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BFP! Babies due in May 2019 and after! I’m due in August!

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Hey ladies! of your !!!!
My name is Renée and I wanted to start a new and current group for those who finally got their and those that are due in the summer of 2019 and after!
Some info about me,
The Mirena was removed at the beginning of September, and I’m currently 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Im due in August with my 3rd child. This is my husbands first child. We were married at the end of September. Symptoms right now- I only get nauseated while riding passenger or when I’m hungry, my nipples sting but boobs are still the same size, bummer lol. I’ve been bloated beyond belief every since I found out I was pregnant and look like I’m 3 months even though baby is the size of a blueberry currently.
Now let’s see all those success stories! Look forward walking this journey with all of you!

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450 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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@Renee, you know I've had a feeling for a few days now that it could be twins..that number is more than 4 times my first after only 72hrs.
I do have younger sisters who are twins so it's not outside the realm of possibility.
I guess we'll see in 1-2 weeks when i get my first scan done

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5 years ago

We got to see our little boy today. He is growing right on schedule weighing 1lb 2oz at 22 weeks and 2days. He just didn’t want his picture taken today. Every time they try he turn his back to us and on this picture he is covering his face with his hand. ....No paparazzi please!! Maybe next ultrasound next month he will show us something.

Next month we see a cardiologist to check baby heart further. As of today everything looked great per doctor. Heart, kidney, bladder, spine, head ,ect. We will continue to pray. He is currently in the breech position. Which his head sometimes hurt against my rib!!

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5 years ago • Edited

Oh what a cheeky little man!

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5 years ago

In other delightful news, morning sickness has definitely arrived

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5 years ago

@beautiful I'm so happy to hear little man is doing well!! Hopefully he isn't so Camera shy next time lol.

@samantha you poor thing!! with my other pregnancies I had bad morning sickness and I would carry a bag of candied ginger and it did wonders, that and I ate 2 or 3 crackers before bed every night and that helped alot.

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5 years ago

Thanks @rooroo i'll try that! The other bad thing is that our air con unit isn't working at the moment and we live in the west of Sydney where temps are getting to ++ 104°..

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5 years ago

@ samantha bless your heart that is horrible :( i really hope that gets fixed soon, cant have you over heating.

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5 years ago

Samantha- omg that is hot. Do you have a fan at least?? For morning sickness doctor gave me something which just dissolved on your tongue. Also I drank ginger lemon tea before bed. It hit me for 3 months I couldn’t hardly keep any food down to where I didn’t gain a lb the whole time. But now I can’t stop eating

Roo- thank you yes I am excited for next month ultrasound. But if he doesn’t want me to see him till his day view then that’s ok

5 years ago

Hi ladies...I've been catching up on all your posts!
I'm a new bfp. Due end of September. First doctors appt in feburary 7th!

5 years ago

@espense yay!!!! Huge Congratulations girly! I'm so very happy for you!!

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5 years ago

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