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May 2018 Babies

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I didn't see a group for May 2018 babies; so figured I'd jump in a start one!
Let's chat and support each other during this cycle.
I'm currently CD#2; this would be my 2nd cycle of TTC after a 2nd trimester loss in April.

Here's to lots and lots of and for all of us!

And lots and lots of BFP's!!!

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762 Replies • 6 years ago



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@dragonfly23 -- I do remember that, actually, which is why I probably thought about it, whether subconsciously or not. The last time I had a UTI, I actually caught it before the urinalysis could. I felt the urge to pee all the time even though I wouldn't go and I felt the pain. My Dr. was like "We don't see any infection yet, but we'll give you antibiotics based on your symptoms" and it cleared up after a few days of those. I remember getting up to pee every 5-10 minutes one day and said "Nope!" then went to the Dr. I don't go that often as of now. It's more like every hour, like when I take a fluid pill and I actually go with clear urine. I'm not sure. I have no pain; it just started yesterday and really don't want to go to the Dr. for no reason. I'm going to keep an eye on it though. I'm paranoid that I have a UTI! I think I might be a hypochondriac.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 Thank you! I have never been real regular. I seriously honestly believe I ovulate once a year. I have never caught the symptoms like I have this year. I have a period a few times a year. June, July and Aug. Then again in Dec and Jan. Its so weird but its my normal. However I am pretty sure I ovulated this time around so I would think if I am not pregnant which I plan on testing on my moms birthday on the 21st. Then I should start soon after that. So we shall see. I currently have the never ending headache. I don't get these types of symptoms when I am starting my period. I get severe cramping. Can anyone tell me what type of cervical mucus is normal around this time? 5DPO?

6 years ago

@Burn2Ash. I wouldn't paranoid just yet. I am sure you are just fine. Relax. I've had that happen too where I had symptoms and the doctor gave me the pills and it went away after a few days. Man I was glad when I was able to go .

@JulieDR1981. That's a long time to go without having a period. Have you ever been tested for PCOS? My expected AF is the 19 (day before my birthday) so I am praying that I get a BFP. At 5dpo for me (8dpo today), I had watery lotiony cm. Every woman is different and the responses won't be the same. What is your cm at this stage? Do you temp or anything like that?

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6 years ago

Hi Ladies I'm new to the group and I'm TTC. Currently 7dpo and I posted pics of my HPT under the 7dpo images on this site. I suffered a MC in July when I was 10 1/2 weeks along , had a DNC done. Then right after that the next cycle I had a chemical pregnancy about 4 days after I had a positive HPT. Now I'm trying again and this is my third cycle. So hoping for a May2018 baby! Just wanted to share my story for others to stay encouraged! I'm hoping I get or have a already! And to you all!

6 years ago

Welcome to the new comers! Glad to have you with us!

@proudma4+ -- I'm sorry for your losses. I know how hard those can be. Definitely keep yourself optimistic. You've joined a great group. Very helpful and supportive group of ladies.

@JulieDR1981 -- Glad to have you with us!

@dragonfly23 -- I think I'm actually in the clear for the UTI. The frequent urination subsided early this afternoon. It was just for about 10 hours, and now I'm back to my normal peeing every 2 hours. But, now, I'm super irritable. I'm a manager at a call center and people keep asking me questions and I'm just like "LEAVE ME ALONE! FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" Yea. It's bad. That could be AF related, because I do get irritable/weepy a few days before AF (and the intensity varies), but I'm still about 4 days away, so a tad bit earlier than usual.

Still got my fingers crossed!

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6 years ago

@Burn2Ash. Just a quick message for now. Just got home from work as my temp-director wanted to have a meeting with me. I too get really weepy the day before AF. i suffer from anxiety and when dhe wanted to talk to me, I was getting a bit anxious. But it was good as I had to get something off my chest for quite awhile. Anyway, so glad it's not a UTI. I wonder what that was all about. I read a forum that a lady who had a .3 drop in BBT temp got pregnant. So, whose to say it won't happen for us. Keeping fingers crossed.

@proudma4+. Welcome. This has been the best forum group I've been in and this is my first time. Whose to say God can't bring people together.

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6 years ago

I'm not sure if this is a pregnancy sign or not but I had what was a gush of fluid leak out. However, I am not sure if it was from my bath I got out of a few minutes prior. I try not to get anything in there. Who knows. Still having breast awkwardness of feeling full and sometimes the areolas get large then shrink back down. Only a week left till AF shows her ugly face. Let's hope she stays away.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 yes I have pcos. That is my normal cycle lol. It's also the same as my mom and aunt. My mom passed away a couple years ago whis is why it's kinda interesting that my test date is her birthday. ???? I have had creamy white mucus yesterday and today. I have been so moody today as well. I know all I can really do is wait lol but it's hard not to symptom watch ????

6 years ago

Hey y'all! I'm back on the boards :)
I'm a 28 y/o TTC #1
M/C of 3
Anywho, I'm testing here in 11 days and I already have creamy mucous, back pain, hips hurt, my head hurts, my boobs hurt, and I'm super lethargic. I have already had people at work tell me that I have that "glow" but what do they know lol anyways! I'm glad to be back!

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6 years ago

I want to share this wonderful testimony with happiness to God for blessing me and my husband with a lovely boy after trying for good 9 years. I have met a lot of doctors over the years but non could identify my problem because i kept on getting different results from them. Until one day i was browsing through the internet and i saw a site where people gave testimonies on how Dr Okoli helped them with different cases of infertility. I decided to give it a try.
I contacted him imminently.
Call/WhatsApp:+2348066439533) He also gave me some instructions on what to do, i was surprised wen my doctor told me and my husband that i was already 2 weeks pregnant, Its like a dream come through for my family. Please contact him for all your infertility cases too.
his email address:

6 years ago

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