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Who here is with me at 10dpo? When will you start testing? Share your updates with me :)

58 Replies • 10 years ago



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How are you, sunseeker? Thinking of you and hope you're doing well, feeling confident and bding more this cycle! :)

I've been really worried lately as I've started to spot since Thursday evening: brown/pinkish at times. I've also been constipated and was so bloated I looked 5 mths pregnant!! The spotting happened after bm, twice so I was hoping it was due to some straining/leftover ib stuff but I'm doubtful now as I have it now without it but I get very minimal and only once within a whole day but still so very scared... I also have cramps here and there (mild but is it cuz I'm constipated??) and upper leg aches so trying to take it easy... I still got symptoms besides that, tender bbs, nausea at times... Just so confused but got a docs appt Wednesday so trying to wait until then. Am really trying to be positive.

Really hope you're doing well!

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10 years ago

Try not to stress Candie.

I had spotting with DD, and all was fine!

It's Wednesday night here, so I'm guessing you'll be waking up shortly for your GP appointment? Good luck. I'm confident everything will be fine.

Oh all the fun of those rising hormones, & everything that comes with it ie constipation, sore legs. As much as they are a pain, think of it as a good sign. A healthy pregnancy needs lots of hormones to support the growing angel inside of you.

I had a month off of OPK's & cm checking.

We BD every other day to every day, before and after O would have been, so fingers crossed.

Let me know how your GP appointment goes?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Candie,

Thinking of you & hoping everything is going well :) how did the GP appointment go?

My unusual symptoms this month: more creamy CM than usual- not so much today, but the last 2 days. I usually just have watery after O. Yesterday, I was feeling really flat & miserable (normal for this time of month) hubby set up a mattress on the loungeroom floor to watch a movie & I was asleep by 8pm. Sleept until 9am!! And just now (if I had to guess id say I'm 9dpo), I had intense, sharp, 'stitch like' pains in my pelvic area, that lasted 30secs- 1min. Gas? Don't think so. Implantation hopefully. I'm now getting odd little pings of sensation in that area- hard to describe. Hopeful, but hanging out for that 'I just feel pregnant' feeling...

Have you guys thought of any names?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Sunseeker! Thanks for the encouragement!

I'm feeling not bad and the GP appt went well! He said that 20-30% of women spot during pregnancy and they're not really sure why. As long as it's not heavy, bright red, with severe cramping and/or clots then things should be good! I have another appt on July 3rd so hopefully then I'll be further along that I can hopefully hear the heartbeat and be re-assured!! It's also reassuring that you had it too - I somewhat think I had some spotting with DD but I can't remember. Knowing me, back then when I was normal (not so anxious) I think I read it was normal and left it at that. I haven't noticed it in the last couple of days so hopefully that's it.

Oooo!! Your symptoms sound promising!! It's like I told ya with me - falling asleep watchin a movie with a friend at 6pm! Sooooooo praying for you!! Did you have your other usual symptoms yet (nausea, etc)?

Yes, we had a boy and girl name long before we had our DD so we have to think of another girl name just in case! lol. What about you?

I'm feeling pretty good lately but think my nausea is starting to ramp up - it's around sometimes, especially in the morning if I wait too long to eat but otherwise staying away! I think with DD I had the nausea from just after 6 weeks to 10-11 so this is a slight improvement. Bbs are still really tender/heavy, still got a lil constipation, gas, and achy legs if I push it with walking but otherwise good.

What do you think of avoiding caffeine during pregnancy? Did you do it with DD or will when pregnant again?

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10 years ago

Hey Candie,

I 'think' I added you on facey the other day.

Caffeine- my thoughts on are 'most' things are ok in moderation. I wouldn't go having 6 cups a day when pregnant. I think the most important thing is mum is healthy, happy & stress levels are at a minimum. So whatever you feel comfortable with is what's best.

I did have a cup in the morning with DD, I even had the occasional wine with DD to bring the stress levels down. (Of course did all my research on studies performed before making that decision). And she is a perfectly healthy, smart happy little girl who has only every suffered from a cold every now & then. Oh, yes she bought conjunctivas home from childcare as well. My mum had one beer daily whilst pregnant with my brother (not a usual beer drinker) but that was her craving, & went on to have a proffesional footballer..

Like I said, whatever you are comfortable with. You know your body & what's best for you.

So I'm cd28 (AF was due yesterday cd27). Tested BFN cd27 :(

However, on cd26 I had spotting when I wiped. Checked my cervix & it was creamy CM mixed with a tinge of brown blood. Same yesterday (cd 27- AF due), creamy cm with a tinge of brown blood. Today just creamy white CM.

I have never had anything like it. I have been googling like a nutcase trying to read other stories. Some people have said late implantation, & they don't get their BFP until a few days later. It's sending me crazy- it's all I can think about.

Have temped the past few days, & temps are right up the top of the chart, yet my bb's are nowhere near as tender as they were. Really confused & just want a clear indication either way.

Also, I read something about spotting after your BFP & some doctors said it can be the cervix expelling old blood from earlier implantation. But they are not really sure why some people expell it earlier or later than others.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi sunseeker!

Omg, it's gotta be driving you crazy with the brown tinged cm! I know exactly how you feel! I really really hope the stories online are true about ib for you!!

Have you tested again since? Praying AF has stayed away for you!

I'll check Facebook for ya when I can get on next! I've had to go in the office for work for a while and may need to for atleast another week so it's been hard and Facebook doesn't work so great on my tablet.

I agree with you. Everything in moderation! I had a cup of coffee when preg with DD once a day or so and she was good! This pregnancy is very different from my 1st! Nausea is getting bad - sooooooooooooooo sensitive to smells and any cooking meat makes me really ill and now the smell of coffee!! :( I'm still spotting, daily, with some days worse than others but primarily a real light brown/pale pink/yellow. Still constipated/bloated/gassy and having to start to wear maternity clothes (pants) which sucks so bad for so early. Everyone pretty much knows I'm pregnant now cuz of it!

How are you feeling? Hope it's confident! :)

Sending Babydust your way!!!!!!!

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10 years ago

Hi sunseeker!

Haven't heard from you in forever and just wanted to write and see how you are? I hope things are well with you!? Hope to hear from you, I miss our chats!

Take care,


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9 years ago

I am 10 dpo and really wanting to test. I feel the exact same way I did when I was pregnant a few months ago.. Tired, bloated, gassy, emotional, headaches, nausea and heavy boobs.. Anyone else?

9 years ago

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