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February 2016 IUI/IVF

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For those of us participating in IUI or IVF during February!

Baby dust to everyone... let's get some good news this round!

116 Replies • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Basia, i am so happy for you! So touched! Sebastian will he happy, you are great parents! My best wishes for the delivery, i hope everything goes perfect! I am sending you my love!

8 years ago

Hello ladies!

Jf - I am so very sorry to hear your news. :( I was really pulling for you. I hope you find peace quickly.

Hoping - I'm glad to hear you are feeling ok on your meds! FX all goes well this cycle!

Mem - I sure hope Thursday brings you the answers you deserve and need to have! I can only imagine your frustration!

Keth - love hearing the babies are growing and doing well! I know you are weighing all risks associated with your pregnancy and doing what is best for everyone and I am praying for excellent news on your amnios! Keep us posted on how all goes and how you are feeling!

Basia - It is always good to hear from you and OMG! 33 days until due hard to believe but SO very happy for you!! When is your next appointment? Have they started checking your cervix yet? Is he head down yet or going to be a last minute turner!?

TTC - Good luck during the TWW! Will you wait to test or start testing soon!?

Shan - hope you and baby boy are both doing well!!

Bens - been thinking of you. I sure pray your hysteroscopy shows all is clear and you are able to move forward when you are ready. XOXO

Margie - honey it sure seems like you just can't catch a break lately, but I know your time will come! I am glad to hear the counseling is helping. {HUGS}

2moms - I am with you, I can't believe they would even think about using the term "lucky" with any of what you've been through. Keep healing and I am sending positive vibes your way!

AFM - I had my baseline on Monday and start injections Friday morning! EEEEEK, it's just almost here and I am so excited it's hard to sleep at night. I pray and pray that all goes well the ENTIRE process this time! We are ready for a healthy little one to take home with us to love and spoil and add to our family. Funny how excited we can get over sticking ourselves with needles. hehehehe

Much love to you all and so glad we have each other to share our wild journeys with!

8 years ago

Hi ladies,

wow it's bee super active on here today.

Baby - I'm looking forward to hearing all of your updates. it's coming up so soon.

Kethryes - I'm so happy to hear that your little ones are doing so well.

Basia - It's so wonderful to hear your updates about little sebastian. I love that name btw. I can't believe you're only 33 days away from your due date. it feels like you were just announcing it last week.

Mem - I'm so sorry that you're going through this. it sounds extremely frustrating. I hope you get some answers on Thursday.

Hoping - I've been journalling for the past two years. I find it's a good way toclear my mind. I try and write daily goals and things that I'm grateful for and my thoughts for the day. I don't do it every day but I try and do it most days. I'm excited to hear your results tomorrow. FX everything will go very well for you.

2moms - I'm sorry you had to experience that. I know that random things have been setting me off lately so it's better that I go and see someone. My friend went to a cousellor when her marriage was falling apart. she told me that it was the best thing she could have done for herself because sometimes we're not fully equiped to deal with the stuff that life throws at us. I hope that things start going smoother for you soon.

AFM - I got all of my blood work, minus the day 3 tests, and my SIS done today. Once again I have another test tell me that I'm perfectly healthy and they don't know why we can't get pregnant. on the plus side the Dr told me that I make a lot of follicles so I should respond well to stims when I start them. I also managed to avoid a work baby shower. I think I'm going to celebrate my small victories today.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Thank you girls :D

Kethryes - Good luck with the amniocentesis. When is that happening? What is it exactly?

BabyPath - He is head down :) My next appointment is in 1.5 weeks. So far they have not checked the cervix - They will start doing that next appointment. I got annoyed because I expected them to check my cervix at this appointment - I even shaved everything nicely (sorry for TMI) but it is a process to shave now LOL - I need mirror for that haha. I completely understand you being excited over poking yourself with needles. Every time I started an IUI or IVF I got super excited and anxious over the whole process. And when the UPS guy delivered boxes with meds - OMG it was like a Christmas ;)

Margie - Lots of follicles is good. They will have plenty to chose from. You are getting ready for IVF right? Are you doing ICSI? Did you decide if you will freeze embryos if there are any left?

to all you girls

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

8 years ago

Jm-so sorry about the mc. I've had 2 in the last 2 years and they suck. Hang in there and big hugs

Baby and Margie- good luck with your upcoming cycles! How exciting!! Baby- I'm going to hold out and test on official test day which is the 18th. It's just too dissapointing to test early. Hopefully as the test date gets closer I can stick to it.

Afm- just bored going through the TWW trying to not think about am I pregnant or not. I know if this cycle doesn't work out we will be doing IVF so I know either way this journey is coming to an end. We can only afford so much and with IVF were borrowing from our retirement. I tried to play powerball but no luck there either lol.

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

8 years ago

Basia - I'm doing the prep testing for IVF. We'll probably do a cycle in June or August. We have to finish the testing before we'll fine out the specifics of the cycle.

TTC - I hope the TWW goes by quickly and is successful. DH and I are "borrowing" from the down payment on our house to pay for IVF. I'm sorta still hoping it'll happen naturally.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Hi ladies.
I had my appointment this morning. My lining is thinned and my progesterone is back to 0, so today is cycle day 1 of iui cycle 2. My right ovary still wasn't quite right. I had two follicles still at 12 mm. But the RE wasn't concerned. He changed my meds for this cycle from Femara to Tamoxifen. I go back on the 22nd for mid-cycle ultrasound and labs. If all good then I will do the Ovidrel shot and then the iui. After the iui they are *finally!* putting me on supportive progesterone. (I've been requesting that since last July at least!)

The RE said he has NO idea why I've been bleeding so much. They did say that it isn't terribly uncommon. They said that some women's bodies just respond that way. And I've always been prone to spotting anyway so I guess I always will. Today is the 10th! day of bleeding for me. And it became SUPER heavy this morning. And I'm having the worst AF symptoms I've had in as long as I can remember. Cramps doubling me over, horrible headache and I'm SO tired.

But I just pray my ovary quietens down so I can get on with iui #2!

8 years ago

Babypath, i hope the greatest success! I am so happy for you!

Margie, good news have just started for you! Keep being well dear!

Basia, i will have it on 19th of Feb. It is a test in which the doctor will take aniotic fluid with a needle. This test has a great accuracy for down syndrom and some other chromosomal disorders. The test has its risks because it can cause miscarriage and in my case the risk is greater due to the twins. The test is rather necessary if mom is over 35. I have decided to do it and i should think positive.

TTClate, i hope the best for you and IVF is successful.

Mem, good luck with the next cycle!

8 years ago

Kethryes - now I know what you are talking about. In US we have an option to do Panorama test and they test babys DNA through moms blood. It is expensive but super safe as they only take your blood from arm and that is it. Well I will keep my fingers crossed for you that all will be good :D

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

8 years ago

Basia, i know that test, it is also performed in Greece. They send the fluid in England in order to have the results. It is not so common as doctors say that with amniocentesis we can have more disorder ( common in our area and race) checked. I would prefer to have the panorama test, but am not suggested to.

What i find the most difficult is when doctors say that i should not worry and not be stressed! When i had the abruption i was terribly bleeding and doc told me to be calm in order the babies to be safe (how could i?), now for the test I was again told to be totally relaxed! I find it so difficult!

8 years ago

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