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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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@MidnightMystery - You do have to be strong and sometimes the strongest best thing a women can do in your situation is to leave. Take your kids and get out. There are shelters and organizations that can help you, even if you don't have money right now. They can house you and help you find a job and get back on your feet. Search online for these organizations and please reach out to them. They know the best things to do in situations like these. Don't stay with him if he puts you through stuff like this. Also, kids are learning all the time and you don't want them growing up in a situation like this. Please get some help.

6 years ago

@MidnightMystery - Beaut1ful is right about family too. They could be the ones that will help you get out. Give them a call or message them online if that is your only way of communication.

@Dragonfly - glad to see your temp back up! Mine went up today too. Back to 97.7, but that's the highest I've recorded for me so I'm happy with it. My fertility friend app gave me a coverline of 97.3 so I'm happy if I stay above that. Your cramping might be from implantation!

6 years ago

Dragonfly- No didnt take it that way. i have a co-worker like that today. LOL. But i hope the update fixes some of these issue. as i have to refresh every time to see if someone posted. Same here with my othe pregnancies it was "like wam bam thank you mam, boom pregnant" Except with my daughter took 5 months to conceive her. but i was also just got off BC that i was on for 3 years. i spotted 2 days after temp dip, i have a feeling it didnt "stick" bc i NEVER had that degree of a dip before at 10dpo and at 12dpo -spotted 1 time only. Nothing till AF but snot stuff, no infection as i looked that up to. Let see if you get 3 high temps. Will you test at 9dpo, bc you dip early so you might be one of the lucky ones who get a positive at 8-9dpo .

6 years ago

Question for you ever know when you are ovulating without doing OPK's? I don't temp or do OPK's and I just try to go by my CM. Yesterday though I had a ton of pressure in my lower abdomen all day. almost felt like a UTI. I also had an upset stomach all day and couldnt eat as much as I usually do. Do any of you feel like this during ovulation? I always read that you'll feel pain on one side during ovulation but i just have a lot of pressure in the middle of my lower abdomen. Today i feel better so im thinking maybe yesterday was my O day? My CM points to Ovulation but I want to pinpoint a day for me to go by for my tww. Also i have my obgyn appt today.....can they tell if you have or have no ovulated yet? Thanks for any advice ladies!

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6 years ago

@Pearl - This was my first cycle doing temp and OPKs, before that I just went on what my apps were telling me based on cycle length I think. They were off by a few days pinpointing my ovulation on CD18 or 19. It looks like I'm more regular (based on this one cycle!) around CD14 or 15. I would not be able to tell when I ovulate if I didn't use these two methods. I have never felt any pressure during ovulation or anything. Hope this helps! Not sure if the OBGYN can tell unless they do an ultrasound.

6 years ago

pearl325- How i know i will see a +opk (i use them) I feel cramps, bloated, a pain on 1 or both sides, almost like AF cramps but an all over feeling. And feel wet. Once the egg releases my CM is creamy. about 3dpo its alot more noticeable and creamy still.

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. Oh I am glad your temp went up today. The cramps feel like AF as the cramps are isolated near the hip bone. When do you plan on testing?

@Beaut1ful38. That is what my temp did the last cycle too. Went up a point of a degree, spotted for like you said 1 day and then AF came shortly after as I was a day late so I also didn't think it stuck. It's weird as I didn't have any implantation bleed with my first or didn't pay attention. The only thing I noticed was the constant cramping like AF was going to come. If yesterday was "implantation" when can I test as I really don't want to test too early and get a BFN?

@Pearl_325. I get ovulation pain and sometimes it's to a point where I can't even walk. I am with FlamingoGirl, I used to go off my app too and would try to BD as close as I can. First time I got pregnant, I looked at my app and thought, maybe I should try the day before and then wham I got pregnant. I am pretty sure they can see if you ovulated or not but won't know unless you ask.

I have a question and I am sure I won't be the only one who is curious. Implantation cramps and AF cramps. What area on the body can you feel them? Would you feel them in the belly region or lower in the pelvic region. Like right now I am having slight cramps near the lower half of the hip bone.

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6 years ago

dragonfly- There is so much mixed opinions of implantation cramps, 1- Cramps that Seems like AF
2-Cramps that feel like gas
3-Cramps that feel like you need to run to the RR soon, digestive issue.
I have had all of these during what i thought was Implantation timing. This time AF was no cramps but like gas build up. I guess its different every time. This is what i got out of it with research, personal experience, and peoples reviews. i did have them all over, lower part of abdomen and hip area as well. Our body is so confusing LOL

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. It sure is. I will have to see if I can try to Google and see what I can find. I have IBS so I totally hear you when whatever we feel can mean absolutely anything. Are you doing anything different this cycle?

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- Yes google do some research as you can pin point your type of cramp. Every website gave me different outcomes as well.

This cycle: No temp, no checking of any kind, SMEP, Still taking my prenatal vitamin, pre-seed and 3 times a day taken Omega 3. I am eating healthy "diet" as i went to Dr and have gain some weight. i think its due to stress over these past months TTC and thanksgiving. So i am trying to lose a few lbs.

6 years ago

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