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Any Military TTC Families?

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A bit about me:
DH and I were TTC for 5 yrs before we got our 1st ever with our son; John will be 2 this September. DH went back on active duty in the US Army in January 2014, and we started TTC again then (DS was only 4 mo when we started TTC, since it took so long with him.) I have PCOS and DH has low sperm volume but the count, morphology, and motility were good. TTC one mo on Metformin alone, 6 mo on Clomid (increasing doses from 50 mg to 100 mg), 1 mo on Soy Isoflavones, then 1 mo (last cycle before DH left) I had an HSG and took Femara. Had a CP in May and July 2014, but nothing else. In September our TTC train came to a screeching halt for obvious reasons (kinda hard to make a baby with Daddy over 3,000 miles away!) Well.... DH is coming home in THREE DAYS!!! My next cycle is supposed to start on 10 June, and I've already got a 6 month prescription for Femara, my OPKs, my HPTs, and I've dusted off my thermometer to chart my BBT. I think I'm going to wait a cycle before delving into the BBT insanity though. Praying hard for a quick and a

Are there any other military TTC-ers out there who can relate and/or anyone who's DH has to go away on business for extended periods of time??


133 Replies • 9 years ago



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Linda: I so hope you are! When are you testing again?? It would just make my day! And you'd definitely get special treatment on a two-day car ride. Where are y'all heading (you might have told me but I also have the memory of a goldfish...)? I wish I had a sooner trip or vacation to look forward to but I am just waiting patiently for my cheat day on Friday. It has been a month in the making. :-) I have a laser tattoo removal appointment that day so I'm going to have a donut for breakfast, a taco for lunch and dessert for dinner. Haha! I'm going to be hella-sick on Saturday but I plan to restart my detox phase so hopefully the icky doesn't last too long. You just keep up the hope for both of us on the pregnancy front, girl. Today my bbs have gotten sore and swollen but it's on the sides closest to my arms so, even though it doesn't seem to be affecting any of the others, I'm thinking it may be my lymphnodes. Perhaps my whole problem stems from an infection (I guess it'd have to be a pretty serious one to interrupt my menses for two months) but it'd be an easier fix than other things we've discussed. But I go on Tuesday afternoon. I'm super nervous...

I<3kids: Welcome! I think I speak for both of us when I thank your husband for his service and you for yours (we are important too!). What is your background (age, other children, etc)? I myself am 28, DH 32 and Air Force. We have one son who's four and a half and have been trying for #2 unofficially since November 2014 and officially since January. I am currently dealing with an absent menses for two cycles and no bfp so we're investigating possible causes.

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9 years ago

Both my husband and I are 37. We have been married for almost 18 years and have had 4 children. Our fourth was born while he was deployed. We have needed help conceiving all of our children. We have had (at least) 3 miscarriages (our first pregnancy and the last 2). Sadly, our oldest child died 10 months (exactly) to the day after my husband returned from tour.

Not having your period for two months is very odd. What has your dr tested for?

9 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your child as well as your miscarriages. I haven't experienced either but I hurt for you.

The only doctor I have seen so far was my PCP last cycle. She did a urine and blood pregnancy test which were both negative, she also checked my thyroid (because I have hypothyroidism) and the other little things you can check with blood, like white blood count, sodium, etc. That's why I'm seeing a GYN on Tuesday. They're going to hopefully set me straight as well as make sure I'm ovulating.

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9 years ago

I hope the Gyn is helpful! There has to be a reason, and hopefully the dr can figure it out quickly!

We do miss him terribly. We were 22 when we had him. Thank you for your sympathy.

9 years ago

Linda: I jinxed myself. The breast pain has officially overtaken the entire tops of both my boobs but I had breast sensitivity and aching last cycle when I would have sworn I was knocked up (it got so bad I had to wear a sports bra to bed!). Then it went away but last time it was much sooner than this so don't get your hopes up. I think it's hormones being affected by my jacked up cycle, giving my body all the wrong signals. I can't wait for Tuesday now, this is for the birds!

I<3kids: If I could be so bold to ask (feel free to tell me to mind my own business), how did you lose your son?

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9 years ago

I--> Welcome, lady! 10 months old, huh? Precious sweet baby. He was a SIDS baby, no? I could be WAY off in left field, but at that age it's fitting. My parents adopted a newborn boy a year before they adopted me; he was a SIDS baby at the tender age of 7 weeks. His name was John Patrick Baker. He was beautiful. My parents had just us 3 girls (a yours, mine, and ours situation), so when Daddy died his last name died with him. Matt and I got our 3 months after Daddy died, and when we found out it was a we asked Mom if she would give her blessing to name our son after him. She was honored. We figured it was the next best thing to carrying on the Baker name! My son (who is ATM fighting me tooth and freakin' toenail to keep from going "Night Night" in this damn hotel room) is named John Patrick Frost. We TTC for over 5 years to get him. Counting previous relationships, I TTC for over TWELVE years. I had 2 chemicals last year before DH was deployed to Korea for 9 months, and I'm currently 9 dpo after an extended Femara dose. I've had DOZENS of false BFPs this cycle thanks to a bad batch of Wondfos.

Amanda--> OK. So you know what I'm gonna say, right? WILL YOU JUST POAS ALREADY?!?!?! This suspense is killing me as much as if it were MY cycle! I'm good luck, I'm tellin' ya! EVERY woman I come in contact who's TTC is preggers in less than 4 months! Do it for me???

It's so nice to have some "seasoned" ladies to talk to about this TTC nonsense! I say "seasoned" because 98% of the girls I've talked with on this site are just that - GIRLS. Most are in their 20s, have been TTC less than 6 months, and spend most of the time b*tching about how hard it is to see a But they're usually knocked up before they finish typing the words, and I never hear from them again. Ugh. Rant over!

I know I hear all the time about women getting every day up until like 12-13 dpo, but how often does that REALLY happen? Still getting shadows on every Wondfo (I paid for them, may as well piss on them) but all I'm getting on FRER is a nasty indent that my "line eye" swears has color. First Signal looks faintly + but after it dries is a blaring I know today is only 9 dpo, but shouldn't I see SOMETHING by now if I were pregnant???


9 years ago • Post starter

My son was 12 years old when he died. The funny/hard thing about boys that age is that they think they are invincible. And that they know everything. My boy was no different. He thought he was in control of a situation that he didn't have all the facts on. It was a huge shock and has left a massive hole in our lives. We tried to conceive him for over 2 years before we had him, we were married for just over 3 years when he was born. It was a massive sacrifice to have him during university, but we did because we knew we would have trouble getting pregnant and didn't want to be the age we are now and regretting that we didn't try sooner.

I have been doing fertility treatments for 16 years. I tease the residents when they come in the room and try to explain things to me. I started down this path when we were 21, so more than likely I have been doing this since before the residents graduated high school. :)

I am doing an extended letrozole cycle this month. As well as vitamins, myo-inositol and robitussin. Today is cd 4 for me.

As for testing, I never test before I am due; too many variables that create confusion or disappointments. I say hold out until tomorrow, when the Dr can do blood work. :D

9 years ago

Linda: I'm positive the doctor will test me tomorrow but my tenderness, after making me toss and turn some, was basically gone this morning. My poor body is so confused, it's having a really hard time. I have an ache now on my left side, almost even with my bellybutton and a backache so maybe it's something with my kidney. I have absolutely no idea, I'm completely wandering in the dark over here. But I promise to tell you the result of any tests they give me tomorrow.

I<3kids: I am so sorry for your tragedy. While losing a young child is a nightmare, losing one after so many years, when you really know their hearts and their potential, must be excruciating. I lost my best friend at that same age (seventh grade) to suicide but he was the opposite, thinking he had no control over his situation. I can't imagine how you must feel. Kudos for being able to still see the good things in life. I am still a newbie at this, I haven't been trying long enough for any serious medical help. My husband thinks I'm silly to start worrying already but, as women, we know when something isn't right. I am a brain tumor survivor and treating my hypothyroidism all because I knew something wasn't right and I kept pushing and pushing my doctors. I hope it's nothing so serious this time but one never knows. I tell folks that, if I were a pet, I'd have been put down by now.

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9 years ago

I'm sure you wouldn't have been put down, but that is a funny way to look at it. :)

It never hurts to look into things, ever. Having thorough checkups catch things all the time. And sometimes it isn't just about how your hormones are, but how they are in comparison to your other hormones. All my hormones are within "normal range" but when you look at them as a whole everything is way out of whack! Our bodies are amazing things.

Having a friend commit suicide must have been devastating. Obviously I don't know the family history, but I feel for the parents. My husband always said that he that a son without a father was the saddest thing. Now he thinks a father without his son is. I also know that the kids at his school will remember him forever. I know I remember all the kids that died when I was at school.

Have either of you tried castor oil packs?

8 years ago

I haven't tried castor oil packs. What are they for??

Y'all wish me luck today!

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8 years ago

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