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TTC to BFP - TTC Support Group for TWW and Beyond

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Ok, ladies, decided to start a new thread! Hopefully we can get some new faces in here.

For the new people! Hi, I'm Kat, but all my TTC buddies call me by my online handle: Blade. I'm 29 and this is my 18th cycle trying. I'm near the end of my TWW, but I can always use new cycle buddies!

We have a chatroom, which I'm usually in all damned day long by myself. Carol keeps me company from time to time. You can find the link in my signature if you want to check it out.

My symptoms this week? Bleah, just check my chart. xD The only thing I'm not monitoring this cycle is cervix position because I now have fake nails.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

74 Replies • 10 years ago



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Blade-I'm glad to hear your temp finally went up now it just needs to stay up other than the possible implantation dip lol. My fingers are crossed for ya...

Sam- blade is so right about the possible implantation bleeding and the only thing you can do is Waite it out. I just went through the same thing last month and sorry to say I was wrong and af showed her ugly face. But my fingers are crossed that this is not the case for you and you get your bfp. Also I have found the links in blades signature to be very helpful you should definitely check them out.

Now for my question- has anyone taken fertility blend sp-1i recently picked some up and was wondering if anyone had any info about it for me. .. From what I have found it shouldn't be taken more than 7 consecutive days but it doesn't say when I should take it and I am on cd9 and really want to improve my chances any info would be greatly appreciated.

hope all our dreams come true ...Ruff

10 years ago

I actually don't know much about that vitamin...hmm.. I looked at the supplemental facts. Here's a thread where one woman said it helped with CM:

Hope that helps.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Annnnnd now I have no idea what my chart is doing. I know temps can drop past coverline after O.... but night RIGHT after. :/ Stupid temps.

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

Blade-Thanks for the link it did help and I was able to find some more info. But not much so I figured I would go ahead and take it I'll let you know how it goes...
That's strange how your temp dropped like that were there any environmental changes that could have caused it.ex- Turned heat off causing house to be cooler than usual or anything like that... We turned the heat off one day and the temp outside dropped that night the next morning my temp was about a1\2 degree lower. Hopefully it was something like that and it will be back above the cover line tomorrow and stay there my fingers are crossed for ya. ..

Does anyone have any updates or questions

hope all our dreams come true ...Ruff

10 years ago

Well, we sleep with the windows open and the temps have been odd, but I didn't think it would effect them too much since it hasn't the last two cycles. I'm not worried. It shot right back up. As long as it stays up I'll be happy lol.

And I'm glad the link helped. ^_^

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

im glad to hear your temp went back up and I got my fingers crossed for ya ...

My update :)
So I have been taking fertility blend sp-1 for about 4 Days now. the first day I only took 1 tablet, 2nd day 1 tablet 2x, yesterday 1 tablet (I forgot to take the 2nd dose), and 1 so far today ...I have noticed a significant difference in my cm it definitely Seems healthier (sorry if tmi) and I hadn't noticed any of the side effects like nausea or stomach pain however I have noticed I have been more irritable since taking It. A Friend told me they noticed the same thing when taking clomid.i Don't know much about clomid and was wondering if anyone could back her up?
I'm on day 12 and still waiting for O to show. I got a cover line on cdtp but not fertility friend. So it's still wait and see.

Anything new with anyone else?

hope all our dreams come true ...Ruff

10 years ago

Hi, Mrs.Ruff! During my Clomid cycle and this one with Anastrozole, I noticed I was super irritable (heh! Still am). It's because both meds work in their own ways to make your body produce more estrogen...which then signals the production of LH and FSH. That estrogen is notorious for causing irritability. This also happened to me a lot when I was on any birth control pill that contains estradiol. Omg, ridiculously pissed off banshees had NOTHING on me!

So, judging by my opk's I am probably ovulating today. Not sure where FF will put my O date. I figure I'll get one more BD in tonight and be done with it for this cycle. I've started taking a prenatal vitamin that contains vegetables in it because...well, let's face it I have a horrid diet. I also have shoved those same vitamins down Josh's throat. I've had crampy pressure and my head and neck have been hurting more than usual but I'm sticking to my Tylenol even thought the ibuprofen is literally calling my name. Ugh. And I'm supposed to go nine months without it? Am I nuts? Probably.

Blade, chart's looking lovely. Keep those temps up up UP!! Also, your BD schedule is incredible. I'm exhausted just looking at your chart.

I'll be in the chat room for a few more hours if anyone wants to come whine about their cycles with me.

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

Thanks miss carol that Def. Cleared it up for me and explains why my so and I got into a big argument the other night But things are good now that I let it all out ... lol

My update-
So I'm on cd13 today and according to my opk I should O tonight or tomorrow (Hopefully I will be able to actually catch it this time and know for sure) ... like I mentioned in my last post I got my coverline on cdtp yesterday but for some reason my temp dropped last night... Is this normal right before O?
My chart should be available to view if anyone wants to check it and let me know what they think

hope all our dreams come true ...Ruff

10 years ago

A temp drop is normal; it generally indicates ovulation. Not always though. Mostly, a rise indicates that the temp before the rise is when you ovulated. So, say your temp was 96.03 Monday, but then your temp rose to 96.89 Tuesday. O would have happened on Monday.

But, this isn't always true. You have to wait to see where the temps are after the rise for a few days. Three days of high temps means O has occurred--usually.


Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

No big update today other than I'm 6dpo and temp is still good and up there. Seems to be rising, but it did that last cycle and then plummeted. So, fingers crossed it stays up and I get a positive!!

Dreaming of Useful Websites Beta Base -- For HCG by level on DPO Web MD -- best ovulation calc for knowing when your period starts. Cervix Thread on Baby Center -- How to chart cevix. Beautiful Cervix -- For some cool info on what different women's cervixes look like at different stages. TTC Until BFP -- Our chatroom for our group of TTCers. Come in anytime! 10 Miu HPTs

10 years ago • Post starter

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