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June 2015 Babies!

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Starting this now for anyone who is out for a May baby, as I am.

Post here if you're try for a June baby.

(I'll still troll the other forums, but I thought I'd make this one in advance)

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

853 Replies • 9 years ago



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Just try to hold your pee for while during the day and test! I don't see why not. :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Hi everyone! I will do my best to comment on everybody, but work is a bit crazy so I don't have a bunch of time. If I forget you, I'm sorry, it wasn't on purpose.

gemma - good luck testing!

bumpin - for

calvin - it might be better to wait a day or 2 for the hcg to build up. Then you will get your dark lines!!

pisces - welcome back!

snow - my DH and I went through that earlier this year. It really sucked because it got really bad only a few months after we got married. It caused a lot of issues between us until we talked it out a few times. Things started to turn around once I started to lose some weight. Now that we both have lost over 30 lbs we don't have any trouble. He said that sex felt different and he didn't like it at all and it wasn't that he found me unattractive and didn't love me but there was just something that wasn't working for him. But its all good now!!

anovolis -

Lolo - I hope that you caught that egg!!

AFM, I spotted once yesterday after my tummy got really really upset. And then nothing. I didn't even spot after sex last night. I had some spotting this morning when I got to work. I haven't checked the tampon yet to see how bad it is. My stomach has been very upset and I have felt extra nauseous for the past 2 days. As much as it sucks, if it means that I'm pg then I'm all for it and i will figure it out!!!

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9 years ago

Thanks Danielle will keep you all posted tomorrow

Danielle sounds promising how many DPO'S are you?

User Image Me 36 DH 49 6 Yrs TTC MC last at 6weeks Ectopic at 6-7 weeks Using Homoathic Medicine since July 14

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,


Thanks. I sure hope I caught the eggy too this month. Temp rose this morning so hoping it continues and then I will feel better knowing that I just had a short LH surge.

I had weird CM this morning and not really sure how to classify it. It was basically like a milky white ewcm. Would I call it ewcm? It wasn't clear...almost looked like lotiony egg white...if that makes sense. Later on, it looked more egg white and clear but that could have been because we just BD'd. I posted it as ewcm...but questioning if I should change it. What do you think?

nicole2014: Thanks. I will definitely be trying to make improvements on my eating...I refuse to buy more clothes. Not until I have to buy maternity clothes that is. Just like I am in dire need for some bras. But refuse to buy any until I need to start buying maternity bras...ya know?

_snowwhite_: Since this problem is new I can almost guarantee it's because he is tired and having a hard time with his schedule. Chances are once he is off nights and getting more sleep it will go back to normal. DH & I struggle as well but he knows we are on a schedule and he just keeps at it until we DTD. Romance has pretty much gone out the window at this point. It's sad's more like a chore. I know that will change once we are PG and not on a schedule anymore. Hopefully you haven't missed your chance this month but if you have just know he is almost done with this whacky schedule and hopefully next month will definitely work out for you. FX'd!!!

piscesmama: I think I am also at 2DPO. My OPK results were darkest on Wed but still didn't show a +OPK. Thinking I might've had a short LH surge. Guess the temps will let me know for sure in the next couple days. for us both!

A little confused why you were out because of the HSG...was there something more to it? Was everything clear?

calvingirl: Hope your next test comes out positive

Bumpin4Baby: Awww I am sorry you are getting BFN's. What day are you on? If this isn't your month I hope AF arrives soon for you so you can officially start your next cycle. Hopefully the tests are just being stupid and this is still your month.


If I forgot anyone I am truly sorry...I am also at work and busy at times...

Good luck to those testing! And good luck to those with me in this TWW!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Danielle: Thanks girl! My tummy has been upset for 3 days now. Not real sure why either. I have also been getting dizzy spells, but that isn't too uncommon for me. FX that you get that BFP!! :)

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago


Pisces- welcome back! I guess, lol.

Calvin- I agree, give it a day or two to build up in your system.

Danielle- can't wait for you to test!!


Snow- I also went through the lack of desire thing with my DH. He was just crazy tired from school and projects. We had talks about it, and he assured me that it wasn't me. It seemed like the only times he wanted to BD was at like 3am, which didn't really work for me! We are much better now, both of our lives have calmed down. Keep encouraging him, try not to vent your frustrations on him, but definitely keep the communication open. GL hun.

Lolo- Yes to the clothes thing! I was so mad about having to buy new clothes! I decided that I would just be content with my body and work on maintaining. But now when I go to buy new work clothes, I always have the "what if I get pregnant?" thought, so I've stuck to just buying shirts :) Also, I've read that if you BDd recently, it can cloud up your CM. I think the consistency matters more than the color.

9 years ago

Thanks lolo!! Well, I thought I was 16 DPO but now thinking I may have O'd a few days later. My LP is typically 16 days, but I am sure is thrown off now by the MC. IDK, I am just going to keep testing everyday or maybe every other day until I get AF.

I was going to say that the milky EWCM could have been sperm mixed in, but then you said you BD and it was then clear so I am not too sure anymore! LOL. FX that your temp keeps rising & you get that BFP!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Nicole: Thank you! I am at the point where I just wish it would come on if it is going to so I can start making plans for the next cycle.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

RPope: Better luck this cycle!! FX! Shouldn't your EDD be July 1st?

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Gemma - I'm either 22dpo or 15dpo. Not 100% sure since I'm not sure which day I ovulated. I had strong ovulation pains two days 1 week apart.

Thanks Lolo!!

Bumpin and Nicole - I want to test so bad! Need to figure out where the dollar store is near the new house! But every time I test AF shows up within hours. Its so frustrating!!

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9 years ago

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