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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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581 - 590 of 1094 Replies | Last Page

Bumpin4Baby: Thanks, I am trying to stay positive. I do feel a bit better about it today. You try to stay positive too...10 DPO is still considered a bit early for a BFP. I have known women to not see a faint line until 12-13 DPO. Hang in there!

mriphenburg: Oh that is so sad about the 17yo. That must be really hard on the family. 13 yo boys are definitely a handful and I bet that was an adjustment. My stepson is also 13 and I can't imagine having him stay with us for a whole summer. Granted I love him and if it came down to it we would adjust as well. But at the moment I am grateful for the every other weekend with him and his sister. This month we will see them a bit more because their mom asked for help this month on certain days. But my stepson has ADD and has a hard time staying focused. Over the Summer he doesn't take his meds unless he is in a class of some kind or we are taking them somewhere where we need him to focus. I do hope you get your 2nd baby with your DH.

callmequirky: Avery that is also a great name. I have always liked the name Jesse as a neutral name.

HisLadyBug: LOL! I too am guilty of googling for baby names just to get an idea. But I try not to do that until I am actually PG but I admit I am guilty of it too.

MaggieLA: To answer your CM question...I have known a few women comment about them having a creamy cm early on in their TWW and they got their +HPT's.

akotalk2me: I love to hear positive results from Premature babies. So glad to hear your twins are healthy and happy.

_snowwhite_: Keeping my for you! I would say wait till Monday and if still no AF then go for blood test. My doctor keeps telling me not to test with a HPT. But yet I still do it. He just says if I am a couple days late then to call for a blood test. So don't give up yet for this month...hopefully your positive thinking will bring you positive results.


princess79holly: Maybe he is trying to get out of any responsibility by saying he had a vasectomy? Maybe it didn't work well for him? I can't imagine why anybody would lie about that. Hope things happen the way you want it to happen. Hang in there!

angelica2510: First question about AF...I have known some women to bleed when they thought AF was to arrive but not have it be heavy and then wind up pregnant. FX'd this is your case. It happened to my best friend. As for the 2nd question about the clomid and the doc...Well, maybe the doc feels like your body is handling the Clomid pretty well and doesn't want to switch it yet. But FX'd you don't have to worry about that now.

nicole2014: LOL! @ the Whip. Boys will be boys forever I guess.

AFM: Well, DH & I last night for most likely the last time this month. The clustering took a lot out of him and I felt so bad for putting him through that. DH had a hard time keeping it up and finishing...he did it though but it took almost an hour. We were both exhausted. If this month doesn't work out I am not putting him through the every day/24hrs BD schedule again. We will do EOD or at the earliest 36 hours. And I have a feeling we will only get in 3 sessions too...Please God let this be our month!

I did have a nice temp spike/rise this morning...really hope that is a good sign. FX'd!

Let the TWW book plan is to finish the books I am reading now. And hopefully by then I will be done and be able to test.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

I love picking out names for our future LO. So far dh and I only have a girls name picked out:

Ainsley (with either Rose or Madison as the middle name.)

For a boy we're torn between:

Matthew James
Roman Alexander
Daniel (combined with one of the other names)

The boy names are so much harder to agree on. With the girl name it was like we already knew.

9 years ago

princessholly- Im so sorry you're going though this. I would certainly test just encase. GOOD LUCK! I hope you get the result you want.

alright girls. I had awful cramping last night at what was either 15dpo or 12dpo. PAIN! Omg. Nothing like I ever experienced before. I have back pain now. Im wondering if maybe that was implantation instead of what I felt on 10dpo or 7dpo. I dont know. SO weird.

I'm gonna wait until monday to test. if it's still negative I'll get a blood test. that will tell me for sure.

that is if my period doesnt show up. Im thinking it might be late even if im not pregnant.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Snowwhite, a girl in another forum said that she had really bad cramps the day before AF was supposed to show and tested BFB!! I remember when I was pg with my daughter I would cramp every month around the time for AF. Sending good vibes your way!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

I am at CD25 and 11DPO. I am going out to get an early response test today. And the doctor did want me to come in on CD22 for a blood. Because of my fiancé and my fertility plan so I am going to do that today too. I am a full believer that God's got this. Either way, It is His plan for me. Thanks for the support. I know my case is different now that there isn't a significant other. But if its pos Ill make it work.

9 years ago

Snow: one my my girlfriends had cramps worse than af a few days before she was expecting af and ended up getting a BFP.. it ain't over til af comes! Fx!

Princess: hoping everything works itself out... God works in the most mysterious ways!

Question about temping.. how long after you ovulate would ypu expect a temp rise? For example, if I Od at like 11pm or close to MN on a tuesday would my temp increase already by Wednesday say 6am? Or it wouldn't show til Thursday?

FF and CTP are giving me different O dates.. just wanted to see if actual time between O and temping would make a difference.


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9 years ago

Oh boy I have a lot of reading to catch up too... This will take awhile lol

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9 years ago

Fantastic question Babydust.

I read that you could expect a temp rise of 0.5 - 1.0 degrees within like 3 days after O. Some women have a spike, some have more of a gradual increase. Here's to rising temps!

9 years ago

babydust - There should be a rise, the next day. Not everyone is like this, but I have a very defined drop followed by a very defined spike - so I usually know the exact day that I O'd.

For others, it's a gradual rise - but within a few days, it should be above your coverline (and quite a bit higher than your pre-O temps)

And I don't know if you guys can see this post - it's in a facebook group - but it's a woman asking if people think that cats know when the baby is going to be born because her cat keeps laying on her bump. Some people commented that their cat knew that they were pregnant before they knew.

Made me laugh because we were just talking about that!

Me: 36 BF: 37 TTC#1 since April 2013

9 years ago

I feel like I should go buy a pet cat now.. probably cheaper than HPT tests lol..

9 years ago

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