Welcome and

Cryslynn86: Hi and Welcome! Hope your doctors appt goes well and you get some good news. and keep us posted!

Holly860: It's funny sometimes I cramp during O and sometimes I don't but lately since I haven't seen a +OPK I honestly can't tell you if my cramps were ovulation pains or post O pains. Not sure I can trust what my body is doing anymore.

Bumpin4Baby: You make me laugh and feel so much better. I sure you are right.

I hope AF shows up soon for you so you can get next cycle started.

AFM: Sadly, I don't feel as confident thanks to FF. They keep changing my crosshairs. I feel like I screwed up by not BD'ing on Sunday. And also by not continuing with the OPK's. I just didn't see a reason to. I look back at my chart and think OK so FF changed my O day to Sat. We BD'd on Friday morning. If we stick with the whole EOD BD'ng Sunday would have been the next day. But they also say that the egg is only viable for 12-24 hours. Sunday would have been the end of that. But then I think of what my doctor is always saying that you should BD one more time after you O. So now I feel like I screwed up this month. Even though from what my OPK sticks looked like last Wed (wish I took a pic of them) and even though the digital part didn't read it as a +OPK...I feel like I might've O'd then. Or at least the day after. I hate this feeling. FX'd this is still our month but I am so tired of the whole 2nd guessing. DH asked what does my gut tell tells me to go with what I have down here on CTP. So that is what I am doing. If I am wrong I'm wrong. But I I am right.

When I first saw the change I thought... OK, DH starts his vacation during my fertile window so we should be in good shape for next cycle if this isn't it. Then before I leave I was chatting with him and found out that he is working that weekend because of when he hurt his back he lost those 3 days of vacation. So, if we do end up doing an IUI I don't see how we do it working around his schedule. He has no more sick days to use up. I so don't want to be hoping and praying my O date lands on his day off.

Please GOD let this be our month!

As for symptoms: I still feel a tad bit the same as I did...low back pain, slight headache, tired, not so much the nauseousness, but I am feeling some very slight cramping. But OMG! Last night I had the worst nightmare! Some guy was chasing me with a syringe and was trying to impregnate me with a worm/snake. And then someone was trying to break into my house all in the same dream...DH says he found me sleeping standing up in the bathroom I definitely have some weird dreams.

Except for the nightmare, the rest could very well just be my normal symptoms that I get at this time of month. I was feeling a bit more optimistic about this month but thanks to FF changing my O date I don't feel as confident anymore. FX'd this is still it.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

lolo: I am glad that I can make you laugh and feel better!! :) Don't give up hope that this is your month. Having the nightmare could be a good sign! Chin up, darling!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Mom2be- if you got a faint positive on a hpt are you still
Going to test with those just in case?

I got a faint positive once and it was because I tested
Hpt and opk and had them lay beside each other.
That can cause a hpt to turn positive if they are touching.
It sucked. I was like really???? If course it isn't a true

Hope you are all having a great day. I am cleaning house:/

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

Mom2be-that's very interesting about the lymph nodes. I should ovulate this week so I'm going to check it out!

Holly-trying to conceive for any length of time gets very discouraging. We've been trying for 10months now. Got pregnant in July but had a miscarriage at 5 weeks. I was sooooo devastated. Hang in there! Baby dust to u!

Welcome new ladies! Baby dust to u all

Lolo-fx for u!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

mom2bx3: I have been using soft cups this month and twice last month. 2 of the times this month my dumb ass completely forgot I had it in and left it in for nearly 24 hours. I didn't have any cramping associated with it. So sadly I don't know what to tell you.

That is very interesting info about the swollen lymph nodes...I never really paid that much attention to it. If I am not PG this month I will try to notice it next month. I don't have to though.

Bumpin4Baby: I am trying to stay positive. Someone in my other forum on FF pointed out that they agree that I O'd on Wed due to my temps and CM. Still feeling emotional but not as down about it if that makes any sense. I saw the tiniest bit of ewcm on Sunday but it was so tiny I didn't bother to post it...and it never showed up again. Of course it happened well after DH had fallen asleep otherwise I would have suggested to him we DTD that morning.

LOL! I do hope that nightmare was a good sign though.

Holly860: That is very interesting and surprising to know that about the OPK's and HPT's. I never would have known that.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

TTClate30's: Thanks.

Holly860: I agree with TTClate30's. It doesn''t matter if you are just starting your TTC journey or doing it as long as I have 19 cycles. There are ladies on here that have been at this for 3+ years. Every month is a struggle. The beginning is a struggle because you are just learning your body and hope you see that BFP so you don't have to keep When you get this far along you would think you'd get used to the disappointment but I think it just gets harder and harder seeing the BFN's and having AF arrive. But no matter where you are in your journey when AF arrives it is terribly heartbreaking. Hang in there!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago


TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

mom2bx3 - I used softcups and although they look huge to me ( I was quite intimidated the first time I inserted one) they kinda just pop in.

I did have a little cramping when I took it out (I kept them in about 12 hrs each time) but I think that was because I have a tilted uterus, so my cervix is pointing towards my back, not down. So to pull it out, it rubs/pulls slightly against my cervix as the rim passes by and I'm really sensitive. It makes me crampy for a little while afterwards but subsides pretty quickly. Could that be it? Maybe you took it out too quickly and it pulled on your cervix?

9 years ago

Thanks Bumpin! yeah it's definitely painful! how are you doing?

I tested last night (9dpo) and BFN like stark white.. i couldnt even pretend there was even a hint of a shadow or even an evap line!
CM has dried up.. only a little bit. I have quite a lot of pressure low in my abdomen than kinda feels like AF but usually i can feel the pain down my legs with AF cramps. Maybe my uterus??
Don't want to get my hopes up.. but they are already up! lol

Before i miscarried earlier in the year (my first pregnancy) my bbs were soooo sore and hard (sorry tmi) but seriously really sore but this time nothing really.. slightly sensitive but i've only noticed because i'm symptom spotting lol which makes me think i'm not.

I told myself last night that i would wait to test on Sunday (14dpo) but i'm pretty sure ill cave and go and buy some more tonight :)

Ahh tww!!

9 years ago

I'm hoping to have a June 2015 baby! I'm only 5 dpo so way too soon to know, not sure when I should start testing. Maybe Sunday (10/5)? I don't know my chances since we bd'd 3 days before ovulation, guess ill I can do is pray and wait! I hope everyone else gets their BFP! Would love to have other ladies to chat with who are in the same boat as me :)
*baby dust!*

User Image

9 years ago

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