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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Well, good news! The scan showed one mature follicle (19mm) so we were told we were "good to go". I am pretty sure I am ovulating today. I was surprised there weren't more follicles but all we want is one! They were so quick with the scan. Probably helped that I had had 6 before so knew exactly what to do.

I wish I didn't have to work as much as I do. We decided the same as you two that I would be a stay-at-home mum before we got married. In fact, we had hoped I could be at home even now without kids. Unfortunately my husband's job situation changed due to the recession and he works freelance from home. It is not very stable so we can't afford to lose my income as long as we can help it. I work about 60 hours a week usually (teacher) which certainly doesn't help me with energy levels for TTC. I have thought about going part time but not many people do that, and part timers are not well catered for at schools in general. I would still end up at work all day but be paid a lot less (although I would get my weekends and evening back!) I keep telling myself that once we have a baby, everything changes. When I was pregnant earlier this year I found I no logner cared about my job as much. I wouldn't have minded losing it if it meant my baby would be healthier. Fortunately I didn't quit when I was really fatigued as that would have made life miserable when I miscarried.

Okay, onto more happy thoughts. Ovulation is imminent!!!!! Hopefully this is the one. If so I can tell my son/daughter that I saw the follicle on my ovary that their egg came out of :D

10 years ago

yay!! I'm so glad your test went great and you are o-ing!! I hope you catch that egg this month:] Fingers crossed for you!! Yeah we were hit pretty hard a year and a half ago. My dh's job had major cut backs and a lot of people were let go. Thankfully he made the cut but the people that were left they cut their hours by half and wouldn't allow any overtime. We had just taken out two loans for somethings we needed and after the cuts we couldn't afford our bills anymore. We took a chance and changed companies and now things are going great. He was in the Marines before this and thankfully got a lot of experience with fixing electronics before and that saved us. So I know how you feel. Hopefully once you get your bfp things will be in favor of you being able to stay home :]

-sorry if this is tmi for you ladies-

As for me last night and today I have had a couple weird things happening. Yesterday afternoon I had A LOT of cm. Like way more than normal. Which is very unusual for me because I usually hardly have any. And this morning (its only 10am here now) When I went to the bathroom before my shower i noticed some cm in my underwear but what was weird about it was that it was blood tinted. Not much at all just enough to notice. And when I wiped there was no more, just what was in my underwear. That has never happened to me before. I hope af isn't going to show up more than a week early... And I'm only 5dpo and I feel like that is too early for implantation bleeding. Really confused at what this could be. Has this happened to you guys before?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies.......

Wow Shelob......that is such good news I'm so happy for you......I'm excited all over again....almost like me that O again.....

I'm sure the one you needed to get pregnant was the one you got this month.....exciting news......

I only recently stopped working, in May I think.......but I'm really having so much fun at home........I'm sure your financial situation will also change for the better Shelob that you could also be a stay at home really helps with taking the stress of yourself.......a wise man once said all good things come to those who wait, and have unwavering faith......

Liz I also have the same thing having to me almost everyday since I O. I don't have a problem with cm especially a few days before I O and the day of O I'm wet all the time....I actually wear panty liners during this period of my cycle.....But since O I have had a constant flow of cm during the day......normally I am a bit dry after O but this month it was not the case at all.....hopefully this is a good is a bit early for implantation but who knows maybe its not, every woman's different....i had the same happen to me last month but the spotting was the day of O.....maybe you should do an
Opk test again......

Very strange things our bodies just when you think you just figured out exactly how it throws you with something that completely takes you of balance......

Crossing fingers that it was implantation.......good luck ladies and sticky vibes.....

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10 years ago

Yeah the past two days have just been so weird. First the a lot of cm now this. In addition to that 10am spotting Every time i go to the bathroom and wipe there is spotting. Here goes that tmi again haha but after the first time i put a little bit of toilet tissue in my underwear (im all out of panty liners considering i wasn't expecting this) so I could see if it was constant or only with cm/wiping and its only been with wiping. I have also been having a backache ALL day which isnt a normal pms symptom for me. From what I have read online it sounds like implantation but just a day early. The internet says it usually occurs 6-10 dpo and Im only 5. However I highly doubt its implantation because Im just not that lucky haha. It will really upset me if af shows up this early. I am just getting so frustrated. I will just have to suck it up and see a fertility doctor next :[

I did try to take an opk and it was definitely negative. So its not my body trying to have an lh surge again. I never get any symptoms with o either. This is just so weird. I hope your excess cm is a great sign. From all of the ladies I have talked to up here and watched them get their bfp cm was the first thing they noticed changing. Good luck :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls! Thanks for your excitement for me. I am feeling rather positive about this cycle, just because we KNEW what was going on each step of the way. Certainly made waiting to O feel like a LOOONNG time though!

Hmmm onto the symptom spotting. Well, the lots of CM thing is good. I noticed the cycle I got pregnant I had a lot, particularly notice a heap of it a couple of days before my BFP. But since then, I have noticed it more on non-pregnant cycles too!

With the spotting, have you had sex since O? Your cervix could still be a bit sensitive or something. I often have spotting after sex around the time of O. Having said that, some people do implant around 5dpo. I think it is far too early for AF spotting unless something is very wrong with your hormones this month.

That is a shame about your DH's job Lizhaley, but great that it worked out in the end. I will definitely take a year off work when we have a baby (not the positivity?) and we are prepared for that financially, but it will be tight. I hate dipping into hard-earned savings so we will be trying to live off my husband's sporadic earnings!

Yesterday on the way home from the scan we went and purchased both OPKs and more preseed! I had done some super sleuthing and I found an outlet store I thought had been selling the OPKs online for cheap, and sure enough it was them and they sold me some :) Also found the preseed for the same price as online and so saved us the shipping fee! I hope we don't need the opks for a while :)

10 years ago

Wow good job finding the outlet store with the opks and preseed! At least now if you need them you will know where to find them! (lets hope that you dont need them again tho) :] And its so good to be positive about o this month! That will def help the process. With all of the good news I have a lot of confidence that this will be your month :]

No, we haven't had sex since o. I have been so emotional and tired that I have been going to bed early the past few nights. And the cm has been seeming to come all at once sort of. Enough that I can feel it and I go to the bathroom to take care of it haha. As for the spotting like I said the first time was in cm at around 10am. I went back at around 1 and it was only when i wiped, and again at 330 and was only when i wiped. And I just went again a few minutes ago and there was nothing. My lower back is definitely killing me still tho which it makes me think its af because why would implantation make your back hurt?

Hope you ladies are doing well with your cycles :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies sorry for being so quite things have been busy with my mother in law

We went fabric shopping this afternoon and about 3:30 I could no longer stand from backache and cramping and pressure in my abdomen.......You ladies know that I have been eating very healthy the past week or so.....but this morning felt like all my jeans where tighter around my waist.......I changed 3 times before I felt comfortable in what I was wearing.......very frustrating......

Anyway,Shelob I'm so glad that you feel positive, I'm very excited for you aswell andis sure the long wait will finally be over for you.....

Liz wow your symptoms sounds more and more promising each day! I'm hopefull that this will be the month for you as well....

This month I don't know for some reason my mind feels to occupied with a lot of things. Not really feeling pregnant I just figured it will happen for us when the time is right.......

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10 years ago

Hi Ladies,
A little update for today. I am 7dpo. I have been spotting on and off for three days. Its not constant but when I does happen its in my cm like when I wipe. I have also have been having increased cm and a lower backache for the past 3 days as well. I have been tired lately but that might just be from the weird schedule I'm on. Other than that I feel normal. I think I'm usually having pms cramps by now, but nothing yet. Af still hasn't showed up yet but honestly I'm expecting it any minute. Tomorrow I am 8dpo so I will start my testing. From what I have read online that if it was implantation spotting than I shouldn't be able to get a positive for at least 3 more days. But I just cant stand not know if its af or implantation! haha

dixieheart- I'm glad you are enjoying your visit with your in-laws. And also that it is helping to keep you busy! We seem to have some similar symptoms so maybe they are good things! They definitely not normal for me. I hope you get some relief soon tho because you sound miserable :[

Shelob- How are you feeling today? I hope o went well for you! How long until you have another appointment to find out if it was a sticky bean?

Well I guess we are all in our tww now! I hope our bodies were successful this month in catching our little eggs!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls! I am 3dop. Feels like it has been SOO much longer. But then, I have been VERY busy with work. I think it is good to keep my mind off things in some ways.

So, no symptoms or anything yet of course. I know I was ovulating from the right ovary so ignore any twinges on the left :) My next test is progesterone on Friday (checking I ovulated, although I know I did from my temperature rise). Then if my period is late I have another blood test, this time for HCG :)

Lizhaley that spotting started so early! How long is your luteal phase normally?

Dixieheart that is some serious bloating by the sounds of it! How many dop are you? I bloated really quickly when I got pregnant.

Sorry to hear you are both in pain :( That is not fun. I was like that last cycle when my (newly pregnant) sister and I were shopping. Fortunately she needed rests too!

My positivity goes up and down all the time. At the moment it is a bit low. I am a bit frustrated about us not being allowed to BD until the scan because I knew I was ovulating that day. I am worried we could have missed it even though we BD's that day and the next. I read some stuff recently where they say 1-2 days BEFORE O is statistically the best time to BD for conception. But, we are still in the running.

10 years ago

Glad to hear things went well. And its very good that you have been keeping busy, that always helps. And try not to stress over it, Im sure you caught that egg :]

Yeah I know it started early. It says its common 6-10dpo and I was only 5dpo when it started. I spotted 5dpo, 6dpo, and part of 7dpo. It was on and off and very lite. and maybe just happened 3 times a day. Today I am 8dpo and nothing. It was too late to be from o and too early to be af so fingers crossed. And its usually 14 days on average, sometimes two days early sometimes two days late.

And I understand what you mean when you say your positivity goes up and down. Mine is this month for sure. I try to be hopeful because these symptoms have never happened before but I keep thinking with my luck its just my body being weird.

10 years ago • Post starter

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